
How to contact Vodafone customer service

While you were downloading a large file you need for work to your computer, your Internet line decided to “take a break”: suddenly, in fact, the connection status lights on your router turned red and the connection was lost. Attempts to restart the device after disconnecting it from the line for a few minutes were useless. In short: it would seem that there was just a failure in the network.

Your operator is Vodafone and you intend to immediately contact the assistance of the company in question to report the incident and verify that it is actually a malfunction of the line and not of your router. The problem is that you have recently switched to the “red manager” and you are not sure how to contact Vodafone customer service . That’s the way it is, am I right? Then don’t worry, I’m here to help you.

In the next few lines, in fact, I will list all the phone numbers that you can dial to contact the support of your operator, but also how to contact the latter via the app, website and social network. You just have to choose the solution that suits you best and use it according to the indications you find below. I wish you a good read and I wish you a big good luck for your line!


  • Number to contact Vodafone customer service
    • How to contact Vodafone customer service from the Vodafone network
    • How to contact Vodafone customer service from another operator
  • How to contact Vodafone customer service online
    • How to contact Vodafone customer service from the app
    • How to contact Vodafone customer service from a PC
    • How to contact Vodafone customer service via email
    • How to contact Vodafone customer service on social networks
    • How to contact Vodafone customer service on WhatsApp

Number to contact Vodafone customer service

You can contact Vodafone customer service through different telephone numbers , according to your needs and your status as a customer or not yet a customer of the operator in question. Find all the details about it below.

How to contact Vodafone customer service from the Vodafone network

Are you wondering how to contact Vodafone customer service and are you a Vodafone customer ? So, all you have to do is dial 190 . The call is completely free from both a fixed line and a Vodafone mobile line .

The number is active every day of the week 24 hours a day. Keep in mind, however, that the operators are at your disposal from 08:00 to 22:00 ; from 22.00 to 08.00 you can still dial this number to block the SIM card in case of theft or loss of the same.

Once you have dialed 190 on the virtual keyboard of your smartphone and initiated the call, the TOBi digital assistant will answer you and you will be able to interact with it by answering with your voice (at the appropriate time pronounce “fixed” to receive assistance on the landline or “mobile “ To receive mobile assistance). Once the category of your assistance request has been identified, if necessary, the virtual operator will put you in contact with a real Vodafone consultant to whom you can expose your problems.

If you have activated the Vodafone Exclusive service , you can also contact a Vodafone consultant directly on number 193 (the latter is free and active 7 days a week from 08:00 to 22:00 ).

If you call from a non-Vodafone landline or mobile network , then you can use the free number 800 100 195 (also active from 08:00 to 22:00 all week).

Are you abroad ? In this case you can dial the free number +39 349 2000190 . Also in this case the assistance is active 7 days a week from 08:00 to 22:00 , however, the time in question must be considered taking into account the Italian time zone.

If you are the owner of a company and your telephone operator is Vodafone, from the mobile network , you can contact customer service at 42323 ; from a landline , on the other hand, use the number 800 227 755 (both are active all week from 08:00 to 22:00 ).

If your company is located abroad, dial +39 348 2002323 instead (the operators are at your disposal from 08:00 to 22:00 ). Finally, if you are a Vodafone TV customer , the customer service number for this service is 02 845 94650 (active from 08:00 to 21:00 ). Read more here .

How to contact Vodafone customer service from another operator

As I mentioned previously, you can contact Vodafone assistance for free even if you are not a Vodafone customer (so, if you are interested in knowing how to call Vodafone customer service from TIM , follow the instructions I am about to give you). In this case, hold your mobile phone and, on the latter’s keypad, dial 800 100 195 .

You can contact the assistance every day of the week from 08:00 to 22:00 . The virtual operator TOBi will answer you and you can interact with him by answering his questions verbally (if necessary, you can also be put in contact with a real Vodafone operator).

If you are the owner of a company and Vodafone is not your telephone operator, you can use the number 800 227 755 to contact customer service every day from 08:00 to 22:00 . In conclusion, if you want Vodafone to become your operator, I invite you to take a look at my tutorial on how to switch to Vodafone .

How to contact Vodafone customer service online

Do you have no desire to hold the phone handset because you think it is much more convenient to use smartphone applications , the operator’s website or social networks ? Then you will be pleased to know that you can interact with Vodafone assistance operators also through online channels. I leave you all the information you need to do so below.

