How to build a church in Minecraft

How to build a church in Minecraft: You are building your village in Minecraft and would like to make it as similar as possible to a real existing village. You have already made several buildings, but you do not know how to proceed as far as the church is concerned. In fact, the latter has elements that are difficult to represent by means of cubes and you would therefore need some information on this.

Don’t worry: in this tutorial I will explain in detail how to build a church in Minecraft so that you can complete your village with all the structures usually found in a small village in the real world. In case you were wondering, I will not only point out mods that allow you to build the interior quickly, but I will also show you how to build the building from scratch without resorting to modifications to the game.

What do you say? Do you want to complete your village within Minecraft? In my opinion you can’t wait to find out how this structure is contextualized alongside the others that make up your virtual “village”. Below you can find all the relevant information. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to build a church in Minecraft
  • Mod to build a church on Minecraft

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to build a church in Minecraft, I think you may be interested in having more information about the required materials.

I remind you that in the game’s Survival mode it is necessary to recover all the elements necessary to build the structure. In the Creative mode, however, you already have everything you need in your inventory.

If you want, therefore, to realize the building in Survival mode, you must know that you will need the following items (at least if you want to emulate the project I realized I): slabs of quartzquartz blocks, slabs pietraneraorange glass panels and oak doors.

If you have doubts about how to find a certain material, you can refer to the Italian Minecraft Wiki: inside it, you just need to type the name of the element of your interest in the search bar at the top right, select the result more relevant and you will find out as well as it gets.

In any case, the structure that I will explain how to build in this tutorial is purely aesthetic. This means that it is an empty building inside, which can however make an impression and give a peculiar aspect to a village in Minecraft.

It is a structure that “exaggerates” a little with the dimensions of the cross, thus aiming to be recognizable even from a distance. In short, it is a building designed to be inserted within a classic context offered by the title of Mojang.

Unfortunately, I anticipate that Minecraft does not have many basic elements for what concerns the interior of the building, so you have to settle a bit. However, if you have the Java version for PC of the game, you can also follow the second part of the guide, where you will find explained how a mod works (compatible only with version 1.12.2 of the game) that allows you to give an extra touch to the game. the structure also internally.

How to build a church in Minecraft

After showing you what the possibilities Minecraft offers to create a church, I would say that it is time to take action.

To start, go to an area that has many free blocks and take some quartz slabs, placing 2 rows of 9 slabs.

Next, place a second layer of slabs in the back blocks to create steps.

So continue in this way until you have 4 levels of steps.

At this point, create a base 10 blocks long starting from the last level of steps. Always use quartz plates.

Once this is done, cover the lower part of the structure with other quartz blocks or slabs.

Now, position yourself on the fifth block of the last row, which is the center of the final row of the structure, and create a pile made up of 20 quartz plates, completing 10 blocks. The thickness of the column is equal to 2 blocks.

Then, starting from the third block from the top, create rows of 3 quartz blocks both on the right and on the left, making a cross. The thickness is equal to 2 blocks.

At this point, create 2 columns next to the cross: the closest one is 5 blocks high, while the second 4 blocks. Do this both left and right.

So take some blackstone slabs and create a line starting from the third block from the bottom. Also place a slab next to the last block on the right and left.

After that, break the white blocks underneath the row you just created and replace those in the columns with blackstone slabs. Instead, leave the part underneath the cross empty.

Therefore, it creates an entrance made of quartz slabs starting from the first columns on the right and left.

Now, extend the blackstone plates towards the back, placing 20 plates on the right and left, connecting them at the end.

Subsequently, widen the floor up to 2 blocks after the slabs of pietranera that are found in air. Extend the base also 2 blocks to the right and left.

At this point, start from the back of the “arms” of the cross and close the whole structure with blocks of smooth quartz.

Perfect, the base building is now ready. To add an extra touch to the structure, you could think of making another cross on the roof with black stone slabs.

Another modification you could make is to build windows on the sides with orange glass panels, in order to let the light filter inside the building.

In addition, you can place 3 oak doors at the entrance, perhaps keeping the central one always open, in order to give a sense of welcome.

Congratulations – you have now successfully created your church in Minecraft. Obviously, what I have shown you is just a basic structure, designed to be built quickly.

In any case, you can always make all the changes you want to make the building more pleasing to the eye and maybe make it more similar to reality.

Mod to build a church on Minecraft

How do you say? Did you build the church on Minecraft following the instructions I illustrated in the previous chapter but would you like to make the interiors as well? No problem, I’ll show you how to do it right away, using a mod – that is, a modification to the game’s files – called Sanctus.

The latter is only compatible with the 1.12.2 Java version of the game, so it does not work with other editions of Minecraft. If you want to learn more, you can refer to my tutorial on how to change Minecraft version. In any case, you need to have the Forge profile for the mod to work properly.

To install the latter, just connect to the Forge website and click on the Installer box. In this case you need an “outdated” version of Mojang’s title, 1.12.2, so be sure to choose it from the list on the left. In some cases, you may have to wait a few seconds and click the SKIP button, present at the top right, to start the download.

Once the latter is finished, start the forge- [version] – installer.jar file obtained, click on the Install Client item and click on the OK button. Great, now you have the Forge profile.

At this point, connect to the Curseforge portal and press the Download button on the right. By doing so, you will get the sanctus + [version] .jar file. To make the Sanctus mod work, you also need the one called Custom Stuff 4, which you can always download from the Curseforge website.

At this point, move/copy the files to the Minecraft mods folder. On Windows, the path to follow is C:\Users\[nome utente]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods, while on macOS it is ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods.

Then, start the Minecraft Launcher, select the Forge profile from the appropriate menu at the bottom left and press the PLAY button. Once you have started a game in Creative mode, enter the church, press the E button on the keyboard, click on the arrow icon at the top right and press on the mod icon.

By doing so, you will see the elements added by Sanctus. Just drag them into your character’s quick inventory below to use them.

These items will help you complete the interior of the church. In fact, you can create the kneelers to make the faithful kneel and position them towards the altar. In short, by using this mod and with a little good will you can also create the interior of the structure.

In this case it is up to you to choose how to use the elements added by the Sanctus mod, from the altar to the internal lights, to be able to recreate an environment that is as close as possible to the real one and contextualizes well within your Minecraft village. .

Obviously it is only a structure within a game, among other things that is based on “cubes”, so reconstructing the real design is quite difficult. However, as I have shown you in the course of this guide, it is still possible to create a building that is recognizable from afar and able to complement the structures of the village.

There is obviously no “spiritual” intent in the realization of this guide, since it is a simple virtual representation of a structure that is found in practically the whole territory and that always peeps out in all the villages.

It is therefore normal that, when you want to create a virtual village within Minecraft, you also think about building a church, in order to make the “village” closer to the real one, to the context in which we all live. the days.

On the other hand, Minecraft is simply a game and is based on creativity: you will forgive me if I made a design a little different from the real one as far as the “virtual church” is concerned.

For the rest, since you are a fan of the Mojang title, I would recommend that you take a look at the page of my site dedicated to Minecraft, where you can find many other tutorials that could be for you.


Source: aranzulla by

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