
How to pay the stamp duty online

Paying the car tax every year is always unpleasant, also because it often happens to forget it or simply do not have the time to go to an ACI delegation to make the payment. How do you say? Do you want to know if there is an alternative way to pay the tax over the Internet, but you absolutely don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, that’s what I’m here for. In this tutorial I will show you how to pay your vehicle tax online from the comfort of your home.

Not a great computer expert? Don’t worry, these are very simple operations to do, so you don’t need to be a computer genius. All you have to do is choose one of the methods that I will show you (one is equivalent to the other) and then proceed by following precisely the steps that I will show you.

Unfortunately, however, even if you decide to pay the stamp duty online, there is no discount on the amount you would have to pay simply by going to an ACI delegation. However, you will not need to physically go to an ACI delegation, perhaps even waiting in line, thus avoiding wasting precious time. You can do all the operations from the comfort of your home. Having made this small clarification, let’s start with the tutorial.


  • Preliminary information
  • How to pay stamp duty online
    • Pay stamp duty online with ACI
    • Pay stamp duty online with Home Banking
    • Pay stamp duty online with Satispay
    • Pay stamp duty online Poste
  • How to pay expired stamp duty online
  • How to pay online car tax for previous years

Preliminary information

The car tax, also known as the automobile tax, is a tax that the owner of a car or motor vehicle must pay annually in favor of the region of residence. This tax is not the same for everyone, but varies according to the region of residence and according to the type of vehicle in possession. The power of the vehicle is evaluated, calculated in kilowatts, the pollution class (Euro 1, 2 etc.) and the age of the vehicle. Usually, the more recent the vehicle, and therefore the less polluting, the more this tax is reduced.

The expiry of the car tax is generally set in three periods: April (to be paid by 31 May), August (to be paid by 30 September) and December (to be paid by 31 January). As I mentioned earlier, to pay the car tax it is not necessary to go to an ACI delegation, because it is also possible to do this from home. To do this, you can take advantage of the ACI website, your Home Banking and other online payment systems.

Before proceeding, however, I want to make a small but important clarification: at the moment it is not possible to pay the stamp duty online in all Italian regions, in fact, Calabria, Veneto and Marche are still excluded from this possibility.

In all other regions, however, it is possible to pay the road tax from the comfort of home. Whether you want to know how to pay the online stamp duty in Lombardyhow to pay the stamp duty online in Marche or in Puglia, the procedure to be performed will be exactly the same. The final cost of the tax will change, as I explained earlier.

How do you say? Has your car tax expired? Do not worry, even if you have inadvertently forgotten to pay the car tax and it has now expired, you can still proceed with its payment. An additional penalty for delay will be added to the total amount, which is calculated by the system and entered directly during the payment phase. But now enough chat and let’s see how to pay stamp duty online using the different methods available.

How to pay stamp duty online

Well, finally there it is. You are finally convinced and want to pay the car tax from the comfort of your home. Below I propose some methods, all absolutely valid, with which you can complete the operation regardless of your region of residence.

Pay stamp duty online with ACI

The ACI (Automobile Club of Italy) , in addition to making available thousands of delegations throughout Italy, has also made available an online stamp payment system. The system will automatically calculate the amount to be paid and all you have to do is pay, while sitting comfortably on the sofa. How do you say? Not sure how to proceed? Don’t worry, I’ll guide you.

The first step to take to pay stamp duty online with ACI is to connect to the ACI website to calculate the amount of the stamp you have to pay. On the page that opened, click on the button Calculate the stamp and super stamp on the left, while on the next screen enter the data required by the system: Type of paymentType of vehicleRegion of residence and License plate. Once you have entered all the required data, click on the Calculate button.

In this way the system will generate a report, in which you will find all the details regarding your vehicle. Scrolling towards the end you will find the section that interests you, relating to the payment of the stamp duty.

Here you will find the amount of the tax that you have to pay and also an additional penalty in case you have forgotten to pay the stamp when it expires. As you can see, this additional penalty is very low, if the expiry of the stamp is less than one year.

Well, now that you have found out how much the total is, you can proceed with the payment by clicking on the Make payment button below. On the next page, move to the right column and check the data entered automatically by the system. If they are correct, click on the button Do you want to pay the stamp duty? that you find immediately below. After a short upload, a new screen will open that will show you a further summary, with the total amount of the stamp that you will have to pay, to continue click on the Continue button at the bottom.

