How to change game mode in Minecraft
Some newbies to Minecraft don’t know how to change the different game modes available in the game. When it comes to playing these different modes, you have different options for how you can play or customize your game, whether you’re editing your world or playing inside it. In this article, we will look at ways to change the game mode.
What is required to change the game mode?
For Java, you just need to make sure your cheat mode is enabled and you shouldn’t have any problem changing the game mode.

In other versions of the game, this is done in much the same way.
How to Change Game Mode in Minecraft Java Version
As the above suggests, in order to switch game modes in the Java version of Minecraft, you will need to create a new world in your Minecraft single player menu and then turn off cheats to allow you to reach your goal.

Once you enter the cheat-free world you just created, you can change the game mode using console commands. Press the “T” button in the game, and then enter the following command if you are already playing in survival mode:
Command: /gamemode creative
With this command you can change the game mode to creative.
Bedrock version
In the Bedrock game version, the method for switching game modes is almost the same, except for an additional method. You can change your game mode on the world edit selection screen before entering said world.

The only true difference here is that, unlike the Java version, you press Enter to enter a console command instead of ‘T’.

Can you switch between creative mode and survival mode in Minecraft?
Yes, you can with the above mentioned method. Just don’t forget to go to select console commands and enter the following command.
Command: /gamemode
From there, you will be shown options for the different game modes you can play.
Which is better: survival or creativity?
It all depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you want to build complex structures and farms, or build add-ons with little difficulty, then creative mode is what you need. If you need a challenge in which you have to work on your resources and progress in the game, survival will be your preference.
Am I missing anything when switching game modes?
You should definitely take advantage of the ability to change the game mode at your discretion in Minecraft. If you want to change something in your survival world, but you don’t have access to certain elements, then the solution is simple, you can switch to creative mode and there will always be an option to switch back to survival mode.