How to build a house on The Sims

Your friends have been talking to you about The Sims for a long time , and so you’ve finally made up your mind to try one of the chapters of this hugely popular series of simulating people’s lives. You then started your adventure and started the construction phase of your virtual house. However, the elements available to decorate the house are many and you don’t have the faintest idea how to combine them to get a good result. That’s how it went, wasn’t it? Well then know that you have come to the right place!

In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you in detail how to build a house on The Sims . In case you were wondering, I will explain how to do this in the most popular chapters of the series: from The Sims 4 to The Sims 2 , passing through The Sims FreePlay and The Sims Mobile , analyzing in detail the procedures to create beautiful houses. one or two floors in all titles involved.

What do you say? Are you willing to go ahead and build your home on The Sims? In my opinion, yes, since you have come this far and are reading this tutorial with interest. On the other hand, Will Wright’s simulation video game series is particularly engaging. So take some time off and follow the quick instructions below. The results will satisfy you for sure. Having said that, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and, above all, have fun!


  • How to build a house on The Sims 4
    • How to build a beautiful house in The Sims 4
    • How to build a two story house on The Sims 4
  • How to build a house on The Sims 2
    • How to build a beautiful house in The Sims 2
    • How to build a two story house on The Sims 2
  • How to build a house on The Sims FreePlay
    • How to build a beautiful house in The Sims FreePlay
    • How to build a two story house in The Sims FreePlay
  • How to build a house on The Sims Mobile
    • How to build a beautiful house on The Sims Mobile
    • How to build a two story house on The Sims Mobile

How to build a house on The Sims 4

The Sims 4 , a chapter of the simulation video game series released in 2014, available on PC and consoles, allows you to create homes that are truly full of details. Below, therefore, you will find all the details of the case and the instructions that will allow you to learn how to build a house on The Sims . Good fun!

How to build a beautiful house in The Sims 4

The objects made available by The Sims 4 to beautify your home are countless: now I will explain how to use them right away to create a beautiful home.

To proceed, you must first get some free ground – my advice is to start a new game and choose the empty portion called Streamlet Single (20 x 15). Then select the empty terrain square and press on the hammer and wrench icon at the bottom right, to enter Build mode .

At this point, press on the wall icon (the first from top to bottom) located at the bottom left and select the Wall Tool object (the first icon from left to right). Next, create a closed structure with 3 blocks that “stick out” of a normal 7 x 9 block wall room .

Now, place 2 blocks of Room Tool (the second icon from left to right) in front of the structure you created.

Once this is done, press on the up arrow icon , located at the top right, to go upstairs. Then, press on the roof of the house in the image that is located at the bottom left and select the Pitched roof object and then place it in the back of the house.

Once this is done, extend the roof so that it covers the entire left side of the house. You can do this simply by using the directional arrows that appear on the screen.

Then do the same with the other side of the house. I remind you that you can rotate the various elements by pressing on the appropriate icons.

At this point, take the Pitched Roof and insert it between the previously created roof and the column in front of the house. Then, lower the roof you just created a little using the up arrow that appears on the screen.

Then complete the other part of the roof as well , taking care to match the two elements.

Now, cover the hole that has been created, both in front and behind, using the Wall Tool .

Then press on the icon of the motifs for the walls (the one on the left in the image of the house located at the bottom left) and select the color that best suits you, to paint the walls of the house (eg. Amenità dell ‘ Hague ). So personalize your home through colors.

Once this is done, click on the icon of the roof motifs which is located in the image of the house present at the bottom left. Here too, select the color that best suits you (eg Mosaic of Nature composite roof ) and customize the roof to your liking.

At this point, press on the door icon located in the usual image of the house, at the bottom left, and place the door that best suits you in the front of the house (eg Scialba fiberglass door ). Of course, you can also create a secondary entrance at the back of the house.

Now you just have to click on the window icon in the classic image of the house, select the window you like best (eg Mega Window ) and place it in all the places where you think it is necessary.

Perfect: you have finally completed the exterior of the house which, of course, you can embellish as you wish through the multiple objects in the inventory.