Well, on this page you have to enter all the applicant’s data. In legal nature, you must indicate who the vehicle is registered to: if you are a private individual, choose a male / female individual, otherwise you can choose from a wide range of options, including AssociationCommitteeMunicipalityCompany, etc.

Enter all other required data: NameSurnamee-mailTax codeAddressCivic numberMunicipalityProvinceZIP code and State. Once you have completed all the required fields, click on the Make payment button below. In the next screen, the system will notify you that the payment will be made through the pagoPa system. The pagoPa system supports different types of payments, including those via credit cards, debit cardsprepaid cards, direct debit on current account, Satispay and PayPal.

Click on the Confirm button and log in. To enter the pagoPa system you have two possibilities. You can enter via the SPID system or, if you do not have one, just use your email. Choose one of the two systems, it doesn’t matter which one, and proceed with the payment.

On the next screen you will be asked how to make the payment, that is, whether by credit/debit cardcurrent account or other: choose the one that is most convenient for you, but in some cases there is an additional commission. Once you have chosen which payment system to use, all you have to do is click on the Continue button and proceed to enter the required data, for example your card number if you are using a debit/credit or prepaid card or e-mail and password of the your PayPal account if you use the latter. Once you have entered the data, all you have to do is click on the Pay Now button and the procedure will be completed successfully.

If you are unable to complete the procedure or if, even after making the payment, the stamp is still unpaid, you can contact the ACI (Automobile Club d’Italia) assistance by phone or by e-mail. All the contacts you need are available on this page .

Pay stamp duty online with Home Banking

A valid alternative to the ACI website is to use the Home Banking service made available by your bank. How do you say? Don’t know how to pay stamp duty online with Home Banking? Don’t worry, that’s what I’m here for.

Enter your bank’s website or app and go to the section dedicated to banking operations. In this section you will find the possibility of making different types of payments, including the one relating to the payment of the car tax. If you don’t find it, you can also try typing the word stamp in the search field on your bank’s website or app, so you can go directly to the item you’re interested in (unfortunately I can’t give you more specific instructions, as each banking institution has services structured in a different way).

Once in the section dedicated to the payment of the car tax, all you have to do is enter the required data, that is the license plate of your vehicle, select the type of vehicle by choosing between motor vehicle, vehicle or trailer and press the Continue or Next button, to depending on what you see on the screen. The next screen will tell you exactly the amount you will have to pay and, in case of late payment, also the additional penalty.

In addition, there is an additional fee to take advantage of this service, which may vary according to the provisions of your bank. Now that you know exactly how much the total amount of the car tax is, you just have to press the Confirm button to proceed with the payment of the tax with your account.

To confirm the payment, you will be asked to enter the PIN of your online account or to confirm the operation via the app on your smartphone. Once the operation is confirmed, you will be able to pay the car tax via home banking.

Pay stamp duty online with Satispay

Another alternative that I propose today is to pay stamp duty online with Satispay, a payment service that works entirely via smartphone and allows you to make purchases in many shops and businesses throughout Italy. It also allows you to take advantage of a wide range of very interesting services and cashback in the businesses that join. It does not require the use of cards and relies on a bank IBAN from which you can top up your account every week, setting a budget of your choice.

The free application is available for Android and iOS / iPadOS devices and also allows you to pay the car tax. How do you say? Have you never used Satispay to make a payment? Don’t worry, I’ll guide you. After downloading the app on your smartphone, start it and create your account following the instructions on the screen: just press the Start now button, enter your phone number and your email address and tap on the Next button.

Download Satispay and use the promo code ARANZULLA to get € 5 as a bonus upon registration:Download Satispay for AndroidDownload Satispay for iOS

On the next screen, you will need to confirm your phone number by entering the code that will be sent to you automatically by the system, after which you will need to create your access PIN. Once this is done you will have to enter your IBAN code and enter all the personal data requested. Finally, you will need to confirm your identity. To do this, the system will ask you to frame with the camera of your smartphone your identity document, choosing from Italian identity cardthe Italian driver’s license or passport. Once this step is completed your Satispay account is ready to use.

