
How to make snow in Minecraft

How to make snow in Minecraft: There will come a time in Minecraft when you find yourself dissatisfied with your current state of affairs. Sometimes you’ll want your setting to be a little lively, with a bit more variety in the weather beyond watching the sun and moon rise respectively. You may want to see some snow, but no matter how much you wait, it just won’t come down as you hope and expect. In this article, we will discuss a simple snow drawing method for your personal enjoyment.

How to make it snow in Minecraft

To make snow in Minecraft you need to note that it cannot just drop anywhere and therefore move to any snow or ice biome. Once you are in the snow biome, all you have to do is enter a command. The console command is really the only way to manually enable snowy weather in your game, other than just waiting for it to come naturally.


Before you even think about causing snow in your area, you should keep in mind that it can’t just snow anywhere. You will need to be in the correct biome order first to complete this. Any ice or snow biome will do, any other will cause rain instead of snow.

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Once you are in the snow biome, all you have to do is enter a command. The console command is really the only way to manually activate snow weather in your game other than just waiting for it to come naturally, or rather hope it does. The console command for this is as follows:

Command: /weather rain

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If you are in your snow biome, snow should start falling from the sky almost immediately, filling your screen with light white flaky particles that will dance as they fall on your screen.

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This is certainly a beautiful site, but perhaps you have doubts. Maybe after a while you get tired of seeing snow filling your screen, which only irritates your eyesight. To solve this problem, you can reset the weather by entering another command, which can be seen below:

Command: /weather clear

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With this command, you will not only stop the snow, but also remove any type of weather that closes or changes the sky from its default settings.

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This may include regular rain or even thunderstorms. Either way, this will allow you to control the weather in your game at your fingertips and can even be useful if you’re playing survival. Say for example you summon snow but in turn let mobs attack you from outside because the sun is blocked. If you issue a clear weather command that the protection they have brought outside will suddenly drop, you and you will be safe again.


Making snow at any time is the main advantage in the game. How you use such a feature and why you use it is up to you, but either way, it’s definitely something to take advantage of once you feel it’s the right time and opportunity to do so.

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Note that you can change the weather for other types of precipitation as well, as you immerse yourself in the different climates your game may have. Just type in the weather command and you should be presented with options.

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