
How to place an ad on the Internet

Do you want to get rid of some items you no longer need and try to make some money? Do you need to buy or sell a new car? Are you looking for a new job? I believe that the answer to your needs may be the publication of an ad. But no, what are you doing with that newspaper in your hand? The ads I am referring to are not those of the “old” paper newspapers, but those online.

If, in fact, until a few years ago it was necessary to rely on advertisements in newspapers and “word of mouth” to be able to buy/sell objects or find/offer jobs, today things have definitely changed. Thanks to the Internet, in fact, everything has become easier and there are many services on which to publish your announcements relating to the sale of objects or to the search/offer of work.

How do you say? You are interested in this but you are not very familiar with technology and do not know exactly how to place an advertisement on the Internet? Don’t worry: if you want I can explain how to do it. Make yourself comfortable, take all the time you need to concentrate on reading the next paragraphs and, more importantly, try to identify the most suitable platform for you, among those I am about to propose to you. I wish you happy reading and I wish you a big good luck for everything!


  • How to place an ad on the Internet
    • Immediately
    • Kijiji
    • eBay
    • Facebook Marketplace
    • Autoscout24
    • Other ad services
  • How to place a job ad on the Internet
    • Monster
    • Indeed
    • Other services for job advertisements

How to place an ad on the Internet

If you want to place an advertisement on the Internet, you have a variety of services suitable for the purpose, most of which are also available in the form of apps for mobile devices. Let me explain how they work in detail.


The first ad site that I recommend you try is Subito: it is a very famous platform that allows you to insert ads of various kinds in an easy, fast and free way (also available as an app for Android and iOS ). If desired, Subito also allows you to give greater visibility to your ads, by paying an insertion fee, but it is not mandatory to do so.

To subscribe to the service and publish your first ad, connected to its home page, click on the Register button and, on the page that opens, fill in the text fields and menus  Your email,  PasswordBirthday,  Gender and Municipality. Then put the checkmark in the box relating to the acceptance of the conditions of use of the service and click on the Confirm button. Within a few moments, you will receive an email containing a link for activating the account: click on it, so as to be redirected to the account you just created (simultaneously verifying your identity).

Now you can finally create your ad. Then click on the green Insert Ad (+) button on the main page of your personal area, specify the category to which the object of the ad belongs, using the Category menu, and use the text fields and the Ad Type menus, ImageAd Title and  Ad Text to complete your ad.

Specify, then, if you are a  private individual or a company, fill in the text fields Name and Telephone (you can also hide the latter by ticking the Hide number box ) providing the requested information, click on the Continue button and, on the summary page that opens, check that everything is okay. Finally, click on the Continue button located at the bottom of the page and wait for the ad to be published (usually this happens within a few minutes or, at most, a few hours).

For more information on how to place an ad on Subito, please consult the in-depth analysis I have dedicated to the service: it will surely come in handy.

Kijiji is another platform that I invite you to try to publish ads on the Internet, since it allows you to create advertisements for free and without having to register. It allows you to sell items and post job advertisements. Also in this case, I would like to point out that it is possible to increase the visibility of your ad by paying small amounts of money, starting from € 1.90, to make it return to the top or highlight it. In case you’re wondering, Kijiji is also available as an app for Android and iOS.

To post an ad on Kijiji, connect to its home page and click on the red Insert button located in the upper right corner. Then use the form that is shown to you to specify the  Category of the product that is the subject of the advertisement and the Municipality in which it is located. In the section  Enter the Title, Description and Images, then place the checkmark next to the item I offer or I am looking for , write the titleprice and description of the item in the appropriate text fields and click on the item Images if necessary to add up to 8 photos.

Finally, provide your personal data by filling in the text fields  EmailName and Telephone and click on the Publish your ad button located at the bottom of the page. Within a few seconds, you will receive an email from the service: click on the link contained in the message to confirm the publication of the announcement.

