
Black Market Warface

Are you interested in where the Warface black market is located , why do we need its map and how to use it?

I reveal all the secrets!

Black Market Warface

This place is special. At the black market auction, you can buy weapons, things that are considered unique and rare. If players don’t have enough levels, it’s incredibly difficult to get them. Therefore, many take advantage of the opportunity to “visit” the black market map.


Where to find it? The Auction Card is available in Nagrand in the Ring of Blood. Conducts such auctions NPC Madame Goya, head of special. tasks. You will immediately notice where the black market is – by the imposing orcs, which are adorned with ties.

But not everything is so simple. There are features to consider. Bidding takes place in Draenor. Only those who have a level 90 hero are allowed in. The best way to get to the black market site is by using the services of Rilzit Taki Edak (flightmaster). Some people use mounts for this. I do not advise doing this, since monsters of level 100 will come across on the way, and the road is not short.

The official website of the auction is open 24 hours a day. But with limitations – the product card is placed for different periods of time (long, medium, short). The player gives the goods, indicating when it is placed in time. And the positions are put up for sale by the developers.

To make it easy to use, for example, to buy weapons, items are divided into groups. And the faction of the players is not important, the purchase is available to anyone. Moreover, discounts on boxes of luck sometimes reach 70%. Thanks to the players) After all, stakes play a huge role here. There are also rules:

  • the initial bet can be 999.99 coins;
  • it will not increase if the value of 954,000 is delivered;
  • Initial rates can be increased by 5%.
  • Items can only be won, not redeemed.

How to use the black market card

Everything is elementary.

  1.   Follow the link
  2. Remove the restriction.
  3. You can not do this, but then you can pick up viruses.
  4. Download the file.
  5. Enter a valid phone number.
  6. Then the code received on the phone.
  7. Download your file. Activate.

Now I think it’s clear what the black market card gives? Cool weapons, sets, equipment! Good luck and enjoy the game. For now, don’t forget to leave comments.


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