How to check if the car tax has been paid

Have you bought a used car and want to make sure that the tax has been paid regularly? Among a thousand daily commitments have you forgotten the amount and expiry of the car tax that you have to pay? If the answer to these and other similar questions is affirmative, do not worry: if you want, I’ll be here, ready to provide you with all the necessary explanations on how to check if the car tax has been paid.

Before you can get alarmed and think about who knows what, I want to clarify that checking if the car tax has been paid is extremely simple and, above all, it is an operation that you can carry out directly from home, standing in front of the monitor of your computer or, why not, using your smartphone or tablet.

To succeed in the business, in fact, it is sufficient to resort to the use of online services and apps useful for the purpose: you will not have to undergo long phone calls or endless queues in who knows which administrative offices, you have my word. Find everything explained below.


  • How to check the payment of the car tax online
    • ACI
    • Italian post
  • How to check the payment of the car tax from smartphones and tablets
    • Vehicle Scanner
    • App IO
    • Satispay

How to check the payment of the car tax online

To begin, I will show you some solutions that will allow you to check the status of the car tax conveniently from the Internet, through special features made available by the ACI (Automobile Club d’Italia) and Poste Italiane sites. Therefore, if you want to know how to check the payment of the car tax online, all you have to do is continue reading the next paragraphs.


First of all, let’s see how to check if the car tax has been paid using the specific functionality made available by the ACI on its website. This service is valid for all Italian regions: if, therefore, you want to know how to verify the payment of the car tax in PiedmontLazio or Lombardy, you can easily ascertain it by following the same simple steps.

Just a small clarification before starting: as indicated on the ACI website itself, in the event that the payment of the stamp has been made through third parties who for some reason are not connected to the ACI archives, the data concerning the payment could not be visible. Keep this in mind.

Therefore, to use the aforementioned service, connected to the section of the ACI website relating to the control of the payment of the stamp, scroll to the bottom of the Web page that is shown to you and fill in the fields attached to the Databox of the vehicle and of the holder.

Then use the drop-down menu located next to the Payment Type item to define whether it is a renewal or other and specify the region to which you belong using the drop-down menu below the entry Region of residence of the holder. Finally, indicate the type of vehicle, using the relative drop-down menu, and enter the license plate, using the appropriate text field. Finally, click on the red Calculate button.

Wait a few moments, then, if all the data previously entered is correct, you will be shown a web page containing information relating to your vehicle, as well as the amount of the car tax and its expiration. In some cases, however, it may be necessary to provide some additional information regarding the vehicle and/or its owner: if necessary, enter these details so that the tax can be calculated correctly.

After checking if the car tax has been paid, you can possibly make the payment of the amount due by pressing the Make payment button. If the payment has already been made, the procedure of the ACI portal will report it by means of a specific notification message.

As I told you, it is possible that the data of some payments already made for the current period, even if acquired, have not yet been entered in the ACI archives: this mostly happens if the payment was made with third parties.

In this case, the procedure to be carried out to find out if the car tax has been paid makes the calculation (including any penalties and interest) but does not exclude that the payment has already been correctly made.

Italian post

Another useful service you can refer to find out if the car tax has been paid is the one offered by Poste Italiane, but consider that in order to use it you must first register on the website of the entity in question.

If you have never created an account on the Poste Italiane website and you do not know how to act, you will be pleased to know that I have created a dedicated guide in which I illustrate in detail how to register with Poste Italiane, an operation that will allow you, as well as to verify the payment of the car tax, to access other services such as the payment of bulletins and F24 forms, the SPID request or the activation of the digital signature, just to name a few examples.

If, on the other hand, you already have an account with Poste Italiane, just connect to this page of the site and scroll down the screen until you find the feature called Auto Stamp. Press, therefore, on the relevant Pay button and you will be sent back to the authentication screen, in which you will have to type your Username and Password in the respective fields and click on the Login button. Alternatively, you can also use the QR code or PosteID identification method.

Once authenticated, to continue the operation you will have to press again on the box called Auto Stamp. On the next page, therefore, use the appropriate drop-down menu to indicate your region of belonging: if, for example, you want to know how to check if the car tax has been paid for Sicily, click on the Sicily Region option, then fill in the fields that they are shown to you.

Then click on the Vehicle Type drop-down menu and indicate whether it is a car, motor vehicle, trailer, moped, hull or light quadricycle, then enter the license plate or chassis in the appropriate field. Finally, if you can have a reduction, use the last function to select the type.

If you want to know how to verify the payment of the road tax previous years click on the box below relating to prior years and indicates the relative Expiration Month, the ‘ Year of expiry and months of validity.

At this point, press the Calculate Car Tax button: if the payment has already been made, you will see a special notification at the top.

If the data provided does not clearly correspond to what appears in the system, you will encounter an error message in which you will be advised to contact an ACI delegation in person, so that you can verify in detail and possibly correct your position with respect to the payment of the stamp duty.

If the fee is still to be paid, however, you will be given the opportunity to proceed with the payment, which you can perform by clicking on the Continue button. In the next screen, therefore, you can select your preferred payment method from those proposed and press the Authorize button located at the bottom to pay the amount due: consider that an additional fee of € 1 will also be applied to the total to be paid.

