
How to get married on The Sims Mobile

You have started playing  The Sims Mobile  and would like some “tips” on how to best advance within this world: more precisely, you have managed to find your sweetheart but you don’t know how to marry her. Well, if so, you’ll be happy to know you’re in the right place at the right time. In fact, I will shortly explain how to get married on The Sims Mobile .

Going into more detail, I will show you how to get to marry your sweetheart starting from the beginning of the adventure and I will also show you the fastest way to reach your goal. As a final result, you will be able to organize the perfect wedding right in the garden of your beautiful home and create the family of your dreams. Another important thing to underline is that the procedure can be completed even without making use of micro-transactions or in-game purchases.

Courage: what are you waiting for? Do you want to marry your sweetheart in The Sims Mobile? Yup? Then you just have to read and put into practice the brief instructions below. I assure you that, in no time at all, you will be celebrating your wedding and building the future of your virtual avatar. There is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • Getting married on The Sims Mobile
  • How to get married fast on The Sims Mobile

Preliminary information

Before getting to the heart of this guide on how to get married on The Sims Mobile , I think it is of fundamental importance to explain to you what marriage entails in the Electronic Arts game and how it happens.

First of all, the game has some requirements to start the wedding: you must have reached general level 7 of your virtual avatar (you can find it at the top right, the white number on a blue background) and you must have passed a significant number of chapters related to your relationship (usually 7/8 , depending on the type of relationship you have chosen to have with your partner).

To see the level of your relationship, you have to press on the Sim icon (the one in the middle of the car and the dress at the bottom left) and tap on the cloud icon (the second from left to right). Here you will find your relationship level just below the image of every single character you have known in the game.

However, this is not enough to start the wedding: you must also have the appropriate objects to be placed near your home, in order to perform the ceremony in a comfortable and fast way. The “Wedding” collection will be unlocked during the first levels, it does not cost too much money and I assure you that, following my instructions, you will be able to buy everything in time. The collection includes a wedding arch , a floral pillar and a rose trellis with window .

It is good, then, to know that there are three different types of relationships: friendly , flirting or provocative . The first involves a romantic attitude in which your virtual avatar will always keep a rather shy and distracted approach. The flirting relationship is, on the other hand, that of unbridled love, in which the couple needs an immediate relationship, while the provocative relationship will create many headaches with the other virtual avatar and will generate mutual “disrespect” … in short, not really the best way to start a relationship!

Each type of story deals with a different plot and the dialogues and attitudes of the virtual avatars therefore differ depending on the choice made: it is, therefore, an important factor to take into consideration, since it could radically change your gaming experience. This choice is made the first time you meet another character : usually a passer-by who is outside your home, a frequenter of your own bar or the roommate who will be introduced in the early stages of the game.

But what does marriage entail ? Well, your better half will obviously come to live in your house and you can live sleepless nights with her, but on the other hand this can already happen in the pre-marriage phase. Marriage will change the type of conversations you can have with your partner. Then, in general, you will have to pay more attention to work and house management , buying a double bed and perhaps expanding the structure to make virtual avatars live more comfortable.

Furthermore, the most important change will be the fact that you will also be able to control your partner in the game and therefore you will have to manage the life of multiple virtual avatars (up to three, if you also have a roommate).

The character slots are, by default, two but by paying 175 SimCash (the game money) you will be able to manage up to four characters at the same time. Alternatively, by reaching general level 16 , you will be able to retire other virtual avatars (perhaps the roommate acquired at the beginning of the game).

One thing that could change even more the game will arrive at general level 11 (shortly after marriage, if you slavishly follow my instructions), when the possibility of having a child will be unlocked , choosing whether to adopt it or not. To do this, you will need to purchase the crib from the Baby  ‘s Lair section of the store.

Once your child arrives, you will need to interact with him, take care of him and educate him . Obviously it will grow slowly and when you see the cake icon above it it will be time for it to become an adult and to be able to control it like other virtual avatars. At that point, you will get to have up to four playable characters and the game difficulty will start to get higher and higher, but you will have succeeded in your intent and you can have even more fun.

Getting married on The Sims Mobile

Starting from the beginning, the first step to get married in The Sims Mobile is to start a relationship with any character in the game world. The advice I give you is to “try” with a passer-by or with those who frequent your same bar. In fact, the roommate or roommate that you find at the beginning of the game may not be for you and, moreover, it could help you to get to control four characters at the same time faster.

As for the relationship, I advise you to choose the flirtatious one or the friendly one . In fact, these two choices can be carried out without too many problems and guarantee you a lasting relationship with your partner, without too many fights or management problems. Friendly romance can also lead to interesting developments, starting with a secret crush to evident love.

To keep your relationship going, you essentially need to do one thing: start events and interact with your partner. In fact, to earn points and access the following chapters of the story you have to participate in meetings of various lengths (at home, at the bar or in other places) and talk , have fun and play with your sweetheart.

You can always choose different events, in order to limit the repetition factor, or you can always make the longer ones to get more points. Each event lasts for a certain amount of time in the real world (e.g. 8 hours) and, if you close the game and let the character act alone, it will complete the objective exactly in the expected time.

However, to do it faster, you have to  interact with your better half: and every single action will reduce the time in which the event will be completed (e.g. from 8 hours it will go to 7 hours and 45 minutes). Basic actions cost one or two energy points and always hit, but take relatively little time off the total amount, while risky actions cost three energy points but manage to make the event much faster.

