How to activate the SPID code

Do you urgently need to deal with some bureaucratic procedures related to the Public Administration, but you don’t have the slightest desire to face long queues at physical counters? In this case, the SPID identity could be extremely useful : in simple terms, this system allows you to access the online services of the PA (and not only), using a combination of username, password and – almost always – valid one-time code for all compatible sites.

How do you say? You have already heard about it, but do you think you are not able to activate something like this in complete autonomy and are you afraid of having to go personally to a dedicated office anyway? Well, in this case, I am very happy to be able to contradict you: if you continue reading this guide, you will find out how to activate the SPID code in no time and, above all, without taking a step beyond your desk!

I guarantee you that, despite what you might think, everything is much simpler than it seems: a little patience and a few minutes of free time are enough to succeed brilliantly in the enterprise. So, without further ado, make yourself comfortable and continue reading this guide of mine: I’m sure you will be able to reach the goal you set for yourself. Happy reading and good luck for everything!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to activate the SPID code online
    • How to activate the SPID code with Poste Italiane
  • How to activate the SPID code: INPS

Preliminary information

Before going to the point of the procedure, let’s start from the basics by seeing what SPID is. Well, the Public Digital Identity System , known to most as SPID , is a nationally recognized and unified access method for each person or entity, which allows private citizens, professionals and companies to use the telematic services of the Public Administration. (and other online services) using a single account.

To obtain the SPID code, you must be an Italian citizen with a valid health card or a resident with a residence permit , you must be at least 18 years old and have a health card and a valid identification document (identity card, passport or driving license). of validity.

The request for credentials must be made at one of the identity providers (or certification bodies ) accredited to the Italian Government , by making a short online registration , during which you must provide a valid e-mail address and mobile phone number , to be associated with the account. and upload the required identification documents.

To obtain the SPID credentials, it is also necessary to verify one’s identity , for security purposes, using one of the control systems made available by the certifying body, to be chosen based on the electronic (and non-electronic) tools in one’s possession. Below is a list of the most commonly used.

  • CIE 3.0: if you have an electronic identity card , a PIN associated with it and a smartphone equipped with an NFC chip , you can use the official app of the certification body chosen to pass the identity check, almost snapshot.
  • CIE / TS-CNS: if you have a computer with a correctly configured smart card or contactless card reader , you can use the electronic identity card, or the health card enabled Carta Nazionale dei Servizi, to verify your identity. Validation is instant.
  • Digital signature: if you have a digital / remote signature kit , you can use it to immediately complete the verification of your identity.
  • Webcamor Camera : in this case, it is possible to proceed either by autonomous recognition (by recording a video showing the requested documents, reading a sentence received via SMS or app and making a symbolic transfer from an account in one’s own name), or by recognition with the remote assistance of a human operator. In this case, the validation is not instantaneous and may take a few hours.
  • In person: a fair number of certification bodies, in particular those that have physical branches, allow you to complete the activation of SPID credentials by going personally to an authorized office.

Some identity providers may also allow the owners of their products to use some simplified authentication methods: as you will soon discover, for example, Poste Italiane provides the possibility to complete the identity verification by receiving an SMS on your validated and associated mobile number. to a postal product, or via the BancoPosta reader.

Depending on the online service you are interested in, you can log in using the SPID code according to three security levels , each of which provides for a different access procedure.

  • SPID 1: it is the “simplest” level, used by portals mainly responsible for consulting their data, which allows you to finalize the login by entering only the username and password . In terms of security, it is the least recommended level, so much so that fewer and fewer portals accept level 1 SPID credentials.
  • SPID 2: allows you to finalize the login by entering, in addition to the username and password , also a single-use code generated through the official app of the certifying body, received via SMS or obtained using a dedicated device (or a biometric recognition system). It is the one that represents a good compromise between security and access speed, as well as the most used.
  • SPID 3: allows you to log in using the username , password and a personal certificate on a dedicated smart card (which can be a personal document such as the CIE or CS-TNS, or a card provided by the certifying body) with its PIN , or on a USB token . It is the safest access system but, at the moment, it is not very widespread for services dedicated to private citizens.

Most certification bodies provide level 1 and 2 SPID credentials: the latter must be enabled manually after obtaining the SPID code, following the instructions provided by the chosen provider. SPID level 3 access must almost always be requested separately and requires the association of a personal card to the SPID identity.

At the time of writing this guide, the certification bodies authorized to issue SPIDs are Aruba , InfoCert , Intesa , Lepida , Namirial , Poste Italiane , Sielte , SpidItalia / Register and TIM : for more information on the verification systems supported, the how to register and the security levels provided, you can take a look at the official websites of the various providers.

How to activate the SPID code online

To be able to request and activate the SPID code online , you must first choose the certifying body to contact, based on your needs and the recognition tools at your disposal (the credentials obtained are equivalent to each other), and then follow a more detailed procedure. or less standard, valid in most cases.

To be precise, you must register at the site of the chosen identity provider , providing your personal data , a digital scan or a photo of the requested documents, a valid mobile number , a non-certified email address (which will also be used as username) and a password to use to protect the account.

