TechTips & Tricks

How to convert WhatsApp audio to mp3

You will be interested in knowing how to convert WhatsApp audio to mp3 , a format with which they are easier to play, very useful if you plan to keep those voice notes to listen to them later or simply save them.

In case you don’t know, WhatsApp compresses audio files in its own format called opus , a format that is impossible to share through the application, some voice notes that have their own directory within the app and that is also accessible , by less on Android.

In addition, that audio cannot be played with an external application or an audio player for Windows, for example, so we will have to convert it to mp3. For those we have several applications, but we are going to show you an example of how to do it on Android and on the PC.

With the web Online-converter

Because now you can download WhatsApp audios on your computer through WhatsApp Web , you can use online converters to convert them to mp3 format and then play them in that format, these are the steps you must follow:

  1. Open WhatsApp Web, choose the audio or audios you want to convert and click on the arrow that appears on the right, then click on “download”.
  2. Now enter the Online-converter website , click on the “select the destination format” option in the “audio converter” section and choose “convert to mp3” .

Website: Online-converter

  1. Choose the previously downloaded audio by clicking on “select file”, you should know that the audio you have downloaded from WhatsApp Web is downloaded in .ogg format.
  2. Click on “start” to start the conversion to mp3. When you have it, you can download it in mp3.

Convert an audio with OPUS to MP3 Converter

The opus file system is typical of WhatsApp, as we have already mentioned, and although there are applications that allow us to play these audio files, such as VLC for Android , the best way to share or play them in any app is to convert those audios to mp3.

The first thing we must do is download it to our Android smartphone.

  1. Download Opus To Mp3 converter for Android

Once that is done, to achieve this need you have to follow some very simple steps that we are going to indicate:

  1. Once installed , it will ask us to grant it several permissions to be able to work on our smartphone, which we must grant it.
  2. When entering the app, we see that we have several tabs, but we are going to click on the nut-shaped drawing that is in the upper right area, there we can choose the quality of the resulting mp3. Obviously, the higher the quality, the more space it will occupy on our device.
  3. Now we must choose which file we want to convert from those we have in WhatsApp and for this we will look for it in the Files tab. To find the audio you must write down its name or note that the first digits, after AUD, is the date the file was sent and the last digits are the order in which it was sent with respect to the audios of the same day.
  4. Then we select the audio file that we want to convert from WhatsApp by clicking on it. In the new box that appears, we see that it lets us choose where to save the mp3 resulting from converting our WhatsApp audio. If we agree, we just have to click on the accept symbol and we will have the mp3 saved on our smartphone.

Convert various audios with OPUS to MP3 Converter

If what you need is to convert several WhatsApp audios simultaneously, we must perform the following steps:

  1. We will go to the Batch Converter tab and click on “Select OPUS files” .
  2. Now we must go to the WhatsApp path where the audios that we want to convert are saved, this path is WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Audio .
  3. Once inside, we select the audios to convert by clicking on them continuously to mark several at the same time and click on Good. Then we see that the selected ones appear in a list and now we just have to click on Convert MP3 .
  4. It allows us to select the path where we want to save them and we accept them so that they can carry out the conversion and download.

Now that we have them in mp3, we will be able to play them with any application prepared for it and share them. As you have seen, it is very easy to convert WhatsApp audio to mp3 to be able to listen to them whenever we want or to be able to send them to whoever you want.

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