If you want to publish ads with the purpose of selling items, you cannot fail to consider eBay, the famous online auction site that allows you to create your own listings and even create your own virtual shop, publishing free or paid ads. Free ads require the payment of a commission of 11.5% in case of sale of the object of the advertisement (to which must be added a commission of 0.35 euros per transaction + taxes on shipping costs). EBay is also available as an app for Android and iOS.

To publish an ad on eBay, linked to its main page, click on the item register! located at the top left, enter your personal data in the Name,  Surname,  Email address,  Password fields   and click the Subscribe button.

Once registered, add a payment method. Since starting from 2021 PayPal is no longer the default payment method on eBay (the historic agreement between the two companies having lapsed), provide the details of the bank account on which to receive payments by going to this page, by logging in to your account (if required) and, after clicking on the Continue button, indicate your account information (you can also enter the IBAN of a prepaid). Finally, click on the Submit button.

You can now start selling on eBay. Then click on the Sell link located at the top left, write the title of your ad in the text field  Enter a descriptive title for the ad and click on the Get started button. In the new page that opens, provide the title,  subtitle,  category and condition of the object you are selling by writing these data in the appropriate text fields and specify the ad format by selecting between Online Auction and  Buy It Now.

Specification, then the price and possibly the duration inset, define the conditions of shipment and payment method that you are willing to accept and, after verifying the insertion rates in located on the right pane, click the button  Put sale at the rates shown to post the ad. If you want more information on how to sell on eBay, do not hesitate to read the in-depth analysis that I have just linked to you.

Facebook Marketplace

If you are registered with Facebook, you can take advantage of the Marketplace section of the social network to publish ads to be displayed to other users of the platform. To use it, log in to Facebook from your computer or from its application for Android and iOS, press the Marketplace item (located in the left sidebar on your computer) and then press the (+) button Sell ​​something.

On the next screen, write the title of the listing and the price of the product you want to sell in the text fields  What do you sell? e  Add price, specify the place where the object is located and select the category to which it belongs.

To conclude, provide a description of the item, press the +10 photo button to insert one or more descriptive images of the product and first press the Next button and then the Post button to publish the announcement on Facebook Marketplace.

If any users are interested in your ad, they will contact you via a private message. If you would like some more clarification regarding the functioning of Facebook Marketplace, please consult the guide I published on the subject.

Do you have to sell a car on the Internet? In this case, consider posting an ad on AutoScout24, one of the best portals for buying and selling cars, both new and of course also used. Please note the availability of the service also as an app for  Android and iOS.

To use it, connected to the AutoScout24 main page, click on the My AutoScout24 item located at the top right and click on the Register now link in the menu that opens. In the new page that is shown to you, write the required data in the Email and Password text fields, put the checkmark next to the box relating to acceptance of the terms of use of the service and then click on the Register button.

After registration, open the Insert menu located at the top, select the item corresponding to the type of vehicle you want to sell (eg. Used cars or Motorcycles and scooters ) and fill in the form displayed providing all the required data: BrandRegistration dateModelFuelPower and Equipment and click the Sell ​​Car / Sell Motorbike button.

Then specify  ColorMileage and Price, provide the description of the car in the appropriate text field and then click on the Add photo button to upload the images depicting the vehicle.

Then make sure that the information in the Equipment and Driving & Environment sections is correct and also provide the information requested in the Conditions & Maintenance section. Finally, provide your personal data in the Contact Information box at the bottom of the page, check the  I have read and accept the AutoScout24 Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy box and click on the Publish ad online button to publish the ad.

If you would like more information on how AutoScout24 works, check out the guides where I explain in depth how to post an ad on AutoScout24  and how to edit an ad on AutoScout24.

Other ad services

If the portals I told you about in the previous lines did not satisfy you, I suggest you take a look at these other ad services, because they might be for you.

