
How to make a bell in Minecraft

How to make a bell in Minecraft: Minecraft has an amazing list of items that cannot be crafted in the game. This leaves such aforementioned items that are achievable but just out of reach. One such item may be a bell, which may be difficult for people to acquire, not because it is difficult to find, but because knowing how to obtain it may not be obvious.

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This article will cover the technical aspects of acquiring this item, and once you’re done reading, the hassle of getting the bell will be a thing of the past.

How to make a bell in Minecraft

In a nutshell:

To get the bell from the village, you will need to use a pickaxe (so as not to destroy it). It would be rather heartless to take the village bell as there is a reason why the village has bells at all. The only villager known to actually sell you bells will be a gunsmith, and even from the start, a gunsmith won’t be able to sell you a bell right away.

Getting the Bell in Survival Mode

In survival mode, you will have two ways to get the bell. Both methods will require you to be in the village as that is the only place you can get it. The first way is to approach the main bell of the village. Almost every village has one, most often in the center of their location. However, simply breaking it with your fist will not give you the item.

How to get a bell in Minecraft1

To get the bell from the village, you will need to use a pickaxe to get it without destroying it. It would be pretty cool to take a village bell, as there is a reason villages have bells in the first place. If a raid occurs and a bell rings, this impromptu alarm causes the villagers to flee and hide in their homes until the threat is completely eradicated.

The second method without stealing your own bell requires you to trade with another villager. The only known villager who will actually sell you bells will be the gunsmith, and even from the start, the gunsmith will not be able to sell you a bell right away.

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First, you will need to level up the village blacksmith gunsmith through previous trades until he reaches the master level. To allow them to reach such a high level, you will have to trade with them until they earn enough experience to reach a high enough level. You can do this by selling them weapon-related items, or by purchasing weapon-related items, as long as you have enough emeralds to afford such purchases.

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Only then will they have a high chance of selling you a bell for the price of 32 diamonds.

Getting a bell in Creative

If you’re playing in creative mode or just want to get the bell in more playful ways, you can access the item through the creative item menu.

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Another option is to call it with a console command. The correct command for this would be:

Command: Give @P bell 1


The bell is a very simple item with a very unusual purpose. Despite this, getting this item can be quite difficult due to the circumstances in which it only exists in Survival Mode. However, as you can see, it’s very affordable, and with enough time and dedication, you could have your own collection of wind chimes to ring if you’re patient enough.

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