
How to get married on Skyrim

How to Get Married on Skyrim: A Guide to Love in the Virtual Realm

Skyrim, the immersive fantasy world known for its vast landscapes and epic adventures, offers players a unique feature: the ability to get married. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of virtual matrimony, exploring everything from courtship to the joys and challenges of married life in Skyrim. 

Are you a passionate player of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim , the very famous RPG developed by Bethesda, would you like to get married within the game world but do not know how to proceed? Have you noticed that it is possible to choose which person to marry within the game but you don’t know what financial resources the character of your interest has? Have you heard of an item called Mara’s Amulet but don’t know how to get it? Don’t worry: if you want, I can help you shed some light on these and other topics.

In today’s tutorial, in fact, I will explain how to get married on Skyrim indicating the procedure to follow and the characters who have greater availability both from an economic point of view and in terms of skills (which allows you to open up to more possibilities within the title Bethesda). In addition, I will explain to you what are the advantages that come with getting married in Skyrim and I will explain to you everything that revolves around this interesting game mechanic.

I assure you that, in a few minutes, you will know everything there is to know on the subject and you will begin to build your love life in Skyrim. At this point, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and … wish you my best wishes for your upcoming wedding, albeit virtual!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to get married on Skyrim
  • Who to marry on Skyrim

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to get married on Skyrim , I think it is important to explain to you what are the advantages of this action.

Well, marrying another character in Skyrim is especially important to get a house for free , that is that of your spouse, and to have a free meal a day . In fact, once the wedding is complete, your spouse will cook a meal for each day of the game (i.e. about 1 hour and 12 minutes in the real world), which will allow your character to gain health and vigor.

Furthermore, depending on the spouse you choose, it is possible that the latter will follow you during your raids around the desolate wastes of Skyrim, helping you during the fights . In short, getting married can guarantee you some good advantages to continue your adventure in the Bethesda title.

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How to get married on Skyrim

After describing to you what the benefits of getting married in Skyrim are, I would say that you are ready to learn how to start your own marriage.

To do this, you need to get 200 gold pieces (playing Skyrim you will soon reach this sum), go to Riften , the capital of the fiefdom called The Rift and enter the Temple of Mara . At this point, talk to the priest Maramal and complete his dialogues to get more information about the wedding. In particular, you will have to select the item ” I want to buy an Amulet of Mara (200 gold pieces) ” when this appears on the screen. In this way, you will get the Amulet of Mara item , which is necessary to proceed to the wedding on Skyrim.

Once this is done, go to the character you want to marry and talk to him. At a certain point in the dialogue, a sentence like You like me will appear on the screen , right? or similar: select the latter and you will have chosen your soul mate.

Next, you must return to the priest Maramal at the Temple of Mara and talk with him about the preparations for the wedding. In this case, there will be no more gold to spend, as it is possible to organize the ceremony completely free of charge. In particular, you must select the item “I would like to organize a wedding ceremony at the temple” , available among the various dialogues of the priest Maramal.

After that, you will need to attend your wedding ceremony , which will take place the next day or a few days later. In short, you will have to wait a few hours of play before you can proceed with the wedding, but you shouldn’t have particular problems to show up on time.

At this point, entering the Temple of Mara again , the ceremony will start and you can choose between the items “I want it, now and forever” and “Stop the ceremony, I can’t go on” . Clearly, by choosing the first you will get married, while by pressing on the second you can reconsider and change your spouse.

Remember that, during the game, it will no longer be possible to change your soul mate , except by resorting to some tricks, which however I recommend to avoid if you want to maintain a “pure” gaming experience and have fun in the way that the developers have. thought Skyrim.

Who to marry on Skyrim

As mentioned above, it is possible to choose who to marry in Skyrim. This choice is quite important, since it affects the advantages that are obtained from marriage. Below, therefore, I propose a list of female characters that can be married in Skyrim.