Well, now that your Satispay account is active and ready to use, let’s see together all the steps to follow in order to pay the car tax with Satispay. To proceed, tap on the Services item in the bottom menu and, on the next screen, choose the Car and motorcycle stamp option.

Well, now you have to enter the data relating to your vehicle: then tap on the Add a vehicle button, then choose the type of vehicle you have and enter the license plate number.

To proceed, then tap on the vehicle icon and in the next menu that appears at the bottom, tap on the Pay item. On the next screen, you will get the exact amount of the stamp duty, including any additional penalties, to which you will have to add an additional cost of € 1 for the operation.

To confirm payment via Satispay, simply press the  button next to the amount. Well, you have now successfully completed the payment of your vehicle tax through Satispay.

For more details, see my guide on how Satispay works.

Pay stamp duty online Poste

How do you say? Do you use Poste Italiane as a banking institution and would you like to use their service? Do not worry, because with the last alternative that I propose today I show you just how to pay postage stamps online.

Start by logging into the Italian Post Office site (or the BancoPosta app, although I’ll tell you about the site). On the initial screen, you will find the Pay online section with the reference to the Car Stamp inside: select it and the system will ask you to enter your login credentials. To access, you can enter your username and password, or scan the QR Code using the BancoPosta or PostePay apps on your smartphone.

After logging in to your account, select the item Car tax in the section What do you want to pay by clicking on the arrow with a yellow background? On the next screen, then enter all the data relating to your vehicle, namely: Region or autonomous province of residenceType of vehicleLicense plate/chassis and Reduction. In this last section, if you don’t know, from the drop-down menu you can select one of the items present if related to your vehicle, for example if it is equipped with an electric motor or is a vehicle intended for use in a driving school. If none of these are related to your vehicle, select No reduction.

Once you have entered all the data, click on the Calculate car tax button. After a short upload, the system will show you the total amount to pay, which will automatically include any additional penalties as well. To proceed with the payment of the amount, click on the Continue button and on the next screen select a payment method, for example a PostePay connected to your postal account or a credit/debit card. Once you have selected the payment method that is most convenient for you, click on the Authorize button at the bottom to make the payment, which will show the amount to be paid, with an additional fee of 1 €.

To confirm the payment, the system will ask you to confirm the transaction from your smartphone by entering the PIN code of your account or enter the numerical code arrived via SMS on your telephone number linked to the postal account. Once the payment has been authorized, the procedure will be completed automatically and the car tax will be regularly paid.

How to pay expired stamp duty online

How do you say? Have you forgotten to pay your car tax and don’t know how to pay expired tax online? As I mentioned earlier, there is no problem with that. Any of the systems that I showed you before automatically calculate the additional penalty that you will have to pay in case of expired stamp duty, so the final amount you will get will have already included any additional penalty.

Not sure how much a possible penalty could be? Don’t worry, I’ll show you. The amount of this penalty is 1.5% of the original amount if the payment is made between the fifteenth and thirtieth day after the due date. It rises to 1.67% if the payment is made between the thirty-first and ninetieth days after the due date. Finally, 3.75% is reached if the payment is made from the ninety-first day to one year after the due date. As you can see, these are quite limited penalties, but only if the deadline does not exceed one year.

How to pay online car tax for previous years

How do you say? Do you have more than one year of overdue car tax? Don’t worry, you can always fix it. On the Post Office website, in the section relating to the payment of the car tax, it is also possible to pay the tax relating to previous years. Below I show you how to pay online car tax for previous years on the Post Office website, but I warn you that it is necessary that you know exactly the years in which you have not paid the car crash.

If you are aware of this information, just follow my previous tutorial on how to pay the stamp duty on the Post Office website and in the section where you have to enter all the data, just select the words I want to pay a previous annuity. Once this item has been selected, a new section will open in which you can also choose the month and year of expiration and months of validity. From the Post Office site you can pay online the car tax expired from 2017 to today. For the sake of completeness, however, I warn you that the amount for each unpaid year will be made up of the expected amount plus a 30% penalty and any default interest for those who pay more than one year after the deadline.

How do you say? Don’t you remember exactly the years you didn’t pay the road tax? To find out exactly the years in which you have not paid the car tax, I recommend that you go directly to an ACI delegation so that they can provide a detailed report on your vehicle and you can pay the amount due directly there.


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