
How to get chat/group ID in Telegram?

Telegram has become mega popular thanks to advanced data exchange features. You can send even large files. It is used for both entertainment and business. The range of use is as extensive as possible, including thanks to the support of bots. However, automated robots sometimes require some additional information. Sometimes you need to find out the chat ID in Telegram.

Why do I need a chat or group ID?

ID – a unique identifier that is assigned to each group, whether public or private. It can be used to accurately determine a chat or a group, there can be no mistake. At the same time, groups with similar names can be found in the search. Usually, you need to get a Telegram chat ID in order to work with different bots.

How to find out your ID in Telegram?

Telegram does not allow you to see group IDs and even your own ID. Previously, it was displayed in the community invitation link, but in more recent versions, the link type has changed. Now you can use special bots. There are many of them and they all work on the same principle. However, as practice shows, most have stopped working. We are using one of them.

What should be done:

  1. Enter @MyTelegramIDworks_bot in the search and open the bot with the login of the same name.
  2. Click on the “Start” button and wait for an automatic response.

How to see group ID in Telegram?

To achieve this goal, a more functional tool is already required. Also a bot, but one that supports reading third-party groups. There is one proven chatbot in mind.

How to find out the ID of a group or chat in Telegram:

  1. Enter @getmyid_bot in the search and open the bot. Be sure to choose the one whose login completely matches.
  2. Click on the “Start” button.
  3. We go to the group whose ID you want to see, and make a long hold on the message there.
  4. When the drop-down options appear, select “Forward”, and then click on our bot. Until we send a message, let it hang in drafts for now.
  5. We return back to the chat, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and click on the “Group Information” option.
  6. In the “Link” line, copy what comes after the slash.
  7. Insert @ and group login. For example, @MYAKESH_OF.

Usually the scheme works fine, but if there are deviations, other bots can be used. For example @UserInfo . The rest shouldn’t be a problem.

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