How to check the payment of the car tax from smartphones and tablets

During one of your frequent trips you were assailed by the terrible doubt of not having paid the car tax. You would like to be able to check the situation right away, before it crosses your mind, but you are not sure if this is possible via mobile devices.

Well, I have excellent news for you: the operation is absolutely feasible and you just need to spend a few minutes of your time reading the next paragraphs to know how to check the payment of the car tax from smartphones and tablets and identify the most suitable solution. to your needs.

Vehicle Scanner

Are you wondering if it is possible to check if the car tax has been paid on smartphones and tablets? Yes, of course! using some apps suitable for the purpose, it is absolutely doable. One of the best on the market is without a shadow of a doubt Vehicle Scanner, available for free for both Android and iOS / iPadOS.

To use the app, you must first download it on your device: on Android, search for it on the Play Store (or, if you have a device without Google services, try to search for it on some alternative store ) and press the Install button; on iOS / iPadOS, on the other hand, look for it on the App Store, press the Get / Install button and confirm your intentions using the Face IDTouch ID or, again, the Apple ID password.

After installing and starting the Vehicle Scanner, you will find yourself in front of its welcome screen, containing the tabs that illustrate its operation: tap the right arrow icon located at the bottom right five consecutive times, check the box I have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions of service at the bottom and then you tap the button () placed in the lower right.

Once this is done, make sure that Stamp is selected at the top of the screen (otherwise select it and do the same for any other additional information you wish to obtain from the search), write the license plate number in the appropriate text field and tap on the Search button.

An information screen will appear warning you that a Captcha code must be used to use the service in question. Tap the Ok button located at the bottom, then type the code that is proposed to you in the appropriate text field and repeat the operation, if requested, with the next revision code (the system may require more than one).

In the next step, specify the region of residence of the car holder and press the Next button, indicate the type of payment and press the Next button again, then specify the type of vehicle you are interested in and tap one last time on the Next item.

Once the research is done, you will have the opportunity to see the response with the data regarding the stamp duty: to understand whether or not you have paid the tax on possession, press the Details item in the box containing the results of the checks, then locate the Stamp box, at the inside which you can consult all the relevant information.

App IO

Have you already heard of the IO App? Well, this very convenient application was created specifically to simplify the payments of taxes and duties, such as the car tax, but at the same time provides many other useful features ( here you can find an article dedicated to its operation) developed in the context of digitization project of the services that public bodies provide to citizens, such as that relating to the request for the Green Pass.

It is possible to install the IO app both on Android devices (also check on the alternative stores, if the Google store is not available on your device) and on the iPhone.

Once you have started the app, by pressing on its icon, you will have to authenticate, which can take place in different ways: via SPIDCIE and, once you have logged in for the first time, also via biometric authentication. If you have any doubts about the functioning of these procedures you can find a detailed explanation on the guide I have specially created to learn how to enter the IO app.

Once you have accessed the main screen of the IO app, the operations to follow to find out if the car tax has been paid are very simple: first press the Services item in the bottom menu, then, under the ACI section, tap on the ‘ Auto Stamp option. Therefore, I recommend that you check that the buttons below the wording This service can, or contact you in the app and send you push notifications, are active: otherwise, you can activate them with a simple tap.

In this way, the service will be able to query the ACI systems and synchronize with it and the app will produce the relative notification messages that will notify you of the expiry of the stamp, also giving you the opportunity to proceed with the payment through the PagoPA functions.

You can easily consult them by pressing on the Messages menu at the bottom left: in this section you will find any reminder, generated near the expiry of the stamp (with redirection to the payment function), or the message of payment of the last annuity. In the latter case, then, you will have the possibility, on the notification itself, to check the details of the last transaction.


The app of the well-known payment service for smartphones Satispay, available on Android and iOS / iPadOS, also allows you to verify the payment of the car tax and to proceed with the balance due if necessary through a specific function. Therefore, if you are already registered with Satispay, you can immediately access the service in question.

If, on the other hand, you have not yet registered and you are curious to know how Satispay works, in the guide I have just linked you will find all the information you need to install the app and open an account.

Download Satispay and use the promo code ARANZULLA to get € 5 as a bonus upon registration:Download Satispay for AndroidDownload Satispay for iOS

After logging in to the app and completing the recognition by entering the pin created during registration or biometric identification, from the main screen you have to press on the Services menu located at the bottom. On the next page you will find the Car and motorcycle stamp option: by pressing on it you can access its functionality.

If during the registration phase you have not provided information on your vehicle, you will have to enter the relevant data by pressing on the Add a vehicle item, select the type of vehicle between Motor vehicle and Motorhome, Trailer or Motorcycle and type in the relevant number in the last screen license plate: with the Satispay app, therefore, it is possible to make a payment even for a vehicle that you do not own. If you have already completed the compilation during the registration phase, you will already find the form relating to your means of transport already filled in in a special box.

Just tap on the latter to bring up the operating menu in the lower part of the display: to continue you will have to press the Pay option and wait for the request to be processed. If the stamp has already been paid, you will see a specific information message, otherwise you will be able to pay the payment through the bank account connected to the Satispay account. Consider that an additional fee of € 1 will also be applied to the total as a commission for the service in question.


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