
How to change password on Roblox

When you created your account on Roblox , the famous online gaming platform that collects over 15 million games created by users, you set a password that is easy to remember and not complex at all. Now, fearing that some attacker could discover it and thus take over your account, you have decided to remedy it and create one that is safer and less difficult to guess. The problem, however, is that you don’t know how to do it.

That’s the way it is, am I right? Then I will be happy to help you and explain how to change your password on Roblox . In addition to the detailed procedure for creating a new password from your account settings, both from a computer and from a smartphone and tablet, you will find instructions on how to set a new access key in case of loss. Also, if you run into any kind of problem, I will also show you how to get assistance from Roblox staff.

How do you say? Is that exactly what you wanted to know? So let’s not dwell further and see how to proceed. All you have to do is make yourself comfortable, take all the time you see fit and dedicate yourself to reading the next paragraphs. By carefully following the instructions I am about to give you, you will surely be able to change the password on Roblox. Happy reading and, above all, have fun!


  • How to change password on Roblox from computer
  • How to change password on Roblox from smartphones and tablets
  • How to change forgotten password on Roblox
  • In case of problems

How to change password on Roblox from computer

The procedure for changing password on Roblox is quick and easy. All you have to do is access your account settings and create a new passkey.

To proceed from a computer, start the browser you usually use to surf the Internet (eg Chrome , Edge , Safari , Firefox etc.) and connect to the official Roblox website . Now, click on the Login button at the top right, enter your login details in the Username / Email / Phone and Password fields and press the Login button again to access your account.

At this point, press the gear wheel icon , at the top right, and select the Settings item from the menu that opens. In the newly opened page, locate the Account info section and click on the pencil icon for the Password option .

On the Change Password screen , enter your current access key in the Current password field , create a new password (at least 8 characters) by entering it in the New password and Confirm password fields and click on the Update button to save the changes.

The message You have successfully changed your password will confirm that your password has been successfully changed: then press the OK button to return to your account settings and resume playing Roblox .

How to change password on Roblox from smartphones and tablets

If you prefer to change the password on Roblox from smartphones and tablets , you should know that the procedure to follow is almost identical to the one I just indicated to change the access key from a computer.

So take your smartphone / tablet and start the Roblox app for Android devices (also available on alternative stores , for devices without Google services) or iPhone / iPad . If you have not set up automatic access to your account, tap the Login button , enter your credentials in the Username / Email / Tel and Password fields and press the Login button again to log in.

Now, tap on the three dots icon located in the bottom menu and, in the new screen displayed, press on the Settings item . Then select the Account info option , locate the Password item and tap the relative pencil icon .

At this point, in the Change Password screen , enter your current password in the Current password field , type the new access key in the New password and Confirm password fields and press the Update and OK buttons , to save the changes and change the associated password to your Roblox account. Simple, right?

How to change forgotten password on Roblox

How do you say? Would you like to change the forgotten password on Roblox ? In this case, all you have to do is start the password recovery procedure by indicating the email address associated with your account, to which you will receive a link to create a new access key.

To proceed, connect to the official Roblox website or start the app for smartphones and tablets, click on the Login / Login button and, in the new screen displays, select the Forgot Password or Username? (if you are using the Roblox app, click on Forgot your password or username? ).

At this point, make sure you have selected the Password tab , enter your email address in the appropriate field and press the Submit / Send and OK buttons , to receive an email with instructions to recover your password.

Then log in to your inbox, locate the email sent by Roblox and click on the Reset password button . In the new page opened, enter the new password you wish to associate with your account in the New password and Confirm new password fields and click on the Submit button , to set the new password and access your account again.

Alternatively, you can recover the Roblox password also through your phone number, provided you have associated it with your account and have verified it through the appropriate procedure.

In this case, press on the option Use phone number to reset password (on the Roblox app it is Use the phone number to reset the password ), indicate the telephone number of your country (e.g. +39 for Italy) via the appropriate drop-down menu, specify your telephone number in the Phone number / Telephone number field and press the Submit / Send button to receive a 6-digit verification code via SMS.

At this point, enter the code in question in the Enter code / Enter the code field and press the Verify / Verify button to verify your identity. Once this is done, in the Reset Password screen , enter the new password you want to associate with your Roblox account in the New password and Confirm new password fields and press the Submit button to recover the Roblox password .

In case of problems

If you have followed the instructions I have given you in the previous lines of this guide in detail but, despite this, you have encountered problems that prevented you from changing the password associated with your account, I suggest you contact the Roblox staff to receive assistance.

To do this from a computer , connected to the Roblox support site , select the Roblox account option and, in the new open page, choose the option of your interest among How do I change my password? , if you cannot change your password, and I Forgot My Password , if you have forgotten your access key and cannot recover it.

At this point, try to put into practice the instructions shown on the screen: if even in doing so you are unable to solve, click on the Need more help? Contact support here and enter your name , email address and username on Roblox in the appropriate fields.

Then select the device on which you are having problems and the subject of your request using the drop-down menus What device are you having the problem on? and Type of help category and describe the problem encountered (preferably in English), in the Description of issue field . Then click on the Submit button to send your message and request assistance. An employee will answer you as soon as possible (always in English).

If you prefer to proceed from smartphone and tablet , start the Roblox app, log in to your account and tap on the three dots icon , at the bottom right. Then select the Help and Roblox Account options and follow the instructions I gave you in the previous lines to contact the Roblox staff from a computer: the procedure to follow is the same.


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