As for the interiors, press on the wall icon present at the top right, until an empty room is displayed. If you are on the top floor, just click on the down arrow icon , located at the top right.

Once this is done, you can start indulging in the interior décor. To access the objects, just click on the chair icon inside a room at the bottom left.

A menu will open in which you will find the various types of objects to be placed where you prefer.

My advice, however, is to use the rooms already made by default, since they allow you to create a house with an excellent design without having to waste too much time.

Then click first on the house icon at the bottom left and then on the lamp icon above a table . Now, take the rooms you like best and place them however you want.

I advise you to put a maximum of three, since, for the moment, the house is not very big. Of course, you can modify the walls and the extension of the rooms as you wish. Also, you might want to think about recoloring the interior walls, using the same method I showed you earlier for the exterior ones.

Ultimately, the result should be a rather visually pleasing home. What I have explained to you how to do is clearly a base, which you can then extend as you wish.

How to build a two story house on The Sims 4

The Sims 4 allows the player to also create a second floor for their home, in order to expand the space available and, consequently, the possibilities offered by the gameplay.

Starting with the house I illustrated in the chapter on how to build a beautiful house in The Sims 4 , you can build a second floor quite simply. In fact, all you have to do is press on the hammer icon at the top and demolish the rear roofs .

Now, take the Wall Tool and create the second floor with the same structure as the first. If you are unable to view the upper floor, just click on the up arrow icon , located at the top right. Also, you may have to press on the wall icon to switch views.

Once the new floor has been created, simply press on the steps icon present in the image of the house located at the bottom left, select the steps you think can do for you and place them in the appropriate point of the lower floor , obviously doing make sure there is the right space.

I remind you that, to view the lower floor, just press the down arrow icon located at the top right.

At this point, place all the rooms you want to add to your home. I remind you that you just need to press on the lamp icon , at the bottom left, to see all the available elements.

After that, you can obviously color the internal and external walls created, in order to give a unique color to the whole house, and add interior decorations , windows and so on and so forth, all according to your preferences.

Finally, all you have to do is press on the roof of the image of the house, bottom left, and build the roof in the way you like best with the same method that I explained to you previously.

Perfect, you created your own two story house on The Sims 4. See? It wasn’t that hard!

How to build a house on The Sims 2

The Sims 2 is one of the most famous chapters of the series created by Will Wright and distributed by Electronic Arts. Released in 2004, the video game implements numerous customization possibilities for your virtual home.

How to build a beautiful house in The Sims 2

Although The Sims 2 has several years on its shoulders, the game defends itself quite well when it comes to decorative elements and, therefore, it is possible to make a beautiful house in this title too.

To learn how to build a beautiful house in The Sims 2, my advice is to follow the tutorial implemented directly within the game.

To do this, just start a new game and press the Learn to play icon at the bottom left. Then, select the item Simple constructions and press the Play icon at the bottom.

At this point, you just have to follow the instructions given to you by the game. For the sake of completeness, I too will repeat the same instructions here.

To start, first press on Next and then on the hammer and wrench icon present at the bottom left. Now, select the room icon at the bottom right and place it on the testing ground.

At this point, press on the hammer and wrench icon (the one with the arrow to the left) and press on the door icon .

Then take the door you like best and place it where you want in the structure you created earlier. Always remember to proceed with the tutorial by pressing the Next button .

Next, click on the windows icon and place the windows wherever you want.

Then press on the hammer and wrench icon (the one with the arrow to the left) and press on the floor icon , choose the texture that best suits you and place the floor inside the house.

Go back, then, by pressing on the usual icon of the hammer and wrench , and click on the icon of the wall coverings . At this point, cover the house with the chosen texture .

After that, go back again and select the roof icon . Then press on the top floor icon at the bottom left, select the roof that best suits you and place it on the house.

Perfect, you have now successfully built your house. To make it more beautiful, I recommend that you follow another in-game tutorial.

Then go back to the main screen of The Sims 2, press the Learn to play icon , select the Advanced Constructions item and press the Play button .

Great, now you just have to follow the instructions that appear on the screen and you will see that you will be able to create a house that is particularly beautiful to look at, in case the one created previously is not enough for you.

