
How to get rich in GTA Online

After hearing about it often from your friends, you have finally decided to start playing GTA Online , the multiplayer mode of the famous Rockstar title. You have therefore kicked off your adventure in the game’s huge map and are having a lot of fun. However, you are having a hard time making money and would like some advice on the highest paying activities to undertake in the game. That’s the way it is, am I right? Well, then you will be happy to know that you have come to the right place at the right time!

In fact, in today’s guide, I will explain how to get rich on GTA Online . In particular, I will analyze the various activities present within the game, providing you with useful information on their remuneration. I will not fail to show you what you can do in the early stages of the game (since, of course, not all activities are accessible right away). and I will explain how to successfully complete the various tasks required by the Rockstar Games title.

What do you say? Are you ready to take action and get rich in GTA Online? Yup? Come on then, all you have to do is read and practice the brief instructions below. I assure you that you will be able to reach your goal in a flash. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • How to get rich in GTA 5 Online
    • How to make money on GTA 5 Online in the beginning
    • Missions
    • Store robberies
    • Competitions
    • Survival
    • Last Team Standing
    • Other activities

How to get rich in GTA 5 Online

Learning how to get rich on GTA Online is not very difficult: just put a little effort, think about having fun inside the boundless world created by Rockstar Games and follow the precautions that I will show you.

How to make money on GTA 5 Online in the beginning

GTA Online relies heavily on money, and as a result, there is no shortage of money-making activities within the game. However, in the early stages, the player does not have all the activities available and therefore has to adapt a bit.

One of the most profitable activities in the first hours of the game is the “resale” of cars : just take any car (even parked at the side of the road) and drive it to one of the Los Santos Customs centers (which are easily found on the map).

Obviously, during the journey, you will have to be careful not to make any accidents , since the state of the car affects the final value at which it will be sold. Be warned though – certain vehicles may not be resellable, but sadly there is no way of knowing until you reach the resale point.

In any case, as you may have already guessed, this technique is rather quick to implement, since in GTA Online there are so many cars around the streets. In short: I can assure you that with this method you will make a lot of money. Consider that the maximum value for a single machine is about $ 13,000 .

To give you concrete examples, these are the most valuable vehicles in GTA Online: Vapid Peyote ($ 12,940), Albany Buccaneers ($ 9,875 ), Lamped Felon GT ($ 9,500), Declass Tornado ($ 9,040) and Felon Lamps ($ 9,000). However, I advise you not to focus only on finding these machines, as they are particularly rare to find. Also, less eye-catching vehicles could still fetch around $ 2,000 , so it doesn’t make much sense to just focus on the best cars.

I want to clarify that the “resale” of cars has a limit in GTA Online: you can only bring one car from Los Santos Customs for each day of play (approximately 48 minutes in the real world ). However, this is not a big problem, given that many players perform sessions of several hours, but it allows not to abuse this technique. Also, beware of the presence of law enforcement when you “borrow” a particular vehicle, as they could clearly alert and put a spoke in the wheel of the player. For more details, I recommend that you check out my tutorial on how to sell cars on GTA .

In the period of time when you can’t resell the cars, you may want to consider dedicating yourself to Lester’s missions (the ‘L’ on the map), which are quick to complete and allow you to get enough money.

Another aspect that I advise you to take into consideration are the messages you will receive from time to time from the character called Simon : the latter will ask you to retrieve and bring him some certain vehicles . Simon pays very well, so you should listen to him (especially in the early stages of the game).

Be warned though: GTA Online represents a ruthless world, and especially if you’re just starting out, some players may target you to rob you. The only way to defend yourself is to deposit money every time you finish a business. To do this, you simply have to take advantage of one of the many ATM points on the map. Alternatively, you can use your smartphone , access the web and select Financial Services from the section dedicated to the bank.


It may seem trivial, but completing the missions made available by GTA Online is certainly a good way to earn a lot of money. In fact, they were created to be quite profitable and push the player to continue his adventure. The Rockstar Games title has hundreds of missions and is truly boundless in this respect, so you won’t have much trouble finding what’s right for everyone.

If you want to get a lot of money in a short time, you might want to think about setting the difficulty “hard” and getting help from one or more friends . This way, you’ll quickly earn around $ 10,000 per mission . In short, even with this method alone you could become rich in a short time, since by optimizing the times you could be able to earn over 100,000 dollars in a game session lasting one hour . Obviously, if you really can’t complete the missions at this difficulty, you can always retrace your steps, but I can assure you that with the right friends everything becomes easier.

To give you some concrete examples, I list some of the missions with the best time / income ratio in the game: Pier Pressure (offered by Gerald, unlocks at level 6, finishes in minutes and pays up to $ 15,000, up to 4 players), Explosion I / Blow Up I (Simeon Yetarian, level 12, pays over $ 18,000, up to 2 players), Spies / Rooftop Rumble (Martin Madrazo, level 75 and pays $ 20,000, up to 4-player) and Operation Waste / Trash Talk (Martin Madrazo, level 81 and pays $ 15,000 in minutes, for up to 6 players).

I want to clarify that all the missions mentioned are playable in company and therefore can be finished in a short time, choosing the right people to play with. Clearly, the data shown is purely indicative, given that GTA Online is a constantly evolving game that is often updated by Rockstar Games.

To find a mission, simply open the map , search for the initial letter of the character you want to collaborate with (eg ‘L’ for Lester), go to that place and follow the directions. Otherwise, you can go to Settings> ONLINE> Activities> Quick Match> Start a Mission .

Store robberies

The robberies shops are one of the most dangerous activities inside the GTA Online, saw that the police hardly leave act undisturbed thieves. However, we are also talking about one of the most profitable businesses in the game. The high level of suspicion that is generated (the stars that appear at the top right) can therefore be worth the candle.

