
Best free to play PC

You are a gamer always looking for new gaming experiences and, for this reason, you have decided to rely on your good gaming PC to enjoy the almost infinite catalog of online games at no cost. The great advantage of playing on PC is in fact also that of being able to play many free to play games, but these are so many and varied that to find out which are the best you necessarily need a reference, advice and suggestions. In short, we really need a guide!

If this is the case, I will reassure you immediately: if your search has led you to this page, then you have found what you were looking for! In the lines you are about to read, in fact, I thought I’d offer you a guide organized by genres of the best free to play for PC . As you will have the opportunity to read for yourself, in each chapter I will propose what I believe to be the best free titles for PC of all kinds, also integrating a brief description of their most important features.

Oh yes, there is just a lot to say on such a vast topic, especially considering the wide choice of free to play available on the square. There is no more time to waste then: if you too are ready to discover the must-have titles, you have made space on your PC disk and you can’t wait to dive into new videogame experiences, you just have to dedicate some minute of your time in this article and I assure you that you will soon make many pleasant discoveries. Enjoy your reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • Best free to play PC
    • Action and adventure
    • Shooter
    • MMORPGs and RPGs
    • Cards
    • MOBA
    • Racing and sports
    • Beat ’em up
    • Strategy

Preliminary information

Before proceeding with the list of the best free to play for PC, it is better to specify what is meant by this definition. You probably already know, but better be sure! With these English terms, we mean practically any video game playable at no cost .

But be careful, because considering these games completely and exclusively free is a mistake. Not infrequently (indeed, it would be more accurate to say almost always) free to play titles have in fact paid content, which can be purchased directly in-game.

But what does this mean? I’ll explain it to you right away with an example. When you download a free to play, you can do it for free, so you install it and enter the game to start the game. As you play, however, you will realize that you cannot choose a particular character or equipment, or that you cannot access an entire game menu, because access to this content must be “unlocked”.

The type of content paid directly into the game is really varied: in some cases there is no restriction on the game but only the proposal to purchase content for customization (such as skins, weapons, avatars and so on).

A final clarification before proceeding concerns the need to know which are the preferential channels of free to play games. Well, you can safely rely on famous online digital stores such as Steam and the Epic Games Store . However, some games must be downloaded directly from the websites dedicated to them. Don’t worry though, because in this article I’ll be the one to show you where you can download it for each game. Convenient, don’t you think?

For the rest, if you did not already have previous experience with the famous online store Steam , you can rely on my guide on how to install it and in no time you will be able to find out how it works . Similar speech concerns the Epic Games service , for which I have created special tutorials on how to register and possibly on how to contact the service providers to receive support.

Best free to play PC

Having made the necessary premises above, you are now ready to discover the best free to play PCs , with the advantage of being able to choose immediately considering the genre you like best. For example, if you want one of the best free to play action or strategy games , all you have to do is go to the dedicated chapter and start reading!

However, I invite you to discover all the best free to play available for PC that I have reported in this article, there are so many beautiful free titles on the Web that are just waiting to be played!

Action and adventure

Let’s start with the action titles . This genre belongs to what is now a great free to play classic appreciated by almost 50 million players around the world. This action title with RPG elements is Warframe . If you don’t know it yet, this is a third-person view game based on cooperative multiplayer between multiple players in order to accomplish missions and achieve shared objectives.

The levels are generated progressively by a game algorithm, so as to always have new maps. The selectable characters are fully customizable and can use firearms or white weapons (including katanas and bows), it is also possible to specialize in their use by accumulating experience points by defeating enemies and passing the numerous levels. Another distinctive feature of the game is the presence of parkour skills, essential for jumping on walls, walking on them and to overcome otherwise impassable obstacles.

You can get Warframe by downloading the installation file at the dedicated page of the official site , or by relying on Steam , by connecting to the official page and clicking on the Start game button .

Introducing the eccentric concept of the next free to play I want to tell you about, called LET IT DIE , is not easy. This title, developed by the extravagant minds of the Japanese team Grasshopper Manufacture, is an action game in which the key to everything is the player’s ability to survive in the long climb of a dystopian Tower of Babel populated by predators, killers, monsters and dangers. .

Playing LET IT DIE you will first have to create your character based on the directions of the extravagant Uncle Death, practically death made a skater, and guide in the climb of this tower of Babel made up of rubble and waste that rises in a dystopian Tokyo of 2026. The worldwide destruction due to a violent tectonic movement has led the last living human beings to be inevitably drawn to the climb of the tower. In this context of desperation, each player must start completely stripped of defenses and weapons from the base of the rubble and work their way, floor by floor, plundering enemies and play areas.