The maximum number of energy points that the character can have is fixed at 30. They can be earned simply by exiting the game and leaving the character alone (in this way you will recover about 10 energy points every half hour), going to sleep on the bed. o by going to the  bathroom (eg in the toilet you recover 2 one-off energy points every 2 hours, in the shower you recover 5 every 5 hours) or by using the cupcake element . The latter is often given as a gift at some points of the adventure or can be purchased for 15 SimCash.

The SimCash are the virtual play money, which can be obtained either by looking at the advertising (accessible through the mailbox of your house in the game) or shelling out real money (from € 5.49 for 250 SimCash up to 109.99 euro for 7,500 SimCash). Another method of earning cupcakes is to watch the aforementioned commercials, but finding this item is quite rare.

Learning how to manage your energy points is therefore of fundamental importance if you don’t want to spend real money. You must, therefore, keep the bathroom and the bedroom well taken care of and play sessions that are not too long , so as to let your virtual avatar “recharge your batteries”. In short, arriving at the moment of marriage is not easy and certainly, in the best of cases, you will have to commit to over 8 hours of play diluted over several days, if you do not want to take advantage of microtransactions.

There are 10 chapters of the relationship and each of them has two phases: one in which you have to accumulate a predefined number of relationship points (e.g. 500) and one in which you have to spend some time with your sweetheart to pass the level following.

In both cases, the method to follow is the same: you have to converse, play and laugh with your partner until the time reaches zero. To do this, press on the icon above the head of your sweet half and select one of the many conversation possibilities , always keeping in mind the cost in energy points required that appears on the screen and the number of event points that that action generates. .

The event points obviously serve to make the meetings run faster, as already mentioned above. You will need to continue in this way up to level 7/8 of the relationship , to unlock the possibility of marriage.

Once you have reached that point, you will have to press on the furniture icon at the bottom right, buy the aforementioned “ Night ” set and place the three related elements in the home garden (perhaps by purchasing the adjacent land). Once this is done, you will have to converse with your sweetheart and select the item Start the event! linked to ” Propose marriage “.

This will start an event lasting four hours, which you will have to carry out as usual. Once finished, you will have to approach your sweetheart again and select the item Set the wedding date . At that point, tap on the sofa in your home and press on the item Choose invitations .

Once this is done, tap on your partner and press on the item Start the event! linked to ” Something new “, then click on the item  Come on! . An eight-hour event will start – all you have to do is carry it out as usual. At this point, you will need to continue in this way until you complete all the wedding-related missions. Generally speaking, you will need to interact with the elements of the house or with your partner to kick off the events.

In case you just can’t figure out where to go to complete a certain mission, press the Calendar icon at the bottom right and tap on the icon “ ”Present in the box of the wedding mission (the one that gives you a bridal suite as a reward). The game will give you all the information you need to complete that chapter of the mission. The plot will take you directly to the chapter ” Let’s start the wedding “, where your virtual avatar will get married.

In case you are unable to get married through these missions, try to tap on the wedding arch , and see if there is the voice “Get married to … “. If so, tap on it and tap on your sweetheart’s name. Once this is done, by clicking on OK , you can watch the ceremony. Here’s how to get married in The Sims Mobile. Seen? It wasn’t difficult!

How to get married fast on The Sims Mobile

How do you say? You don’t have a lot of time available and would like to get to enjoy the moment of marriage in The Sims Mobile in the shortest possible time? I’ll settle you right away: here are some suggestions in this regard that will surely be useful to you.

First of all, I advise you to choose a flirtatious type relationship , which is the one that requires the least number of interactions to get to marriage. Although leaving out a friendly or provocative relationship can cause you to lose some interesting aspects in the plot, I assure you that the time required by the flirting relationship is less than all the others.

Another interesting aspect is to take advantage of ” dangerous actions ” during interactions with your partner during events: they require a cost of three energy points, but can also reduce the time required to complete an event by several tens of minutes. . In short, it is often worth it.

As for the meetings with your sweetheart, the advice is to always carry them out at home , in order to have the bathroom  and the bedroom nearby to recover energy if necessary. You can invite your partner to your home whenever you want, by pressing on the Sim icon at the bottom left and selecting the Socialize item under the love story icon that appears on the screen.

For the rest, the ideal solution for events is to start with many basic actions (those that cost one point), until you get to the moment when the dangerous action bar is close to the smiley face: in this way, you will have more chance that your sweetheart will have fun and let go.

Regarding the management of energy points , I advise you to organize each game session in this way: start a long event, spend all energy points in interactions with your partner, go to the bathroom or bed to recover some energy points through the Toilet, shower or bed, spend these last points on other interactions with your significant other and exit the game , so that both your virtual avatar and the bathroom and bed elements recharge.

If you have a cupcake , always use it and never buy a new one: in the course of the game you will be given more items of this type and therefore I invite you to take advantage of those. Finally, it could help a lot to start an 8-hour long event before going to bed in the real world, so that the next morning it completes itself and your character has also recovered all the energy points.

I assure you that by following this technique you will arrive in no time at all to obtain the requirements for marriage. To complete this last action, I recommend that you follow the procedure I explained in the chapter on how to get married on The Sims Mobile .


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