How to activate the cheats on GTA 5

You have quickly become a huge fan of GTA 5 , one of the most popular installments of the historic Rockstar video game series , and are having a lot of fun on the streets of Los Santos. However, you still haven’t figured out how cheats can be used within the game. No problem, let’s fix it right away!

In this guide, in fact, I will explain to you in detail how to activate the tricks on GTA 5, illustrating the procedure to follow on consoles and PCs and explaining a little better what you can do with the tricks activated.

What do you say then? Are you ready to learn how to use GTA tricks? In my opinion, yes, so let’s not waste any more time and let’s get down to business. You just have to follow the quick instructions below and put them into practice. There is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to activate the cheats on GTA 5
    • How to activate the cheats on GTA 5 PS4
    • How to activate the cheats on GTA 5 PC
  • How to disable the cheats on GTA 5
  • How to save the tricks on GTA 5

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to activate the cheats on GTA 5 , I think it may interest you to know more about this possibility.

Well, cheats are a very interesting component of the Rockstar video game series, as myriads of gamers have enjoyed doing pretty much what they wanted through them, starting with the generation of incredible vehicles .

In GTA 5 it is possible to enable a certain selection of cheats that allow, for example, to obtain invincibility for a period of 5 minutes, as well as to make vehicles like the Rapid GT appear; not to mention the super jump. In short, I understand the reason that pushes you to want to learn how to use the tricks and in fact this tutorial is here for precisely this.

Before leaving, however, I remind you that you can only use these tricks in the Story mode of GTA 5 (so no GTA Online ) and that often the latter can block the obtaining of trophies in the game in which they are activated.

If you care about the trophies, I suggest you start another game and use it to try out the tricks, so as not to “affect” your main adventure. Generally trophies should only be deactivated for one session, but better not to “risk”.

How to activate the cheats on GTA 5

After having illustrated the general situation regarding the possibility of using the cheats on GTA 5, I think the time has come to take action, explaining how to activate the latter on consoles and computers.

How to activate the cheats on GTA 5 PS4

Let’s start with the console world. In this chapter I will take the PlayStation 4 version of GTA 5 as a practical example , but I will also show you how to activate the cheats on GTA 5 for Xbox 360 and Xbox One . On the other hand, all you have to do is press a certain combination of keys to activate the corresponding trick.

Below you can find a list of the main tricks you can use on console.

  • Explosive Melee Attacks: Right Arrow, Left Arrow, X, Triangle, R1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L2 (PS4 / PS3). Right Arrow, Left Arrow, A, Y, RB, B, B, B, LT (Xbox 360 / One).
  • Super Jump: Left Arrow, Left Arrow, Triangle, Triangle, Right Arrow, Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Square, R1, R2 (PS3 / PS4). Left Arrow, Left Arrow, Y, Y, Right Arrow, Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, X, RB, RT (Xbox 360, Xbox One).
  • Stuntplane (stunt plane): circle, right arrow, L1, L2, left arrow, R1, L1, L1, left arrow, left arrow, X, triangle (PS3 / PS4). B, right arrow, LB, LT, left arrow, RB, LB, LB, left arrow, left arrow, A, Y (Xbox 360 / One).
  • Comet (racing car): R1, circle, R2, right arrow, L1, L2, X, X, square, R1 (PS3 / PS4). RB, B, RT, right arrow, LB, LT, A, A, X, RB (Xbox 360 / One).
  • Invincibility (5 minutes): Right Arrow, X, Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, R1, Right Arrow, Left Arrow, X, Triangle (PS3 / PS4). Right Arrow, A, Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, RB, Right Arrow, Left Arrow, A, Y (Xbox 360, Xbox One).
  • Weapons: Triangle, R2, Left Arrow, L1, X, Right Arrow, Triangle, Down Arrow, Square, L1, L1, L1 (PS3 / PS4). Y, RT, left arrow, LB, A, right arrow, Y, down arrow, X, LB, LB, LB.
  • Health and Armor: Circle, L1, Triangle, R2, X, Square, Circle, Right Arrow, Square, L1, L1, L1 (PS3 / PS4). Y, RT, left arrow, LB, A, right arrow, Y, down arrow, X, LB, LB, LB (Xbox 360 / One).
  • Rapid GT (Race Car): R2, L1, circle, right arrow, L1, R1, right arrow, left arrow, circle, R2 (PS3 / PS4). RT, LB, B, right arrow, LB, RB, right arrow, left arrow, B, RT (Xbox 360 / One).
  • Quick Run: Triangle, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Right Arrow, L2, L1, Square (PS4 / PS3). Y, left arrow, right arrow, right arrow, LT, LB, X (Xbox 360 / One).
  • “Bang bang” (explosive bullets): right arrow, square, X, left arrow, R1, R2, left arrow, right arrow, right arrow, L1, L1, L1 (PS3 / PS4). Right Arrow, X, A, Left Arrow, RB, RT, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Right Arrow, LB, LB, LB (Xbox 360 / One).

Those listed are only a selection of the cheats available for GTA 5, but if you want to deepen the subject and find others you can do it through the GTA encyclopedia (in English).

How to activate the cheats on GTA 5 PC

As for the PC version of GTA 5 , the procedure to follow is different from the one for console that I illustrated in the previous chapter .

In fact, it is necessary to press the \ button on the keyboard (located to the left of key 1), type the code relating to the trick you want to activate and give Enter . Below you can find a selection of the most interesting tricks.

  • ExplosiveMelee Attacks : HOTHANDS;
  • Super jump: BARNSTORM;
  • Comet (racing car): COMET;
  • Invincibility (5 minutes): PAINKILLER;
  • Weapons: TOOLUP;
  • Health and armor: TURTLE;
  • Rapid GT (racing car): RAPIDGT;
  • Fast run: CATCHME;
  • “Bang bang” (explosive bullets): HIGHEX.

How to disable the cheats on GTA 5

Now that you have learned how to activate the tricks on GTA 5, it may interest you to know how to disable them . Well, in this case, just re-enter the trick you used earlier.

For example, if you have activated the super jump , just use the appropriate combination or code to deactivate it. To give you some concrete examples, on PS3 / PS4 it is: left arrow, left arrow, triangle, triangle, right arrow, right arrow, left arrow, right arrow, square, R1, R2. On PC, however, you have to type HOPTOIT.

How to save the tricks on GTA 5

How do you say? Are you “tired” of having to re-enter the tricks every time and would like to save them, in order to activate them quickly ? I’ll explain the situation immediately.

Well, unfortunately it is not possible to save the tricks, since there is no dedicated section within the character’s mobile. In short, they must be re-inserted each time by hand . Therefore, you just have to write down the various combinations and keep them always at hand.

Perfect, now you know everything there is to know regarding the possibility of using cheats on GTA 5. Since you are a fan of the Rockstar title, I would recommend that you take a look at the page on my site dedicated to GTA , where you can find many other tutorials that might be right for you.


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