How to add friends on Nintendo Switch

Your best friend sent you a friend request on Nintendo Switch but you don’t know how to accept it? Would you like to add to your friends list some users you usually play with on Switch but haven’t found the right option to do so? If the answer to at least one of these questions is yes, don’t worry: you’ve come to the right place at the right time!

With today’s guide, in fact, I will explain how to add friends on Nintendo Switch by providing you with all the information you need to succeed in your intent. In addition to the detailed procedure for sending a friend request to users of your interest, you will find all the instructions to view and possibly accept the requests that have been sent to you by other players.

If that’s what you wanted to know, let’s not go any further and see how to proceed. Make yourself comfortable, take all the time you see fit and dedicate yourself to reading the next paragraphs. By following the directions I am about to give you and trying to put them into practice, I am sure that you will be able to add new friends on Nintendo Switch without any difficulty. Happy reading and, above all, have fun!


  • Preliminary operations
  • How to send a friend request on Nintendo Switch
  • How to accept friends on Nintendo Switch
    • How to add friends on Fortnite Nintendo Switch
    • How to add friends on Rocket League Nintendo Switch

Preliminary operations

Before we get to the heart of this tutorial and show you how to add friends on Nintendo Switch , you need to know that you need to do some preliminary operations so that you can send and receive friend requests on the console of the famous Japanese brand.

First of all, you must have a Nintendo account : if you do not have one yet, connected to the official Nintendo website , press the Login button , at the top right, select the Create a Nintendo account option from the menu that is proposed to you and follow the indications shown on the screen. For the complete procedure, I refer you to my guide on how to create a Nintendo Account .

Once this is done, you need to link the newly created account to an existing user on Nintendo Switch (in this regard, my guide on how to create a user on Nintendo Switch may be useful ). To do this, take and turn on your console and, in its main screen, press on the profile picture associated with your user, located at the top left.

In the Profile section , choose the Link a Nintendo Account option , enter the data associated with your Nintendo Account in the Email Address or User ID and Password fields and press the Sign In and OK buttons , to complete the connection and start adding friends on Nintendo Switch .

How to send a friend request on Nintendo Switch

The first solution to add friends on Nintendo Switch is to access the Add a friend section and select one of the available options among those that allow you to send a new friend request. Please note that it is possible to have a maximum of 300 friends .

To proceed, take your console, press on the profile picture associated with your user (top left) and, in the [username] page screen , select the Add a friend option . At this point, if you know the friend code of the person you want to add to your friends, press on the item Search by friend code , enter the code in question using the numeric keypad that appeared on the screen and press the OK button , to send your request for friendship.

Alternatively, by accessing the Add a friend section , you can also choose one of the other options available to send a friend request.

  • Search Local Users: This option allows you to exchange a friend request with people who are playing Nintendo Switch in the same room as you. All you and the person you want to add to your friends have to do is access the Add a friend and Search local users sections and press the same symbol from those displayed on the screen. Note that an internet connection is not required to send a friend request as other consoles nearby are scanned via Bluetooth. However, the friend request will only appear when the Nintendo Switch is connected to the internet.
  • Search for users you have played with: If you are used to playing online with Nintendo Switch , you need to know that your console keeps track of other users you have interacted with in the past. By choosing this option, therefore, you can view the users with whom you have played online and send them a friend request.

In addition, by selecting the Friend Suggestions option , visible on the [username] Page screen , you can send friend requests to users you have as friends in Nintendo apps for smartphones and tablets (eg Super Mario Run ), as long as you using the same Nintendo Account in use on the console.

In the Friendship Suggestions section , by selecting the tabs related to Facebook and Twitter , you can also connect your Facebook account and / or your Twitter profile and, subsequently, send friend requests to users you have as friends on the social networks in question and who , in turn, they linked the social accounts to their Nintendo Account.

At any time, you can view all the friend requests you have sent by accessing the Add a friend section and clicking on Friend requests sent . To view the full list of your friends on Nintendo Switch, instead, tap on the Friends List option visible on the [username] Page screen .

By clicking on the username of each friend you can view some details, such as game activities. Also, by selecting the Best Friends option , you can set the user in question as a “best friend” and display him at the top of your friends list.

By pressing, on the other hand, on the Options and Delete friend items , you can remove a user from your friends (you will in turn be deleted from his friends list) and, if you wish, also block him ( Block ), so as not to receive more requests. of friendships from the user in question and have fewer chances to play it together during an online game.

How to accept friends on Nintendo Switch

How do you say? Would you like to view the friend requests received on Switch and possibly accept those of your interest? In this case, access the main screen of your console, click on the profile picture associated with your user, in the upper left, and select the option Add a friend .

Now, click on the item You have received [number] friend requests! (if you do not have any requests or have already viewed those received, you will see the item Request for friendships received ) and, in the new screen displayed, you can see the list of all users who have sent you a friend request.

At this point, press on a single friend request , to view the date on which it was sent to you, the invitation mode (eg via friend code) and the game activities of the user in question. By pressing the Reject and Block buttons , you can reject the friend request and also block the user who sent it to you.

If, on the other hand, you want to accept the request, click on the Accept button and, if everything went well, you should see the message You are now friends! . Then press on the OK option to return to the Friend requests received screen , and repeat the procedure for all the users you intend to add as your friends.

How to add friends on Fortnite Nintendo Switch

If your intention is to add friends on Fortnite Nintendo Switch , you will be pleased to know that the procedure is quick and easy. All you have to do is start Fortnite on the Switch , select the option to add new friends and send a friend request.

To do this, take your console, start the game and, completed the loading, press the icon of the three men located at the top left. In the new screen that appears, select the Add friends option , enter the name or email address associated with the Epic Games account of the user you want to add to your friends in the Enter name or email address field and press the + button , to send your friend request.

If, on the other hand, you want to view any friend requests received, access the Invitations section , select the player you want to add to your friendships and press the Accept button . For the detailed procedure, I leave you to my guide on how to add friends on Fornite .

How to add friends on Rocket League Nintendo Switch

To add friends to Rocket League on Nintendo Switch , start Rocket League on your console and press the two men icon , bottom right.

Now, in the Friends List screen , press the Add Epic Friend button , enter the name associated with the Epic Games account of the user you want to add to your friends in the Enter an Epic ID field and press the OK button , to send your request .

To view the friend requests that have been sent to you, instead, select the tab relating to notifications (the bell icon ) and press on the item Friend requests . At this point, select the request you wish to accept and click on the relevant Accept button . Simple, right?


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