Tips & Tricks

How to fix error 734 when connecting to the internet?

Error 734 when connecting to the Internet usually appears for those who are trying to set up their VPN connection using the PPP protocol. Simply put, it’s a point-to-point protocol. The essence of the problem lies in the fact that the parameters are incorrectly set somewhere and the VPN refuses to work because of this. You need to check if the settings are correct and the connection should work. There are a few basic settings that might have caused you to see the message. We will talk about them further.

Error code 734: The PPP link control protocol was terminated

How to fix error 734?

First of all, we would advise you to check the following settings, changing which helped most users to restore the connection to the VPN.

How to remove error 734:

  • Disable remembering profiles . To do what you have planned, you need to go to “Network Connections” (you can open the ncpa.cpl file). Click on the “Settings” button, go to the “Settings” section and uncheck the “Remember credentials” line.
  • Disable multilink for single link connections . On the same tab as in the first method, click on the “Configure PPP” button. Here, uncheck the box “Negotiate multi-channel connections for single-channel connections.”
  • Activate hidden protocol . By analogy with the previous method, go to “Network Connections” – “Properties” – “Configure”, but here we select the “Security” tab. Set the flag to “Allow the following protocols”. Here we check the box next to the Microsoft CHAP version 2 (MS-CHAP v2) line and save the changes.
  • Enable forced encryption . On the “Security” tab, go to the “Data Encryption” section. Here we select the option “Required (turn off if there is no encryption”).

As practice shows, error 734 “The PPP communication control protocol was interrupted” will be solved by one of the methods described above. It is enough to correctly set the connection parameters and everything will work stably.

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