
How to enchant objects in Minecraft with commands

Minecraft is one of the video games that you are most passionate about and you dedicate part of your time to free your imagination without any restraint, facing new adventures and building new works. One aspect of the Mojang title that forces you to spend more time is crafting spells to infuse objects, to grant them useful bonuses for your adventures.

Since you are fed up with this situation, you are looking for information on how to enchant objects in Minecraft with the commands, so as to be faster in obtaining the weapons, armor and tools you want. Did I guess? Well, if this is indeed the case, you’ll be happy to know you’ve come to just the right place!

In fact, in the next chapters, you will find everything you need to know to be able to easily enchant your items! Courage: do not waste any more precious time and get to work immediately! All you have to do is just sit down comfortably and give me a few minutes of your free time. I wish you a good reading and, above all, a good time!


  • How to enchant objects in Minecraft with commands
    • Activating the command console
    • Use the Enchant command
    • Use the Give command
  • Online tool to generate enchanted items

How to enchant objects in Minecraft with commands

If you want to enchant objects in Minecraft without having to go through the entire procedure of creating books to then apply to weapons, armor and tools, your only solution is to use the command console.

The procedures that I will describe to you in the next chapters concern the Java Edition version of Minecraft for PC. Therefore, make sure you own this edition of this video game, otherwise you will not be able to put my suggestions into practice.

Activating the command console

The first step to achieve your goal is to enable the command console. After activating it, you can use the game chat to execute commands, in the form of code strings, which will allow you to obtain already enchanted items.

That said, you can enable the command console either during an already started game session, or before creating a new world in Minecraft. But let’s go in order.

If you have already created a world in Minecraft and you simply want to enable the command console, what you need to do is press the Esc key, to access the pause menu. Once this is done, click on the Open in LAN button and then click on the Commands item, in order to change it to Yes.

Good! At this point, all you have to do is press the Start the world in LAN button, in order to enable the possibility of using the command console in the current game session. I remind you that, every time you exit the game and re-enter the session, you will have to repeat the above procedure, as access to the command console is temporary.

Alternatively, you can enable the command console before the creation of the Minecraft world, so as to make it permanent, even when leaving and re-entering the game session. To do this, in the main Minecraft menu, press the Single Player button and click the Create a new world button.

At this point, click on the Other world options item and click on the Commands item, in order to change its value to Yes. Finally, confirm the operation, using the Done and Create a new world buttons.

Now that you have activated the command console, you can access it simply by pressing the T key on your keyboard, which will allow you to open the game chat. The latter is generally used to send messages to players on the same server or game session, but now you can also type commands there.

Use the Enchant command

If you have an item you want to give an enchanting bonus to via console, I recommend using the Enchant command. The latter is very simple to use and only requires you to know the enchantment ID. But let’s go in order.

The command to type is/enchant followed by the target . The latter term means that it is necessary to identify the character to whom the enchantment will be transferred, specifically on the object he is currently holding.

Therefore, as a value you will have to indicate the term @p, which identifies your avatar. The resulting string will therefore be/enchant @p. Once this is done, you will need to indicate the spell ID and its level (numerical value) to be infused into the object, of which you will find a list below as an example.

  • minecraft: blast_protection– explosion protection (on any armor component).
  • minecraft: depth_strider– amphibious step (on armor boots).
  • minecraft: efficiency– efficiency (on tools).
  • minecraft: feather_falling– soft landing (on armor boots).
  • minecraft: fire_protection– fire protection (on any armor component).
  • minecraft: fortune– luck (on tools).
  • minecraft: Infinity– infinity (on the arches).
  • minecraft: knockback– backlash (on swords).
  • minecraft: looting– looting (on swords)
  • minecraft: power– power (on the bows).
  • minecraft: projectile_protection– protection from bullets (on any armor component).
  • minecraft: protection– protection (on any armor component).
  • minecraft: respiration– breathing (on the helmets of the armor).
  • minecraft: sharpness– sharpness (on swords and tools).
  • minecraft: silk_touch– velvet touch (on utensils).
  • minecraft: smite– anathema (on swords and tools).
  • minecraft: sweeping– lashing blade (on swords).
  • minecraft: thorns– thorns (on any armor component).
  • minecraft: unbreaking– indestructibility (on any object).

