
How to make the stairs in Minecraft

how to make the stairs in Minecraft: You are a big fan of Minecraft and, thanks to your imagination and creativity, you have built some really interesting projects for your shelter, which can facilitate your gaming experience. Since you have decided to build a house on several levels, you are looking for a way to reach the upper floors of the house, using quick and easy methods to implement.

Did I guess? Well then how about making stairs? Do you want? Perfect, then let me explain to you how to make the stairs in Minecraft, so you can also build very high buildings without struggling to reach the various floors that compose them. First of all, I will therefore show you the procedures for building ladders or normal ladders with steps. Next, I’ll walk you through the steps to create a spiral staircase instead, in case you want to save space. I will then suggest mods that can expand the choice of stairs to use and, if you are a “lazy” person, I will also give you some suggestions on how to create an escalator.

Well: I would say not to waste any more precious time, because you have various information to consult to carry out your projects. So sit comfortably and pay attention to all the advice that I will give you in the course of the next chapters, so that you can put them into practice. I just have to wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • How to make ladder in Minecraft
  • How to do the steps in Minecraft
  • How to make spiral staircases in Minecraft
  • How to make escalators in Minecraft
  • Mod to make stairs in Minecraft

How to make ladder in Minecraft

If you want to know how to make a ladder in Minecraft, in this chapter I will show you the procedure for making ladders, which will allow the avatar to climb up to a place higher or, if installed in a shelter, to access the various floors of which it is made up.

Before explaining the procedure for creating ladders, it is important that you gather the materials necessary for the realization of this project. In this regard, you will need to stock up on lumber, as it could be used in large quantities, depending on the number of stairs you need to place.

Ladders are built from Batons. This resource can be easily created using wooden planks, obtained from wooden logs. Let’s proceed, however, in an orderly manner, to avoid confusing ideas on the procedures to follow.

After finding a tree and interacted on it with bare hands or with an ax, you will receive the wooden logs which, if inserted into the slot Manufacture inventory avatar or in a workbench, will allow you to obtain the Axes of wood.

By adding 2 units of timber Aces slot Manufacturing Inventory avatar or workbench, you’ll earn the sticks, with which you can create ladders. Sticks can also be crafted, using 2 units of Bamboo  (which you can find in the jungle). In a workbench, put 7 units of Staves, so that you get 3 units of Ladder.

These ladders can only be applied on a vertical plane: each ladder unit occupies one block of the wall surface. Therefore, if for example you have created a tree house, you will need several units of ladders to reach the top.

Therefore, you just have to apply the procedures that I have indicated in the previous paragraphs, to manufacture all the ladders you need.

How to do the steps in Minecraft

If you do not want to use the ladders, which I told you about in the previous chapter, but instead want to build normal ladders with steps, I suggest you read the procedures that I will show you in the next paragraphs.

First of all, you need to know that in Minecraft there are more than 30 variations of steps that you can create based on the material they are made of. For example, you can create wooden steps, of which six different types are available, according to the wood you are using.

In general, you can create steps out of woodbrickstonesandstonegranitedioriteandesitequartzprimary or purpur. Once you have chosen the material you want to use for the realization of this project, you will have to create the blocks of that specific material which, generally, are obtained from 4 units of the same resource.

Once you’ve found all the materials you need, it’s time to move on to making the steps. First, interact on a workbench and place 6 blocks of the material of your choice, arranging them to form a triangle.

By doing so, you will be able to collect 3 units of Steps, to be used in the project you are building, such as a house or a castle, so as to reach the upper floors.

How to make Minecraft spiral stairs

In case you want to build a spiral staircase in Minecraft, what you need to do is follow the directions that I will give you in the next lines. First, however, you will need to equip yourself with the Steps, which I told you about in the previous chapter.

The first thing you need to do is place a row of blocks on top of each other, until you reach the height of your choice, in order to create a pillar. As for the material to use, you can choose what you want: what I recommend, however, is to use the same material for both the blocks and the steps.