In any case, I would like to advise you to start doing this activity only in the most advanced game phases ( level beyond 50 ). Alternatively, if you just can’t resist, you can try a single store robbery to see if you can handle the situation. The technique used by the more experienced players of GTA Online is to carry out two or three robberies in a row : in this way, it accumulates a nice loot, which can make the player rich very quickly. However, as you have probably already guessed, in this case the difficulty becomes complicated, as the level of suspicion increases dramatically.

Shop robberies are very profitable, but they also have a limit: there are 20 places to rob on the game map . This means that you will not be able to go on indefinitely with this activity, but I can assure you that you will still be able to put aside many “bucks”.

To find the shops, all you have to do is open the map , scroll through the list of activities on the right and select the Shop item . At this point, press on one of the icons that appear on the screen and go to the indicated location. Once this is done, simply enter the shop, choose any weapon from the selection wheel and point it at the shopkeeper .

You can rush the shopkeeper by shooting the shelves (don’t kill any innocent people, please!) Or by speaking through the microphone of your headset. I highly recommend that you shoot the shelves, as there are many variables that may not make the microphone work properly.

The victim will start extracting the money from the cashier and deliver it to you in seconds. In this way, you should be able to anticipate the police and sow them, keeping the swag without particular consequences (leaving out the moral ones, but we are still talking about GTA!).


Participating in races is one of the most popular ways for GTA Online players to make quick cash. It is not possible to make a precise estimate of the amount that can be obtained, since this changes according to the number of participants and the positioning in the race, but I can assure you that the remuneration is not bad.

The myriad of races present within the Rockstar Games title involve the use of the most disparate vehicles, from cars to airplanes , through motorcycles and speedboats . You could also take part in multi-vehicle races , where the player can, for example, start on a bike and reach the finish line on a motorcycle. I advise you not to underestimate the fact that races allow you to earn money even for those who cannot make it to the finish, so with this activity you will never waste your time.

To find a race, just open the map and find a flag icon . Then, press on it, go to the location indicated, positioned above the circle of the race and press the button that appears on the screen, to start it. You can also access the races via Settings> ONLINE> Activities> Quick Match> Start a Race .


If you’ve always enjoyed games where you have to defeat hordes of enemies, you should definitely try GTA Online’s Survival mode . The latter provides, in fact, that the players test themselves in a restricted map. To give you a concrete example, in some games the first round may involve the use of pistols only, while in the second round the players may be equipped with machine guns.

This mode can also be played together with your friends and, therefore, it is possible to coordinate to be able to win the coveted prize of $ 30,000 that is up to those who manage to complete the 10 waves . A piece of advice I would like to give you is to “explore” the map well at the end of each wave, since those few seconds of calm could allow you to find good cover places.

Survival mode is, therefore, a very rewarding activity, but it cannot be performed during the initial stages of the game. In fact, this activity is only accessible by players with rank 15 . In particular, to play this mode, you must have completed the tutorial that invited you to play the character Ron .

Don’t worry if you have not accepted: just look for the letter ‘R’ on the map and go to the indicated location to access the mission. This isn’t actually a very high requirement, but if you’re just starting out, you won’t be able to take part in this mode. If so, I invite you to check out the chapter on how to make money on GTA 5 Online at the beginning .

Last Team Standing

Last Team Standing is probably the activity that most of all can lead the player to get rich in no time in GTA Online. In fact, this mode allows you to take home many “greenbacks” in every single round and, by learning to defeat your opponents, you can make a lot of money in a short time. The only problem is, of course, the other players, who will certainly not miss the opportunity to simply take home the large prize pool.

The LTS (Last Team Standing) mode requires two teams of players (up to 16 participants ) to compete in various activities to try to take home the loot up for grabs. Just think that each round won can be worth about $ 5,000 , while a lost round can still bring in about $ 3,000 . In short, the organizers of the activity certainly do not have problems in giving money to the participants.

In any case, it is not possible to perfectly establish the remuneration, since it all depends on the type of LTS in which you participate. As for the mode itself, I advise you not to underestimate the purchase and use of the upgrades that the game offers you, if any (e.g. the Super Heavy Vest), in the game preparation screen, to make the most of the shelters present and to keep an eye on the minimap which is located at the bottom left, where the position of the enemies could be reported.

To kick off a Last Team Standing, all you have to do is go to Settings> ONLINE> Activities> Quick Match> Start a Last Team Standing .

Other activities

In addition to the activities mentioned above, GTA Online is itself a video game where you can never run out of something to do. Virtually every minute a proposal arrives for a new activity on the character’s mobile or simply moving around the streets of the map to start various events. The secondary activities to earn money are therefore innumerable: below I report what I believe to be the most profitable.

  • Rob passers-by. The GTA Online map is chock full of passersby. You can recognize the wealthier ones already by the elegance of the clothes . Clearly, the best place to do this is in front of an ATM , as you can deposit the money right away. However, you will obviously have to pay attention to the police , who may be observing you from some corner of the street.
  • The Shots. It is one of the most complex activities to set up. A preparation mission is required and, in general, it is good to carry out the shots in company . The “missions” are very long to complete and, to access them, you must already own a luxury apartment . However, the loot can go as high as $ 2,000,000 , so it could definitely be worth it.
  • The sizes. When a player misbehaves, GTA Online places a bounty on their head and allows other users to find them and claim the loot. Try to get ahead of the other players.

In short, the methods to get rich on GTA Online are certainly not lacking. The activities that I have illustrated to you are the ones that I consider the most profitable, but clearly I have only touched the surface of the possibilities offered by the Rockstar Games title. For more details, I invite you to take a look at my guide on how to play GTA Online .


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