How to build a two story house on The Sims 2

The Sims 2 also allows you to build a two-story house : let’s see how.

Once you have learned how to make a house like the one described in the chapter on how to build a beautiful house in The Sims 2 , making the second floor is very simple.

In fact, you just need to press first on the hammer and wrench icon and then on that of the upper floor , both present at the bottom left.

Once this is done, press on the wall icon and place a room on the upper floor. You may be asked to remove the roof by pressing on the hammer icon and destroying the various elements that make it up.

At this point, go back and press first on the icon of the lower floor , present at the bottom left, and then on that of the stairs . Therefore, place the latter in a suitable place.

Next, place the floor and start decorating the interior with all the objects you want. To access the inventory, just click on the chair icon at the bottom left.

At this point, you just have to click first on the icon of the upper floor and then on that of the hammer and the wrench , both present at the bottom left. Then, press on the roof icon and place the roof on the house.

Perfect, you have successfully created your two-story house in The Sims 2. Clearly, the one shown is just a base, which you can then decorate as you see fit through the internal editor.

How to build a house on The Sims FreePlay

The Sims FreePlay is a mobile video game for Android and iOS originally released in 2011. Also in this title, there is certainly no shortage of elements to customize the virtual home of your sim.

How to build a beautiful house in The Sims FreePlay

Despite being released in 2011, The Sims FreePlay still offers ample possibilities for customizing your virtual home. It is therefore possible to create a beautiful home right away.

As this is a game with a story, a home is provided to the player at the beginning of the adventure. In particular, the latter is taught how to create new rooms, walls and much more.

To get a “summary”, simply click on the chair icon at the bottom right, select Rooms and create or modify the existing ones, using the appropriate editor .

To modify floors, walls and so on, just select the relative icon , again starting from the menu accessed by pressing the chair icon .

From here you can, for example, change the color of the walls and floors, but also place all the elements you need. I can assure you that, by following these directions, in a few minutes you will have a rather pleasant home at your disposal.

How to build a two story house in The Sims FreePlay

How do you say? Would you like to build a two-story house on The Sims FreePlay but don’t know how to do it? No problem, it’s simpler than you might think.

Proceeding, in fact, with the story of the game, The Sims FreePlay will take you directly to build a two-story house, also explaining how to do it. In particular, you just need to complete the missions called Multi-storey (unlockable at level 17), place the stairs and create an upper floor and that’s it.

In short, you just have to play The Sims FreePlay normally and you will see that the time will also come when the game will make you build a two-story house.

How to build a house on The Sims Mobile

The Sims series also features another video game designed for Android and iOS devices : The Sims Mobile , released in 2017. This title allows you to create houses rather rich in detail: below, you will find all the information you need.

How to build a beautiful house on The Sims Mobile

Building a beautiful house on The Sims Mobile is not that difficult, given the wide possibilities offered by the Electronic Arts title.

As for The Sims Mobile, the adventure already begins with a well-built house. All you have to do is then simply modify the latter.

To do so, press on the chair icon at the bottom right and select the hammer icon with a wrench . Here you will find rooms, doors, windows, floors and so on. You can then proceed to place the various elements using the editor .

I can assure you that making a beautiful house is very simple, you just need to follow the instructions of the game, continue in your adventure and always remember to place the new elements obtained.

For more details, I invite you to check out my guide on how to get married on The Sims Mobile , where I illustrated how to quickly advance within the game. In short, The Sims Mobile is a practically “guided” game and therefore everything is very simple!

How to build a two story house on The Sims Mobile

After explaining how to build a beautiful house on The Sims Mobile, I think you might be interested in learning more about the possibility of building a second floor .

Well, unfortunately in The Sims Mobile it is not possible to build a second floor for your home. Users have repeatedly expressed their desire to be able to use this feature on the game’s official forum (in English) but, at the moment, the developers have not yet implemented it.

In any case, I can assure you that the method I explained to you in the chapter on how to build a beautiful house on The Sims Mobile is enough and advances to get a beautiful house, since the game still has very simple mechanics, as often happens in mobile scope.


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