Once you have completed the creation of your personal profile, you will be asked to complete the verification of your identity: if it is your intention to proceed without going to an office, you can authenticate with CIE 3.0 by downloading the provider’s app, holding your card. identity to the NFC chip of the smartphone or tablet and entering the PIN of the card ( more info here ); alternatively, you can choose to record a video in which you show an identity document and say a sentence or a random number generated by the app or received via SMS, and then issue a bank transfer of a few cents, at most one euro, coming from a Italian account in your name.

Again, if you have a digital signature kit , you can enter the credentials of the same and authenticate yourself almost instantly; or conclude the verification via computer, using the authorized health card Carta Nazionale dei Servizi or the CIE , inserting the card in the appropriate reader (or placing it on its surface) and, after selecting the certificate contained within it, typing the PIN of the card . ‘access.

Clearly, the menus and options available vary according to the identity provider chosen, so it is not possible for me to list all the possible routes. As an example, however, I can show you how to activate SPID at Poste Italiane directly online, after authentication via SMS on a certified mobile phone .

How to activate the SPID code with Poste Italiane

If it is your intention to activate the SPID code with Poste Italiane without physically going to any office, you will be happy to know that it is possible to proceed, as well as after authentication on a certified mobile number (mode mainly dedicated to those who have an associated account to an active postal product), also via CIE 3.0 , CIE or TS-CNS and computer, digital signature kit , electronic passport and document with symbolic transfer .

This last method of recognition, however, does not guarantee instant access to one’s SPID credentials, but may require an activation time ranging from a few hours to several days.

Having clarified this, to proceed, connect to the SPID-enabled PosteID website and press the Register now button ; now, indicate the method of identification of your interest by checking the dedicated box, press the Proceed button and complete the identity verification, following the instructions you see on the screen.

Depending on the choice made, you may have to log in with your Poste Italiane account and generate an OTP code via the BancoPosta reader, enable reading of the certificate contained in the CIE or TS-CNS using a specific app or program, or manually indicate your personal data in the proposed fields.

To complete the procedure, you may need to upload a scan or a photo of the required identification documents and complete the final identity verification , in the manner specified at the beginning of the procedure.

For example, if you are the owner of a postal product and have chosen to request SPID credentials with SMS on Certified Mobile , you must enter the username and password of your account in the appropriate fields (which you can retrieve by following these instructions, if you have forgotten them), and then press the Continue button .

Following this operation, a disposable code should be sent to you via SMS on the mobile phone number associated with your postal product, to be typed in the dedicated field; after doing so, press the Verify code button and, if necessary, enter the data of the identity document issued to Poste Italiane during registration, in the dedicated text boxes.

After this step too, press the Confirm button and specify a valid e-mail address (preferably not a Certified E-mail ), to be used as a username for SPID access and to receive communications; now, click on the Proceed button and specify the single-use code that, in the meantime, has been delivered to the email address specified earlier.

We are almost there: now, create a password to be used to protect the SPID identity in line with the required criteria, press the Proceed button , check that the personal data are correct and proceed to the next step, during which you will have to read the conditions of service and the privacy policy.

Finally, put the check mark in the boxes relating to the acceptance of the aforementioned terms (if you wish, you can deny consent to the use of data for marketing purposes), enter the password of your account to confirm the will to proceed and press the Confirm button , to forward the request for activating the credentials (which should be processed within a few minutes, or a few hours).

When the SPID identity is active and usable, you will receive an e-mail message containing the Immediate Suspension code , to be used to revoke the credentials and further instructions on how to activate the SPID 3 code .

In order to use the newly created SPID identity with security level 2, you must download the PosteID app , available for Android , iPhone and iPad . After installing it , open it, press the Continue button a few times , then click Log in and enter the SPID credentials activated just now.

Now, press the Login button again and create a PosteID code to be used as an identity verification tool, to finalize level 2 SPID access; in case of doubts or problems at this stage, I refer you to reading my guide on how to activate PosteID .

How to activate the SPID code: INPS

If you have slavishly followed the instructions I have given you in the course of this guide, you should have been able to create a level 2 SPID identity without any problems , which is essential for accessing INPS online services . The good news is that all the certification bodies are equivalent therefore, regardless of the provider chosen, you can enter the portal of the National Institute for Social Security with extreme ease.

Like? I’ll explain it to you right away. Once the activation of the SPID 2 credentials has been completed , connected to the INPS website , press the Enter MyINPS button located at the top right (or on the little man symbol ) and touch the SPID card , located on the next screen.

Now, press the Enter with SPID button , select your certification body from those available and, when requested, enter your SPID credentials in the appropriate fields. Now, press the Enter with SPID button again and complete the level 2 access, providing the second authentication factor with the procedure you should have chosen and configured previously (generation of an OTP code via SMS / app or validation of the access notification via code or biometric recognition).

Finally, press the Continue and Authorize / Agree buttons and wait a few moments for the access to be finalized and your personal area to be shown to you. If you are interested in learning more about how to register on the INPS site , I refer you to reading the tutorial I have dedicated to the subject.


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