As for the level, you can enter an (integer) number whose maximum value depends on the spell itself. If you do not enter any value for the level, a first degree bonus will automatically be applied. If you enter a too high level value, a system message will tell you what is the maximum value you can indicate.

Now that you know all the parameters to add to the Enchant command, let’s see together a practical example of enchanting an object. If you want to enchant a sword, all you have to do is equip it and select its quick slot, so you can see it in the avatar’s hand.

Once this is done, type in the command console the string relating to the spell to add. In this case, if I wanted to increase the amount of items you get when you defeat an enemy, enter the following string: /enchant @p minecraft:looting 3.

Use the Give command

Among all the commands available in Minecraft, the one that interests you in order to be able to obtain items already enchanted is the Give. The latter allows you to inventory any object in the world of Minecraft: although complex to use, you do not need any specific knowledge, as you will find everything you need to know in the next lines.

To use commands in Minecraft, after opening the command console, you will first need to type the / symbol on your keyboard. This will be used to recall all the Minecraft commands. Once this is done, type the term give followed by the required attributes, separated from each other by a space.

The first attribute is the user to whom the objects you will summon are sent: you can type your name or simply use the @p value to identify your avatar. Therefore, the result of the string typed so far will be / give @p .

Now, enter the name of the object you want to obtain, referring, by way of example, to the list below.

  • minecraft: diamond_axefor a Diamond Ax
  • minecraft: diamond_pickaxefor a diamond pickaxe
  • minecraft: diamond_shovelfor a diamond shovel
  • minecraft: diamond_hoefor a diamond hoe
  • minecraft: diamond_swordfor a sword of diamonds
  • minecraft: diamond_helmetfor a diamond helmet
  • minecraft: diamond_chestplatefor a diamond armor
  • minecraft: diamond_leggingsfor a Diamond Leggings
  • minecraft: diamond_bootsfor Diamond Boots

Obviously, in case you want to get these same objects, but of a different material from the diamond, all you have to do is replace the term “diamond” with the appropriate one.

  • woodenfor wood (only for weapons and tools)
  • stonefor stone (for weapons and tools only)
  • ironfor iron (for weapons, armor and tools)
  • goldenfor gold (for weapons, armor and tools)

Therefore, if you want to get a golden sword, what you will need to do is type the string / give @p minecraft: golden_sword. At the moment the string is still incomplete, but let’s see how to insert the appropriate enchantment.

To do this, I advise you to type exactly the following string {Enchantments: [{ID, Level}]} next to the object code entered previously, without putting any space. Instead of the term ID you will have to indicate the spell ID, indicating it with the id value: “spell_name”. Refer to what I have already indicated in the previous chapter for the list of spells.

As for the level, you will have to type the lvl: attribute followed by the number corresponding to the spell you have chosen. Unlike the Enchant command, you can indicate any value, even if it is outside the maximum accepted value for that specific spell.

Finally, at the end of the string, you can enter the quantity of items with the characteristics you have just indicated that you want to add to your inventory. If you don’t enter any value, you will only get one item.

Given the complexity of the command, it’s best to see a practical example, putting together all the information I’ve given you so far. To add a diamond sword in that it is equipped with the sharpness level 3 bonus, you will need to type the following: /give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{Enchantments:[{id:”minecraft:sharpness”,lvl:3}]} 1.

Online tool to generate enchanted items

If you have any difficulty in composing the string to enchant an object or evoke an already enchanted one, the solution is to use online tools that allow you to set all the parameters necessary to generate it automatically. All you have to do is then copy and paste it into the command console.

Among the tools that can help you in this regard, I recommend those on the website. Specifically, the Armor Generator, the Weapon Generator and the Tool Generator can be useful to you.

When you access one of the tools I have reported to you, you will be shown a form with different options to fill in, in order to generate the object with the characteristics you want. Putting into practice what I have already suggested to you in the previous chapters, only a few parameters are really useful. Let’s see which ones to fill out.

First, the Target value must be set to Yourself, i.e. your avatar. Once this is done, move on to the third section, through which you can select the appropriate object and its quantity from the drop-down menu. Finally, put a checkmark next to each single box relating to the enchantment to be infused into the item.

When you are done, press on the Generate Command button at the bottom, to get the command string that, as I told you, you will have to copy and then paste inside the appropriate text box of the Minecraft command console.


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