
How to clean up your PC without formatting

Your PC is on the brink. It has gotten slow, it almost never works as it should, and its hard drive is filled to the limit. I don’t think I’m the first to tell you, but I think it really needs some nice formatting. How do you say? Do you currently have important work to complete and absolutely cannot devote yourself to the implementation of an operation of this type? I understand, then let’s do this: now I suggest how to clean up your PC without formatting using special tools and following simple instructions so as to put it back in order for the time necessary to finish your work.

Ah, obviously the use of the resources listed below and the implementation of my tips does not exempt you from not formatting your PC anymore. Like it or not it is an operation that sooner or later must be carried out when the computer begins to have a tantrum. The instructions you find in this article only serve to improve the situation temporarily and to solve various and possible small problems. Then when you have time you will have to proceed with the formatting, perhaps following my guide on how to format your PC.

Having said that, I would say not to waste any more precious minutes and to immediately start getting busy. So get comfortable in front of your computer and start concentrating on reading this guide. Of course, your PC will not return “neat and pinto” as it was just bought but surely all the precautions indicated below will be able to make a difference. Then? Are you ready? Yes? Fantastic! Let’s begin. Enjoy the reading!

Go to ▶ ︎ Clean your PC of viruses now | Clean your PC of unnecessary files | Further tips | Clean up the Mac

Clean your PC of viruses

A guide on how to clean up your PC without formatting can only start with cybersecurity. If you really want to get your computer back on track, I recommend that you install a good antivirus, good anti-malware software and scan your system with them. Find more details below.

Bitdefender Free

Among the free solutions that offer the best quality/ease of use l ‘advice antivirus free Bitdefender Free. It is very easy to use and also features a nice user interface. The only thing that must be taken into account is the fact that in order to be exploited it is essential to create a special account (also free).

To download Bitdefender on your PC, connect to the antivirus site and click on the Download now button. When the download is complete, open the bitdefender_online.exe file, click on the Yes button and wait for all the components necessary to install the software to be downloaded from the Internet.

Then open the installation package called bitdefender_online .exe and click on  Yes. Wait for the download procedure of all the components necessary for the installation of the antivirus to be completed and then press the Install button. Wait for the entire download procedure of the program and installation of the antivirus to be started and completed and then click on  Sign In to Bitdefender.

At this point, fill out the form displayed in the window on the screen by typing your name, your surname, your e-mail address and the password you want to associate with the account, then click on the Create account button. In this way, you will go to create an account in order to use the antivirus.

After a few moments, you will finally be shown the main program window and you can immediately start the first system scan by clicking on the System Scan button. When the scan is complete, you will be shown a report on all the files scanned, any threats identified and any actions taken.

Malwarebytes Antimalware

Although antivirus can be useful in the vast majority of cases, unfortunately, there are also some cyber threats, such as spyware and browser hijackers, which escape the latter. This is precisely why you should worry about installing good antimalware software as well   and you should use it from time to time to do a full scan of your PC

Among the various anti-malware software available on the market, I suggest you use  Malwarebytes Antimalware. In case you’ve never heard of it (weird, it’s very famous!), This is great software for them to wipe out Trojans, worms, rootkits, dialers, spyware and other types of malware from your computer. It does not overlap with the antivirus as it does not have a real-time control module so it can be used without problems simultaneously with the latter.

To use it, first download the program on your computer by connecting to its website and waiting for the download to start and finish automatically. If this does not happen, press the link Click here.

Then, open the installation package called  mb3-setup – xxxexe and press the Yes,  OK  and  Next> buttons in sequence. Then accept the conditions of use of the software by placing a checkmark next to the item  I accept the terms of the license agreement and complete the setup by clicking on  Next five consecutive times, on  Install and then on  Finish. If present, also remove the checkmark from the option to try Malwarebytes Pro free for 30 days.

Once the program installation procedure has been completed, you will immediately find yourself in front of the main interface of Malwarebytes Antimalware and the download of the most updated threat recognition database will immediately start from the Internet. Wait a few moments for this operation to be completed and then carry out your first system check by clicking on the Scan tab, selecting the Search for harmful elements option  and then pressing the Start  Scan button.

Once the scan is complete, if any threats have been detected, it will be clearly indicated and you just need to click on the appropriate button on the screen to delete them all.

Clean your PC of unnecessary files

Once the security “department” is in place, I would say to clean up the PC without formatting in the sense of the word by deleting all the useless and superfluous data on the hard disk. The task seems arduous, but in reality there are free programs that allow you to complete the mission without major difficulties. Read on to learn more.