How to contact Vodafone customer service from the app

To contact your operator’s customer service, you can use the handy My Vodafone app . The latter is free and, among its various functions, allows you to monitor your credit and data traffic thresholds, make top-ups, manage active offers on your number and, precisely, contact assistance. of the well-known fixed and mobile telephone operator.

Want to know how to download My Vodafone on a smartphone or tablet Android ? I’ll settle you immediately: first open the app page on the Play Store (in case your device does not have access to Google services, search on an alternative store ), then press the Install button and that’s it.

What are you using an iPhone or an iPad ? Then visit the appropriate section of the App Store , tap the Get / Install button and, if necessary, verify your identity via Face ID , Touch ID or Apple ID password . Simple, right?

After performing these steps, start the app by clicking on its icon (the logo of Vodafone ), simply tap on the button accept and provide the necessary permissions to use the application by clicking on the appropriate buttons . At this point, tap on the Login item below and you will be redirected to the login screen for the My Vodafone account from which you can immediately get in touch with the assistance (it is not necessary to register to do this).

Proceed, then, by pressing the TOBi virtual assistant icon at the bottom (the smiley face with the Vodafone logo) and enter the number on which you want to receive assistance in the typing field below . Finally, press on the button of the paper airplane on the right, to send the message.

Subsequently, choose one of the assistance topics among those proposed (eg Active offers , Check costs , Catalog of offers, etc.) by clicking on the appropriate boxes and the virtual assistant will provide you with the requested information. If you prefer to speak to a live operator, type the phrase speak to operator twice and you will be put in touch with the first available Vodafone consultant.

How to contact Vodafone customer service from a PC

Do you want to contact Vodafone customer service from a computer ? Very good; you just need to use a browser of your choice. All you have to do is open the appropriate Vodafone support page and press the Ask TOBi button . A section will open on the right where you can chat with Vodafone’s digital assistant who, if necessary, can put you in contact with a human operator.

In the typing field at the bottom, to start the chat, type the phone number you need assistance for and then press the Enter key . Then, you will need to verify the number using one of the methods listed (confirmation via SMS code , response to security questions or access credentials to the customer area ).

Once this is done, if you have entered a mobile phone number, the remaining credit will be reported to you and you will then be able to continue chatting with TOBi by typing keywords in the field below (eg breakdown assistance ). Nothing complex, right?

How to contact Vodafone customer service via email

Would you like to know how to contact Vodafone customer service via email ? Unfortunately, I have to inform you that, at the time of writing, Vodafone has not made available an email address to contact to contact its assistance. You can still use one of the other contact methods I told you about in the course of this tutorial. Or, alternatively, you can contact the operator via traditional mail .

In this case, for questions concerning mobile networks , the address to which you can deliver a letter (in case of complaints I recommend that you do so by registered mail , since the latter has legal value) is Casella P.O.B 190 – Ivrea (TO ) . In case of problems with fixed networks , write to Casella Postale 109 – Asti (AT) .

How to contact Vodafone customer service on social networks

Well yes! You can also chat with a Vodafone operator via private message on social networks . The ones you need to use, in this case, are Facebook and Twitter . Official accounts are available on both of these hugely popular networks that can be contacted should the need arise. I list below how to act if you are interested in proceeding in this direction.

  • Facebook– you can connect, either via the site or via the app of the well-known social network to the official Vodafone page and press the button to send a message ; then click on the Start button and choose if you need assistance on the landline or mobile . Then select the subject of the request, or type the phrase speak with operator and you will be put in contact with the first available consultant.
  • Twitter– you can connect to the site or use the app of the social network in question, visit the official Vodafone account and press the Follow button to become a follower of the latter. Then, press the Tweet button (the one with the pen icon in the app), request assistance and press the Tweet button waiting to be contacted by Vodafone. Please, the first message you send will be public , so don’t enter your personal information ; the first available operator will then invite you to continue the chat in private.

How to contact Vodafone customer service on WhatsApp

Do you usually use the hugely popular instant messaging application WhatsApp ? Then know that you have the possibility to contact Vodafone customer service also through this service.

Like? Simple: just add the number of the TOBi virtual operator to the aforementioned application : 349 919 0190 . Once this step has been carried out, search for tobi in the app’s address book, select the relevant result and start your chat with it, indicating the subject of your request (e.g. fault report ).

Alternatively, you can also type the phrase speak to operator and you will be put in contact with the first available Vodafone consultant.


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