  • Aela the huntress: it is located in the city of Whiterun, more precisely inside the Jorrvaskr building, which is the base of the Companions. Yes he can marry after completing the side quest called “Glory of the Dead”.
  • Aeri: located in the fiefdom called the Pale, more precisely inside the Anga sawmill. Her attentions can be obtained by chopping wood for her.
  • Anwen: it is located in the city of Markarth, which is the capital of the fiefdom called Reach, more precisely inside the Temple of Dibella. To marry her, you must have completed the side quest called “The Heart of Dibella”.
  • Ysolda: She is in the city of Whiterun and her attentions can be obtained by giving her a Mammoth tusk.
  • Avrusa Sarethi: it is located in the fiefdom called Il Rift, more precisely inside the Sarethi Farm. The mission “Smooth Jazbay” must be completed.
  • Borgahk the Heart of Steel: Found in Mor Khazgur. Yes he can marry by paying her or by trying to get her to leave her home.
  • Brelyna Maryon: It is located in the headquarters of the guild of wizards, or the Academy of Winterhold. To marry her, you must have completed the mission called “Brelyna’s Practice”.
  • Camilla Valerius: is located in the village of Riverwood, located in the fief of Whiterun. Yes, he can marry her by bringing her brother Lucan the Golden Claw item.
  • Dravynea the Stone Row: is located in the Kynesgrove area, which is located in the Eastmarch fiefdom. To get her attention, you need to bring her some frost salts.
  • Ghorza gra-Bagol: it is found in the city of Markarth, in the fief of Reach. You have to give her the book called “Akrash’s Last Sheath”.
  • Gilfre: located in the Eastmarch fiefdom, more precisely in the Mixwater Sawmill. To get her attention, you need to help her cut firewood.
  • Grelka: is located in the city of Riften, the capital of the fief Il Rift. Yes, he can only marry her in the Special Edition of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. His mission must be completed to marry her.
  • Iona: is located in the city of Riften, the capital of the Il Rift fiefdom. To get his attention, you must become the Thane (title given to heroes) of Riften.
  • Jenassa: it is located in the city of Witherun, more precisely in the inn called The Drunken Hunter. To marry her, you have to hire her as a travel companion.
  • Jordis la Spadaccina: located in the city of Solitude, more precisely in the Proudspire Estate. To get his love, you must become the Thane of Solitude, which is the capital of the Haagfingar fiefdom and Skyrim itself.
  • Lydia: located in the city of Whiterun, more precisely in the Dragonsreach building, which is the residence of the Jarl of Whiterun. You must become the Thane of Whiterun to marry her.
  • Mjoll La Leonessa: located in the city of Riften, capital of the Il Rift fiefdom. To get her attention, you must return the sword from the ruins of Dwemer of Mzinchaleft.
  • Muiri: it is located in the city of Markarth, in the fief of Reach, more precisely in the Care of the Crone building. The “Morning Never Comes” side mission must be completed.
  • Njada Stonearm: It is located in the city of Whiterun and you have to complete the secondary mission called “Glory of the Dead”.
  • Orla: it is found in the city of Markarth, in the fief of Reach, more precisely in the Temple of Dibella. The secondary mission called “The Heart of Dibella” must be completed.
  • Ria: it is located in the city of Whiterun and you have to complete the secondary mission “Glory of the Dead”.
  • Seine: it is located in the city of Markarth, in the fief of Reach, more precisely in the Temple of Dibella. The secondary mission called “The Heart of Dibella” must be completed.
  • Shahvee: Located just outside the city of Windhelm, in the Eastmarch fiefdom. To get her love, you must give her the Amulet of Zenithar item.
  • Sylgja: It is located in the small mining village Pietra di Shor, located northwest of the city of Riften, in the fiefdom called The Rift. A letter must be delivered to his father at the Crocevia di Acquescure.
  • Taarie: is located in the city of Solitude, which is the capital of the Haafingar fiefdom and all of Skyrim. To get his attention, you need to complete the mission called “Fit for a Jari” and invest in his shop.
  • Temba Arm Often: found in the small village of Ivarstead, in the fiefdom The Rift. If you want to marry her, you need to give her ten bear furs.
  • Uthgerd: is at his home in Whiterun. You have to beat her in a fight to get her.
  • Viola Giordano: located in the city of Windhelm, in the Eastmarch fiefdom. You must have completed Revyn Sadri’s mission and still haven’t talked to him after finishing it.

The title of Bethesda obviously allows you to marry male characters as well. For more details on the latter and for all the relevant information on the objects, places and cities mentioned, I suggest you consult the Skyrim encyclopedia , an inexhaustible source of information on the Bethesda title.

In any case, I remind you that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim also allows you to form pairs of same-sex characters , so it is possible to marry both female and male NPCs. However, my advice is to get married with Aela the huntress , a very good character in combat, or with Camilla Valerius , since she is a trader and will stay at home guaranteeing you the relative advantages.

In any case, the most common result is that the spouse opens a shop and guarantees you 100 Septim and cooks one energy meal a day. In short, the only factor to consider is his prowess on the battlefield, in case you want to take him with you to the battlefield.


Can I get divorced in Skyrim?

Skyrim does not feature divorce options. Once married, you are committed for the duration of the game.

Do different spouses offer different benefits?

Yes, each spouse in Skyrim comes with unique perks and contributions to aid your adventures.

Are there same-sex marriage options in Skyrim?

Yes, Skyrim is inclusive, allowing players to marry characters of any gender.

Can I remarry if my spouse dies?

Yes, in the unfortunate event of a spouse’s demise, players can remarry.

Do I need to get married to complete the game?

Marriage is optional and doesn’t impact the main quest. It’s a personal choice for added gameplay depth.

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