
How to do polls on Facebook

For some time now, Facebook has allowed all members who are part of a group to create and publish surveys , so that they can ask all kinds of questions, both to know the preferences of other users and to get answers to their questions. Although not directly and with limited functionality, this functionality has also been made available on Facebook pages and personal profiles.

How do you say? Do you find this very interesting and would you like to understand how to do polls on Facebook ? If so, let me tell you that you’ve come to the right place at the right time. In the next paragraphs of this guide, in fact, you will find all the information you need to create a new survey, both from smartphones and tablets and from a computer.

If you agree, let’s not waste any more precious time and see how to proceed. Make yourself comfortable, set aside five minutes of free time and dedicate yourself to reading the next paragraphs. By carefully following the instructions I am about to give you and trying to put them into practice, I assure you that you will be able to publish a survey on Facebook without encountering any kind of problem. Happy reading and good luck for everything!


  • How to do Facebook group surveys
  • How to make polls on Facebook page
  • How to make polls on Facebook profile

How to do Facebook group surveys

It is possible to take surveys on Facebook both in the groups you manage and in those to which you are subscribed. In both cases, all you have to do is log into the group of your interest, select the option to publish a new post and choose the item to create a poll.

To proceed from smartphones and tablets , start the Facebook app for Android devices (also available on alternative stores , for devices without Google services) or iPhone / iPad and, if you haven’t already done so, log in to your account .

Now, tap on the ☰ button located in the menu at the top if you have an Android device or at the bottom on an iPhone / iPad, press on the Groups item and tap on the name of the group of your interest.

In the new screen that appears, click on the Poll option visible in the Write something box and enter your question in the Ask a question field . Once this is done, tap on Add an option to the survey , enter the first answer option and repeat the procedure for all the other answers. If you have an Android device , please note that you can also add an image by pressing the landscape icon for each answer option.

Note that, by default, all other users in the group will be able to manually add new responses and choose multiple response options. To change these settings, tap the gear wheel icon and remove the check mark for the options you want to disable between Allow members to add options and Allow people to choose more options .

To publish the survey, tap the Publish button at the top right, and that’s it. As soon as the other group members start expressing their preference, you will be able to publicly view the votes cast and which option was most preferred.

If you prefer to proceed from a computer , connected to the main Facebook page , click on the Groups item (the icon of the three men ) located in the top menu and, in the new screen displayed, access the group of your interest by pressing on its name .

Now, locate the Write something box and click on the Poll item . If you do not see this option, click on Write something , click on the three dots icon and select the Poll option from the opened menu.

In both cases, enter your survey question in the Write something / Create a public post field , specify the answer options by entering them in the Option 1 , Option 2 and Option 3 fields and click on the Add option button , to add any other options of reply. Instead, press the X button to remove an answer option.

Again, click on the gear wheel icon and uncheck the Allow members to add options , to not allow users to manually add other response options, and Allow people to choose more. options , so that each member of the group can vote only once.

When you are ready to publish your poll, click on the Publish button : as soon as the other users in the group start voting, you will be able to see the results of the poll publicly, including the number of votes each response option has obtained.

How to make polls on Facebook page

How do you say? Would you like to conduct polls on the Facebook page ? In that case, you should know that there is no option to create and publish polls on Facebook pages.

Having said that, I would like to point out that it is possible to publish a poll in the Facebook stories , by choosing the Poll sticker . Keep in mind, however, that this option allows you to ask a question with a maximum of two answer options that can be customized to your liking.

If you think this is a valid solution to take a survey on a Facebook page , start the app of the famous social network, press the ☰ button, select the Pages option and access the page of your interest among those listed in the Pages you manage section .

At this point, tap the + button located near the profile image of the page in question, select the Create a story option from the opened menu and choose a photo or video to add to your story (the Poll sticker is not available in textual stories). Then press on the Poll option visible near the Add a sticker item : if you do not see this option, tap on the Stickers item , at the top right, and select the Poll option from the opened menu.

Once this is done, enter the text of your poll in the Ask a question field and tap the Yes and No items , in order to add your answers. Then press on the Finish button and move the sticker relating to the survey to the position you prefer, keeping your finger pressed on it and dragging it to the point of your interest.

Finally, if you wish, customize your story further and, when you are ready to publish it, tap the Share button in the story . By accessing the main screen of your page and pressing on the profile picture , you can see the story just published and monitor the progress of the survey by tapping on one of the answer options .

If you are wondering if it is possible to do all this from a computer , I am sorry to tell you that it is not allowed to create a story on a Facebook page through the Web version of the famous social network.

How to make polls on Facebook profile

If you are wondering if it is possible to do surveys on Facebook , I am sorry to tell you that the answer is no. In fact, on your profile you are allowed to create posts , publish photos , share videos , fundraise and much more, but there is no option to create surveys.

As I indicated earlier for Facebook pages, also in this case you can publish a survey in a story. To do this, start the app of the famous social network and, on the Home screen , click on the option Create a story .

At this point, select an image or video to use in your story, select the Poll option and, first, enter your poll text in the Ask a question field . Then customize the response options by clicking on the Yes and No items and, after editing the story as you prefer, tap the Share button in the story .

Even from a computer it is possible to create a story on Facebook. However, you should be aware that the option to add stickers is not available and therefore, it is not allowed to create surveys. It is also not possible to view the ratings of a polled story created and published through the Facebook app.

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