
How to ban on Roblox

Online video games are a great way to hang out and have fun with other people. However, even this seemingly harmless world is not without its pitfalls. In fact, just like in the real world, even in that of online gaming there are people who do not have respectful behavior towards others and enter the servers of the various titles with the sole purpose of annoying others.

Between provocative messages and disrespectful interactions via voice chat, online gaming sessions can sometimes turn into unpleasant experiences. In this regard, there are users (fortunately few) who in recent days have been bothering you on Roblox and, therefore, you would like to know if there is a way to block them in the various mini-games that have made the platform famous.

If things are just as I described them, let me tell you that you have come to the right place! In the following lines, in fact, I will explain how to ban on Roblox using all the solutions made available by the platform. Follow my advice and I guarantee that your online gaming sessions will become much more enjoyable. Happy reading and good luck for everything!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to ban someone on Roblox
    • From smartphones and tablets
    • From PC
    • From Xbox

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to ban on Roblox , I think it may interest you to know more about this possibility.

Let’s start by saying that if you are an administrator on Roblox, you cannot automatically block a user who is creating “havoc” within your game or server. In fact, in this case you should first create a script that can get you to remove users.

I will not go into the details of the procedure, since you have to see how to implement everything within your game created with Roblox Studio (or your server), but I invite you to consult the documentation dedicated to the Kick function to understand how to proceed.

For the rest, online there are also scripts made by others that allow you to do just that. However, I advise you to be very careful to use it, as some malicious people have been discovered trying to spread malicious code in this way.

If, on the other hand, you are a “simple” Roblox player, know that the in-game ban features vary from game to game , so in certain titles it may be possible to use special commands to change or otherwise “limit” someone who is not behaving Well.

For example, you might run into bad guys trying to cheat on Adopt Me (a particularly popular title on Roblox), keeping the best items by taking advantage of the mechanics of the trade or taking many other deceptive actions . As I have already explained in several tutorials , if you want to keep in-game items and your account safe , you should stay away from such interactions with strangers, trading items and performing similar actions only with people you trust .

However, know that there are also automatic ban features in case a user behaves particularly badly, so the game could think about it directly to limit certain subjects. Put simply, the problem could also resolve itself, but it is still good to “take action”.

In short, as regards the possibilities offered directly by the title you are playing, I advise you to deepen the settings menu as you should , as well as maybe ask someone else if there are commands to change someone (calling “help” the administrators could also let you solve the problem).

I remind you that often in Roblox games you can make a report about the violation of the rules . To do this, generally you just need to press the ☰ icon in the top left, find the player to be banned and press the flag icon next to his name, then selecting the type of violation and possibly entering a description .

For all the details of the case, I recommend that you take a look at the official Roblox guidelines , where you can find information regarding even the reporting of entire games or other elements that you deem inappropriate.

In any case, having made these necessary premises, you must know that from now on I will imprint this tutorial on the possibility for the user to block other players who are “annoying” him within Roblox.

The term “ban” is in fact often used to indicate a block of this type. Of course, clearly the user cannot “make the other player’s account disappear” completely and prevent him from continuing to play, but at least he can choose not to have anything to do with it, just like when someone is blocked on Facebook or on WhatsApp .

By following the procedure in this tutorial, the players you block will no longer be able to talk to you and therefore annoy you inside Roblox. In this way you will be able to play quietly and put an end to the actions of the “nuisances”.

I remind you that each account can block a maximum of 100 users . There should be no problem, as this is a particularly large number, but it was fair to let you know.

How to ban someone on Roblox

After having illustrated the general situation, I would say that it is time to get to the heart of the tutorial. Below you can find all the indications of the case, divided by platform (I remind you that Roblox is available on mobile devices, PC and Xbox).

From smartphones and tablets

Blocking a user from the official Roblox application for Android devices (downloadable from the Play Store and from alternative stores for devices without Google services) and iPhone / iPad (available on the App Store ) is very simple.

In fact, it is enough to know the nickname of the user to be banned , open the application , press the Search icon at the top right and type the user name of the latter, then pressing the Send button . The games with that name will appear on the screen . For this reason, you will have to click on the link for the nickname , preceded by the word Search for name players instead .

By doing so, the list of accounts linked to the nickname you are looking for will appear on the screen : you just have to press on the box relating to the correct user, tap on the icon of the three dots present at the top right and first select the option Block user and then that Block from the menu that is proposed to you.

In case of second thoughts , you can go back to the page relating to the user involved, press on the icon of the three dots , first select the item Block user and then that Unblock , to unblock him. In short, this is nothing difficult and you shouldn’t have any particular problems following the procedure.

For the rest, I remind you that in some games it is possible to directly select the user’s nickname to be blocked in-game and thus reach the page relating to his account. Furthermore, from the Roblox application you can get a list of blocked people by pressing on the three dots icon in the bottom right and going to Settings> Privacy> Blocked users .

From here you can press the Show button to see all the people you have blocked and, if necessary, tap the Unblock button to review your choices in this regard.

From PC

If you are used to playing Roblox on a PC , I recommend that you go through the browser . In fact, you just need to reach the Roblox player search page and log in with your account if necessary, by pressing the Login button at the top right, entering your e-mail address and password and pressing the Login button .

Type, therefore, the nickname of the player you want to block, check that it is him and press on the box linked to the account. Once you have entered the correct profile page , just press on the three dots icon , present at the top right, then pressing the Block user and Block buttons .

The portal will explain that, after making this choice, you will no longer be able to contact the other user and he will no longer be able to “reach you”. In case you have to think again, I remind you that you can unblock the person involved by going back to his profile page, pressing the three dots icon and clicking first on the Block user button and then on the Unblock button .

Alternatively, press on the gear icon located at the top right, select the Settings item from the menu that opens, click on the Privacy tab on the left, and press the Show button , at the bottom, under the heading Users blocked .

The list of blocked people will appear on the screen : just press the Unblock button next to the nickname of the user to be unblocked and that’s it.

For the rest, I remind you that in some games it is enough to press on the user’s nickname in certain screens to be taken directly to the page relating to the appropriate account, without having to manually search for the username.

From Xbox

How do you say? Do you usually play Roblox from your trusty Xbox ? No problem, I’ll explain immediately how to proceed from the Microsoft console.

Well, in this case, probably the most valid method is to follow the instructions in the previous chapters (trying to see, for example, if it is possible to do something directly from the game). In fact, by doing so you will “protect yourself” from any “annoyances” inside Roblox.

For the rest, I remind you that on Xbox there is the question of the Xbox Live profile . For this reason, I recommend that you also take a look at the official guidelines relating to reporting users from this platform.

In any case, since you usually play the Roblox Corporation title, you may find the Roblox page on my site interesting . In fact, here are other tutorials that could be interesting, both for managing your account and for getting ideas related to game sessions.


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