  • Bakeca– is a famous ad portal that allows you to post advertisements. The service is free and allows you to post ads without registering.
  • it– is a classifieds site that offers the possibility to publish advertisements for free, without registering and accompanying them with descriptive photos and videos.
  • Announce– is a platform that, as its name suggests, allows you to publish free advertisements of various kinds, both regarding the sale of objects and cars and properties. It offers the possibility of including descriptive videos in the ads and is also available as an app for  Android.
  • Etsy– if you make handmade items, you can’t not publish your ads on Etsy, a portal that offers the possibility of opening a virtual shop where you can sell artifacts and vintage items of at least 20 years. Please note that the opening of the shop is free, however you must pay an insertion fee of $ 0.20 and, in the event of an actual sale, a commission of 5% on the value of the product, excluding shipping costs. The service is also available as an app for Android and iOS . More info here.

How to place a job ad on the Internet

Do you want to know how to place a job advertisement on the Internet because you need to hire new employees or want to post ads to look for a job? Let me show you how to use some service suitable for the purpose (perhaps to be used in conjunction with some of the ad sites I told you about earlier).

A solution that I recommend you to try to place job advertisements online is  Monster, a platform used by companies and individuals to offer and find work. I anticipate that if you want to publish an ad to look for new employees, you have to pay a fee starting from 270 euros. The publication of your CV online, on the other hand, is free. I would like to point out the availability of Monster also in the form of an app for Android and iOS.

To do so, connected to the Monster main page, click on the Publish Ads Company Area button located at the top right and, on the page that opens, click on the green More info button located in the Publish an offer box.

Then choose how many ads you want to publish by clicking on the Buy button placed in correspondence with the rate you prefer to subscribe and, on the page that opens, fill out the registration form that is proposed to you by providing emailcompany phonecompany namepostcode, a country in the text of the appropriate field, then choose whether or not to receive commercial communications from the service, accept the conditions of use (by ticking the appropriate box) and click on the green Continue button.

Within a few seconds you will receive an email to the address you provided: click on the link contained within it to confirm your account, complete the registration of the latter indicating the payment method with which to pay the fee. ad and, after clicking on the Submit order button, write your ad using the Monster editor.

If, on the other hand, you want to upload a CV online because you are looking for a job, go to this page of Monster, click on the Upload button from my computer, register for the service using your email, your Google account or your Facebook account.

Once registered, upload your CV by clicking on the appropriate upload button, check the box Make this CV searchable by companies and select the option that best suits your condition from the menu located under the heading Work permit for Italy.


If you want to post a job posting to recruitIndeed might be for you. In fact, this too is a very famous portal in the job posting sector and is also available as an app for Android and iOS.

To use the job posting function on Indeed, go to this portal page, click on the Post Job button and register for the service using your email address or your Google or Facebook accounts.

Once registered, click on the Post a job offer button located on the left, fill in the fields Name of your companyCompany sizeYour nameTelephone number and How did you know about us by providing all the required information and click on the button Continue.

On the page that opens, fill in the text fields Title of the offerCompany and Location, click on the Continue button, specify the details of the job offer specifying the type of contract offered, the salary and the urgency related to the hiring you need to do and click the Continue button again.

Then describe the job offer using the appropriate text field that appears on the screen, click on the Continue button, define the other details of the announcement, such as the method of contact and the mandatory receipt of the curriculum by the candidates and click again on the Continue button.

To conclude, define the candidate’s requirements and the type of skills assessment, reread the summary of the job offer and, if everything is correct, click on the Confirm button and choose whether to sponsor the ad or not, by clicking on the Publish offer button without sponsorship or define the available budget and click Continue (in the latter case, before publishing the announcement you will need to provide a billing address and a valid payment method).

Other services for job advertisements

If you want to try other job posting services, I recommend that you take a look at the solutions listed below, as they may come in handy.

  • LinkedIn– this is the social network used in business to seek and offer work and create networks between professionals from all over the world. Basically the service is free, but it is possible to subscribe to the Premium subscription, which starts at € 30.20 / month, which offers advanced functions designed for companies and recruiters. It is also available as an app for Android and iOSMore info here.
  • Careerjet– is another portal (also available as an app for Android and iOS ) that allows you to search for work, publish your CV online and post job offers starting from 100 euros for 45 days.
  • Trovolavoro– is a famous job search portal owned by Corriere della Sera. It also allows you to publish job advertisements and advertisements, paying a subscription starting at 350 euros/month.


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