
How to choose the right gaming case

Gamers are often seen as computer geeks and pros. Sometimes that may be true but other times it isn’t, however that doesn’t change the fact that many of them prefer to build their pc’s themselves. This allows them to ensure the performance of the components of their computers, by choosing the most suitable for their use. Among these components, there is the pc case, which will represent the base of all the other components. In the case of a gamer pc, the case must have specific characteristics to perfectly meet gamer use without damaging the rest of the components. So, how to choose your case for pc gamer?

What is the use of the pc gamer box?

Video game pros like to make their own PCs, they carefully choose each component down to the case, and they are right. Beyond its function as a case for the other components, this component is of paramount importance in PC gamers .

What will make the difference between a PC case for classic use and a PC gamer case is the ventilation or cooling system. A box intended for gamers has good ventilation in order to avoid overheating of the components, it is composed of so-called basic fans to cool the standard components. It can also have additional fans to be able to perfectly ensure the cooling, especially that of the components subject to overheating.

In addition to this, a gamer case is often more imposing than a simple pc case. It is spacious so that you can arrange the components in the desired way. And then, from an aesthetic point of view, it allows customization of the case.

What criteria should be put forward when choosing a pc gamer case?

First of all, to choose a pc gamer case, you have to make sure that it is suitable for all the components of the pc, it must have a suitable size to be able to install all the components in it, that is to say :

  • Motherboard;
  • Processor;
  • Hard disk;
  • Food;
  • Graphic card.

The most requested models are those of medium or large sizes. Typically, a mid- tower is chosen if the components don’t have enough space in a small, single case. As for the large, it is used in cases where the motherboard is of a fairly large size and the other components too.

Here are some points that should not be overlooked when choosing your pure pc gamer case:

The recooling

The pc cooling system remains very important for a case, when we say cooling system we think directly of the fans, except that putting dozens of them is not the best solution. In reality, even if their role is to cool by rotating the air, they are a real dust nest and cleaning them is quite boring to do. Dust is an enemy of gaming pc components, so putting on a lot of fans can actually be more of a downside than anything else.

Desktop or large tower

The desktop is undoubtedly the first model of output box. It allows to mount the motherboard in a horizontal way, following the desktop, the towers have emerged. Unlike the latter, the pc motherboard is mounted vertically as well as all other components. A tower in all its formats: mini, midi or maxi has many advantages including:

  • Optimized accessibility;
  • Space saving by reducing cluttered floor space;
  • A natural hot air evacuation which will help the cooling system.


Versatility of use

It is also important to study the ports offered by the box. If we tend to use USB 2.0 ports and all boxes have them, having a box offering other types of ports such as USB 3.0, FireWire or eSATA is a considerable plus.

Our small selection of boxes for you?

There are a few proven gamer boxes that might interest you:

  • The Fractal Design Define 7 Compact: The reference in terms of pc gamer case has developed a compact and still silent case which has made people jealous thanks to its very sober and elegant design and its perfectly thought-out interior layout;
  • The LIAN LI PC 011 DYNAMIC: This box focuses on aesthetics by offering different colors. However, it comes without fans which cost it some points;
  • The NZXT H510: This case is perfect for small budgets, it sells for around 90 euros and has a pretty good design and layout for a relatively affordable price in terms of gaming PC case.

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