How to make the bed in Minecraft

How to make the bed in Minecraft: Between trolley transport systems, magic tables and logic circuits, Minecraft is a game that brings your imagination to life. Among the many objects that can be created within his world, there are some that can be, in some cases, of dubious usefulness. Building a bed can be thought of as a waste of time, a decorative object to embellish your shelter. What if I told you it’s not like that?

This item is important as it offers some advantages that can help the player during a game. In this regard, in this guide I will show you how to make the bed in Minecraft, in order to fully enjoy your gaming experience.

How do you say? Are you looking forward to reading the tips I have prepared for you? I recommend that you sit down comfortably and pay attention to the procedures I have indicated in this guide. Are you ready to get started? Perfect, let’s not waste any more time then! I wish you a good reading and, above all, a good time!


  • What is a bed for in Minecraft
  • Making the bed on Minecraft
    • Gather the necessary materials
    • Create a workbench
    • Making a bed
  • How to change the color of a bed

What is a bed for in Minecraft

bed in Minecraft occupies the space of two blocks and has two main purposes: to allow your avatar to sleep and to set a rebirth point, in case of loss of all life points.

Your avatar can only be put to sleep on the bed during the night or a thunderstorm. When these conditions occur, after a few moments the day-night phase is accelerated, passing directly to the next sunrise. In the event of a thunderstorm, the avatar will wake up the next morning with a clear sky.

However, the bed cannot be used as a ploy to speed up the growth of crops or the processing of materials in the furnace, as it has no effect on these. Even in multiplayer mode, the bed has this function but, in order for it to occur, all players on the server must sleep at the same precise moment.

Also, it is not possible to sleep if there are hostile creatures nearby. Normal condition can only be restored if the creatures move away or are eliminated.

In addition to this functionality, the bed also allows you to set a rebirth point, in case your avatar succumbs during exploration. In this case, after sleeping on a bed for the first time, it will automatically be set as the new respawn point.

In case the bed is destroyed, the default respawn point will be reset. Therefore, it is necessary to place the bed in safe shelters, to avoid being reborn in a place that is perhaps too far from one’s shelter, to which it is not possible to return.

Having said that, it is fair to point out that, when accessing the Nether, it is not possible to place a bed to sleep in, thus setting a point of rebirth within this world. In fact, if a player tries to sleep on a bed placed in the Nether, it causes it to explode, igniting what is around it.

When interacting on the bed to sleep on it, there is a button on the screen called Get out of bed, to wake up the avatar and return to game activity.

Making the bed on Minecraft

If the description I gave you in the previous paragraph about this object intrigued you, you just have to read the next lines to find out how to make a bed in the shelter.

Gather the necessary materials

The first step is to get the materials needed to make a bed. The raw material to be collected is wool. This material is collected both from the cobwebs that spiders leave when they are killed and from shearing sheep using shears.

Getting this tool is simple, but it requires some essential steps. First, build a pickaxe, using the materials that are requested from the recipe book (basic wooden planks and sticks are required to create a wooden pickaxe).

Once this is done, enter a mine, which you can find by exploring the surrounding world, and collect some rough iron blocks. The latter must then be processed in a furnace to transform them into iron ingots.

At this point, in a workbench (I will explain how to build it in the next paragraph ), arrange two units of iron ingots diagonally to make shears, equipped with this tool and approach a sheep, to shear it and get up to three wool units.

As already mentioned, you can also create wool from the cobwebs  ( cords ) that the spiders leave to kill them. Once gathered, access a workbench and arrange four units of string to form a square and thus create a block of wool.

The second and last material needed to make a bed is made from wooden planks: these are obtained from the processing of logs, which you can collect by hitting a tree with your bare hands or with an ax.

Once you have the wood logs, open your inventory and place them in the Fabrication section to immediately obtain planks.

Now that you have all the materials, in the next section I will show you how to make a workbench for making a bed.

Create a workbench

To proceed with the creation of a bed, it is essential to obtain wool and wooden planks, which will have to be placed inside a workbench. Since you already have the basic materials thanks to the advice I indicated in the previous lines, let’s see how to build a workbench.

Using an ax or using the avatar’s bare hands, hit a tree to get logs. Once this is done, open the inventory and, in the Fabrication section, place the logs to get planks. At this point, place a plank unit on all four available squares to make a workbench.

Now, you just have to move it to the shortcut bar to equip it and place it inside the shelter.

Making a bed

If you’ve made it this far, you’ve finally got all the materials and tools to make a bed. Go to the workbench and place the wool blocks on three squares horizontally. Now, insert in the three boxes below three units of axes,  also arranged horizontally.

By doing so, you will immediately be shown a preview of a bed. I warn you that the wool must all be the same color, otherwise you will not be able to make a bed. As for the wooden planks, you can also place them with different wood qualities.

Drag the bed into inventory or directly into the shortcut bar. By doing so, you can equip it to place it in the shelter.

How to change the color of a bed

As you could have guessed from the previous paragraph, a bed can have different colors (there are sixteen in total). This depends on the color of the wool used when making this object.

To change the color of wool, you first need a dye, which can be obtained by working and combining some materials found in nature. For example, placing a red tulip in the workbench, you can extract the color red, while the sunflowers you can get yellow.

Once you have the dye, just equip it and get close to a sheep. At this point, interact on it to change the color of its wool. Alternatively, go to a workbench and place the wool and dye inside it to change its color. Easy, right ?!


Source: aranzulla by

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