
Google on Page Experience and User Engagement

In a new meeting with webmasters, John Mueller reminded that Google does not use user engagement as a ranking factor, and stated that the search engine is able to evaluate Page Experience separately for different sections of the site or groups of pages.

In some cases, when Google has enough data on the site, the system can divide the Page Experience metrics into sections. They are defined by “understanding which pages on a website are essentially similar”. For example, these can be pages combined by template type or grouped by the products and categories presented. Thus, not all sections of the site can be rated equally, writes Search Engines .

Another topic of conversation was the question: can one page of the site, which has extremely high engagement rates and traffic, affect the resource as a whole? John Mueller responded that Google does not use user engagement and page activity as a ranking factor. However, in general, this can positively affect the site, because. some pages of the site are linked to others by an internal link system through which some Google signals are transmitted. 

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