As for the removal of “junk files”, I suggest you contact CCleaner. This is a program that turns out to be very useful for deleting unnecessary files of all kinds from the hard disk of the computer. It is free (but possibly also available in a paid version with extra functions) and is a real must-have.

To use CCleaner, first download the software on your PC by connecting to its website and clicking on the item that you find in the Free column. When the download is complete open, by double-clicking on it, the ccsetupxx.exe file you just obtained and, in the window that is now shown to you, click on the Yes button. Set Italian in the language selection menu at the top right, then click on Install and on Start CCleaner. 

At this point, you will see the software window automatically appear on the desktop. To start the procedure for identifying and removing junk files on the hard disk, click on the Cleaning tab, then press the Start cleaning button and confirm the execution of the operation by clicking on OK.

If you prefer, you can also click Analyze and perform analysis alone drive and how much space you could possibly recover by removing unnecessary files without actually delete them.

Before deleting the files, you can also choose which elements to delete and which ones not by selecting or deselecting them from the left sidebar. However, I advise you to leave everything as it is, especially if you do not know where to go to put your hands.

If, on the other hand, you prefer to prevent the software from intervening on a particular browser, deleted browsing history, cache data, etc., click on the Applications tab located on the left sidebar and remove the checkmark from the items related to the programs to navigate on the net which is your intention to exclude from the thing.

Eusing Free Registry Cleaner

At this point, I think it’s time to take care of the health of the registry. In the long run, the Windows registry can in fact fill up with obsolete keys left by programs no longer present on the PC and tends to fragment, reducing the overall performance of the computer. Again, there is a free program that does everything automatically. This is Eusing Free Registry Cleaner.

To use it, first of all connect to the program’s website and then press the Download Site1 item and then on the Download Eusing Free Registry Cleaner item. When the download is complete, open the EFRCSetup.exe file you just obtained and, in the window that is shown to you, first press  Next four times in a row and then click Finish to complete the setup procedure and start the software. 

In the window at this point it is shown on the desktop, click on the Skip button and select the Italian item from the Language menu in order to translate Eusing Free Registry Cleaner into Italian.

Then perform a registry scan by clicking on the Analyze registry entry at the top left. When the operation is complete, click on the Repair registry entry to delete the now useless entries that crowd the system registry.

Further tips

In addition to the use of good antivirus software and a valid antimalware and together with the implementation of all the above precautions to free up disk space, correct registry errors and so on, there are other small tips that I think it is appropriate to list you and that they can certainly help you in going to clean up your PC without formatting. You will find them indicated below, nothing complicated, do not worry.

  • Uninstalling software that is no longer useful– Surely there will be a lot of programs on your computer that you previously installed but now you no longer need. Given the situation, why don’t you remove them? You will gain disk space and lighten Windows. To do this, look for the Control Panel via the Start menu , press Uninstall a program, click on the icon of the software to be removed and then press the Uninstall / Change button.
  • Deleting very large files– Deleting particularly thoughtful files stored on your hard drive can also help make your PC “sane”. To easily identify those that are the bulkiest files you can turn to the free WinDirStat software that analyzes the computer disk and shows a graphical representation of it.
  • Defragment the hard disk– This is an operation that should be performed automatically by Windows. However, you can check its configuration by looking for the Disk Defragmenter utility in the Start menu and then clicking on the Configure Schedule button in the window that is shown to you.
  • Use lightweight programs– Although this is not strictly related to cleaning your PC without formatting, if your computer is not particularly performing I suggest you avoid using excessively heavy software. I’m not telling you not to use them but maybe replace them with leaner alternatives. To give some examples, you can use  Google  Chrome instead of Microsoft Edge as a browser and  IrfanView as a replacement for the Windows image viewer.

Clean up the Mac

Although Macs are much less subject to various “clogging” resulting from the installation of too many programs, malware attacks, saturated hard drives and so on, they are still computers and as such they need some precautions. If you want, you can learn more by reading my guide on how to speed up Mac and my articles on programs to optimize Mac and programs to clean Mac.

As far as the security issue is concerned, Mac viruses exist, even if the degree of diffusion is much lower than that concerning the Windows universe. For learning and to find out how to protect your Apple computer from any cyber threats, I invite you to read my guide dedicated to Mac antivirus.




Source: aranzulla by

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