How to fix PS4 Error CE-30005-8
A comprehensive solution on how to fix PS4 Error CE-30005-8
It can be frustrating when you encounter PS4 error CE-30005-8, but the good news is that solving this issue is in your hands. This error occurs when when your system software has a malfunction in the hard drive. You can follow these troubleshooting steps to get back the previous performance.

We will not have a long conversation in this article, as it will not take long to resolve the CE-30005-8 error. The CE-30005-8 error occurs because there is a problem accessing the HDD (hard disk drive) or DVD / Blue-ray drive.
Error code CE-30005-8
What it means : It means there was an error accessing the hard drive or Blu-Ray/DVD drive.
Solution : Take out the PS4 disc and check that it is not dirty, scratched or damaged. If the drive is in good condition, you will need to rebuild the system database using safe mode option 5. You can get information on how to use safe mode at this link . If despite everything mentioned the error continues, it is possible that the PlayStation 4 system is damaged and needs repairs, and in this case what you should do is contact the PlayStation support service.

In the event that the CE-30005-8 error occurs, that is, the system cannot read the data from the DVD / Blue-ray disc or HDD (hard disk drive), follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Gently remove the disk from the system, carefully examine it for scratches or any other mechanical damage.
Step 2: After making sure the disk is in a satisfactory state, it is recommended to update the database by starting the system in safe mode. We wrote earlier how to start the PS4 system in safe mode.There are times when the error CE-30005-8 is repeated again. This means that there is a problem with the system and needs to be repaired. Recommended.
How do I fix error 30005 8 on PS4?
Take out the disk from the system, and make sure that it is not scratched, damaged or dirty. If you see that the disc is in good condition then kindly try to remake the system database by using the safe mode option 5.
What does CE- 30005-8 means on PS4 with only one game?
Delete and then restore the game data on the hard disk drive. The most common way to avoid this situation is to delete the game data on hard drive.
How do I fix error code CE 30002 5 on PS4?
By holding power button for three seconds, turn off your console. Once it is off, press and hold the power button again, then connect the controller with USB cable and select the Update system Software.