
Error 0xc000000f when loading windows 7, 8, 10

Windows is one of the most popular operating systems. Despite its popularity, it has many disadvantages. You may encounter one of them when starting the RAM. The system may generate an error. Error code 0xc000000f . In this article we will try to figure out “what is causing the error 0xc000000f when loading windows 7, 8, 10. How to fix this problem? why did it happen, how to fix it and what to do?

Reasons for the error

Error 0xc000000f most often indicates that the operating system cannot boot. The device does not recognize where to download the Windows startup information. There are several reasons why the PC generates this error:

  • The disk with the files for installation is damaged or the boot manager does not work.
  • Incorrect operation of drivers that control system startup.
  • The bsd file is damaged or deleted.
  • A reset of boot parameters has occurred in the BIOS.
  • Winchester is not functioning.
  • System disk error.

Finding the cause of the problem – half solving the problem. There is little left to do – to figure out how to solve it.

Bug fix

We have already figured out for what reason the problem may arise. To understand how to fix it, and what to do so that it does not arise again, we suggest studying the instructions. There are several ways to fix it:

  • Turn on the PC and immediately go to the BIOS settings (press Del, F1 or F2). Go to Hard Disk Driver and install SATA on the first position. Having saved the changes with F10, we try to restart the PC. When the system boots, the error should disappear.
  • Use the installation disk: in the boot menu in the BIOS, set the Boot item to start the OS from the disk. You will need to restore the application. After restarting your PC, go to the “Setup Wizard” and select “System Restore”. The problem should be fixed automatically.
  • If the previous methods did not help and you were unable to start the OS , we suggest using special utilities. Write to a USB flash drive or disk one of the programs (for example, Easy Recovery) that help get rid of errors. They can be downloaded for free from the developers’ sites. Set the required device in the BIOS in the priority boot parameters, and run the program. Following the instructions, you can easily fix the status 0xc000000f , you just need to specify the drive on which your operating system is installed.
  • Load Last Known Good Configuration. Before the OS will run in phase, enter in the menu “Windows Advanced Options boot” (the F8) and locate the last known good configuration (settings that worked), which has been in operation for a recent PC use.

These methods may not be 100% guaranteed that the error will go away, but they are some of the best ways to troubleshoot the xc000000f issue . If you did not succeed in fixing the error yourself, we advise you to seek help from specialists.

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