Once this is done, place a step on the ground next to the pillar and then add a block next to it. Once this is done, place another step next to it, taking care, however, to go up one level.

At this point, add another block next to this last placed step and, subsequently, place a step next to the block, going up yet another level.

What you need to do now is to continue with this sequence until you reach the height you have chosen. If you have followed the procedure I have indicated to the letter, you will have built a spiral staircase to reach the raised floors of your shelter or to climb a tower.

How to make escalators in Minecraft

If you want to build an escalator in Minecraft, what I can recommend is to use Command Blocks, which allow you to run scripts to automate or, in general, expand the interaction of the world of this video game.

Thanks to McMakistein, a passionate Minecraft user who has decided to put his knowledge and skills at the disposal of other players, it is possible to create an escalator in a simple and immediate way. All you have to do is reach this user’s official website, relative to the section dedicated to the escalator project.

Once this is done, click on the Resourcepack icon, to download a .zip file, which you will have to move to the resourcepacks folder, which you can find in the main Minecraft directory ( C: \ Users \ [name] \ AppData \ Roaming \ .minecraft ).

After doing this, launch Minecraft and log into an existing session or create a new one. At this point, type the command string / give @p minecraft: command_block in the chat, in order to get the Command Block.

If you have not previously enabled the use of cheats, pause the game and, in the screen that is shown to you, select the Open in LAN item. Now, press the Commands button, in order to change it to Yes, then confirming the procedure using the Start the world in LAN button.

At this point, place the Command Block on the ground and interact on it, to display the configuration interface. Now, back on the Web site from which you have previously downloaded the resourcepack and click on the button Copy the command in order to copy all of the code, then you will need to put in the box Control of the Keylock.

Now, click the Serve redstone button to change it to Always On. Then confirm the procedure by clicking on the Done button. If everything went well, you will suddenly see a new structure appear in place of the command block.

What you have to do now is to approach it and interact on the sign that says Give spawneggs, to receive two objects that will allow you to create an uphill and one down escalator. By equipping one of these items, you simply interact with them on the ground, in order to immediately craft an escalator.

If you want to create escalators of different lengths, you can use a Redstone Block on the ground, which will be identified as a placeholder for adjusting the length of the escalator.

Mod to make stairs in Minecraft

In addition to the solutions I told you about in the previous chapters, I can recommend the use of some mods, which allow you to add more types of stairs, including some with unique features, such as the ability to climb faster.

In this regard, in this chapter, I will show you two mods that can definitely be for you: Speedy Ladders, a mod that adds stone, iron, gold and diamond ladders, each with an ever-increasing climbing speed and  Pl3xStairs.  which, on the other hand, allows you to add over 170 variations of steps in the game.

Regardless of which add-on you want to use in Minecraft, you will first need to download Minecraft Forge, a tool that allows mod management. To do this, go to the Minecraft Forge website and press the Installer button, to download the related  .jar file. After downloading it, double-click on it and, in the screen that is shown to you, click on the OK button.

Now is the time to download any of the mods that I advised you: You can take the .jar file of Speedy Ladders from this link or download to Pl3xStairs from this other link. In both cases, press the Download button to start the download process.

Once this is done, move the file you just downloaded into the mods folder, which you can find in the main Minecraft directory ( C: \ Users \ [name] \ AppData \ Roaming \ .minecraft ). If you do not find the folder mentioned, you can create it manually by following the advice I gave you in this guide of mine.

At this point, start Minecraft and click on the  icon, which you find next to the Play button. In the box that is shown to you, then select the word Forge and press the Play button. If you’ve followed the directions I gave you to the letter, you’ll have started Minecraft with mod support.

Now, create a new world or access one already on your list and, in the inventory of the avatar in Creative mode, you will find ladders or additional steps, depending on the mod you have installed.


Source: aranzulla by

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