
How to build a soccer field in Minecraft

You often play Minecraft, the famous sandbox title developed by Mojang, and you have already spent a lot of time playing among the most famous “cubes” in the electronic world. However, you know that you still lack several things to do: among them, there is the construction of a football field, to show to your friends to show off your skills.

Well, if that’s the case and, therefore, you want to know how to build a football field in Minecraft, don’t worry: this tutorial aims to explain you how to do this, giving you the opportunity to build a very pleasant structure to the sight (but, as expected, not really working). In case you were wondering, there will also be a way to analyze some mods to speed up the work.

But now that’s enough chat: if you’re planning to build your own football pitch in Minecraft, take five minutes of free time and follow the quick instructions below. There is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to make a soccer field in Minecraft
  • Soccer field mod in Minecraft

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to build a football field in Minecraft, I think it might interest you to know more about this possibility.

Well, obviously in Minecraft there is no real football field, but by combining the elements available within the Mojang title it is possible to create one. The latter will not work, in the sense that you will not be able to play football, but it is a very interesting aesthetic element.

The first soccer field that I will explain to you how to build in this tutorial is made totally without mods and simply using some elements made available by the base game. In particular, you will need white wool blocksoak slabscobwebs and oak fences.

The white wool blocks can be created by combining 4 units of cords. The latter are released as drops when defeating certain types of enemies, such as cave spiders. The oak slabs are created, however, by combining 3 units of oak axes.

The webs are located close to spiders of the caverns generators, while the oak fences are created by combining 2 sticks to 4 units of oak axes. In any case, I remind you that in the Creative mode you already have all the elements of the case available in the inventory.

As for the Survival mode, I suggest you consult my tutorial on how to survive on Minecraft, in which I explained a little everything you need to know about this type of experience.

For the rest, in the course of the guide I will also show you how to make a more advanced football field using a mod for the Java version of Minecraft for PC. Clearly, in that case you will not need to find the various materials.

How to make a soccer field in Minecraft

After explaining the possibilities offered by the game, I would say that it is time to take the action and build the football field in Minecraft.

The first thing to do is to find a “free” place where there are many blocks of land available. Of course, if the blocks aren’t grass, you can always replace them.

Once you have found the right position, you can start placing the white wool on the ground: the latter will constitute the demarcation lines of the football field. In general, I recommend that you create a field of 20 x 30 blocks, “dividing” the half field starting from the 15th block.

After that, starting with the 7th block on both one side and the other, place 3 units of oak fences on both the right and left, creating the goalposts.

Next, place oak slabs on top to create the crossbar for the door.

As for the soccer goal net, you can use cobwebs.

At this point, it’s time to create the area. To proceed, take the white wool again, move to the left of the goal post and “advance” 6 blocks. Then, move right 11 blocks and join the area with the block just to the right of the door.

Once this is done, build a smaller white wool area inside, starting with the goalposts, staying one block away from the one created earlier.

Now it’s time to build the bezel of the penalty area. To do this, just start from the area (keeping the goal posts in front of your character) and proceed diagonally for 2 blocks. Next, join the two diagonals with 4 blocks of white wool in the center.

Perfect, at this point it is time to do it on the other side of the pitch as well, repeating all the procedures (creating goal, net, area and foul line).

At this point, you can finish by simply creating the midfield circle, using the same procedure as the one you used for the bezel, but maybe making it a little smaller.

Great, you have now successfully created your football pitch. Of course, you can also stretch the field and make it bigger, or you can change the color of the doors.

In short, what I have explained to you how to create is only a basic construction, then it is up to you to give vent to your imagination.

Soccer field mod in Minecraft

If you want a more “advanced” experience and you have the Java edition of Minecraft for PC, you could think of using the StadiumCraft mod, compatible from version 1.12.2 to 1.15.2 (so practically all the most popular versions are included among those who are used to using community-created content).

To use the aforementioned mod, you must first configure the Forge profile. To do this, connected to the official Forge portal, choose the version you want to use (it must be compatible with the mod) and press the Installer item. In some cases, you may need to press SKIP to start the download. For more details on this procedure, I recommend that you consult my guide on how to change Minecraft version.

Once the download is finished, open the forge- [version] – installer.jar file obtained, click on the Install Client option and click OK. Great, now you have successfully configured the Forge profile.

At this point, connect to the CurseForge website and press the Download icon on the right, next to the version of Minecraft you have chosen. Next, move / copy the file StadiumCraft + [version] .jar obtained in the mod folder . On Windows, the path to follow is C:\Users\[nome utente]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods, while on macOS it is ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods.

Now, start the Minecraft Launcher, select the Forge profile using the down arrow icon on the left and click the PLAY button. Perfect, now Minecraft will launch and allow you to use the StadiumCraft mod.

Once in a game in Creative mode, press the E button on your keyboard, click the right arrow icon and select the chair icon. In this way, you will access all the elements introduced by the StadiumCraft mod, which will help you create a football field more pleasing to the eye.

For example, you can use artificial turf for the field. Also, you can create stands with the chairs introduced by the mod and put billboards around the pitch. There are also nets for the goalspotlights and demarcation lines for the field. In short, thanks to this mod everything becomes easier.

If you want some advice, you could think of starting from the structure that I explained to you how to build in the previous chapter and then “fix it” with the elements of StadiumCraft in the way you think is most appropriate. By doing so, you will certainly be able to create a football field that is very beautiful to see.

For example, I gave vent to my creativity by creating a field by the sea. I, therefore, gave life to the team called AC Salvatore Aranzulla, by inserting his initials above the stands made using the elements of the StadiumCraft mod.

In short, now you know everything there is to know about the possibility of building football fields and stadiums within Minecraft.

Since you are a fan of the Mojang title, I suggest you consult the page of my site dedicated to Minecraft, where you can find many guides that could be for you.


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