But what happens when you die? Well, you have to start from the bottom with a new character who is again bare and low-level! You can only recover your fallen character by facing your killer, or use Death Metals (an in-game item) to resurrect immediately after defeat. Also remember that ghosts of other dead players will also be attacking you around the tower!

To download LET IT DIE can go to Steam and click on the green button Start playing at the page dedicated to the game.

Have you ever imagined being a brave and powerful superhero always ready to fight and repel the forces of evil? Why am I asking you this question? Simple, to introduce another free to play belonging to the adventure genre: The awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit .

In particular, this game developed by the team behind the acclaimed “Life is Strange” series, is a 3D graphic adventure where you can play as a nine-year-old boy who escapes reality using his fantasy and imagining that he possesses the great powers of Captain. Spirit. Telling you more about the plot would spoil your gaming experience a bit, connected with the events of “Life is Strange 2” among other things, so I won’t go any further. But know that each choice in this game will correspond to different events, so that each player can live his own exclusive gaming experience.

If the idea of ​​playing a modern graphic adventure completely for free appeals to you, download it now at the page dedicated to The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit on Steam . The procedure requires a simple click on the Start Game button to begin the download.

Before closing this chapter on action and adventure games, I want to point out two other titles, perhaps simpler than the previous ones but really fun, especially in multiplayer. The first of these is Valve’s Alien Swarm , a tiered action game with an isometric view and a sci-fi setting.

The objective of the game is to overcome the levels while remaining alive to the traps and aliens that crowd the screens. Alien Swarm can be downloaded from Steam at this page by clicking on the green Start Game button .

The other title, also immediate and hilarious, is The Expendabros . This action game is a “pixelated” eulogy to the movie “The Mercenaries 3”, which in turn pays homage to the classic 80s-90s action films with the most famous and beloved actors who played them. Endless action, showers of bullets and many, many explosions, have been transposed into a fast-paced game with 2D graphics where you will have to fight your way by getting rid of terrorists and traffickers with the exclusive weapons of each playable character.

The Expendabros is available on Steam at this page . To launch into hours and hours of pure 2D action and shooting, just click the Start Game button !


Given the enormous success it continues to collect, talking about free to play shooter also means first naming the beloved Fortnite: Battle Royale . This game is so famous that I’m sure you have already heard of it, even if you have never played it it needs no introduction as it is at the top of the charts of the most played video games.

In Fortnite, the player’s goal is to survive by being the last on as many as 100 fierce and armed opponents. To make the difference and lead to victory, in addition to the ability to aim and take shelter from shots, knowledge of the map and the ability to equip oneself with the strongest weapons as you approach the end of the game play a fundamental role.

I have dedicated numerous guides to Fortnite, which I suggest you read if you want to try this very famous free to play. In fact, once you start playing, you will realize yourself that you want to find out how to improve your aim  and  know the best game settings . Also, I’m sure you will definitely want to discover the secrets on how to improve on Fortnite for PC , in order to be in top condition and aim for victory.

Downloading Fortnite for PC is not difficult at all, just connect to the dedicated page . For the next steps, feel free to rely on my guide dedicated to installing the game.

Staying on the battle royale theme (or “the last one who lives wins”), one of the most played shooter is Apex Legends from the Respawn Entertainment development team. Unlike Fortnite where the view is in third person (you see the whole character), Apex Legends is in first person (you only see the weapon and hands) and the way to play, as well as the universe in which it is set, are borrowed from the Titanfall series .

Basically, your character must belong to a class and you will have to know how to take advantage of its characteristics to support your team and help it win against the other two opponents. The number of players per game is 60 and everyone has to do their best to find weapons and equipment scattered around the game map.

If you are curious to play Apex Legends, one of the most successful competitors of the famous Fortnite, all you have to do is connect to the dedicated page on the Origin portal and click on Add to library . How do you say? Not sure what Origin is and the exact downlaod and installation procedure? Stay calm! I have here for you an article that shows you how to do it.

Did you know that Bungie’s Destiny 2 is now free to play? This title, born from the brilliant minds of the creators of the original Halo, was conceived as a paid sequel to the first Destiny, only to be converted to a free format.

This is undoubtedly a golden opportunity for all fans who want to explore the universe of Destiny by creating a personal alter ego armed to the teeth with weapons, skills and powers. I guess you too will want to take advantage of this opportunity and fully enjoy the action of the raids and the pleasure of exploring Destiny 2.

To enjoy the adventure of the latest effort by the Bungie team, you can go to the Steam page of the game and click on the green Start game button I’m sure you won’t be disappointed at all as Destiny 2 is also one of the games on my list of the best PC games ever !

Changing the game once again, have you ever heard of Paladins: Champions of the Realm ? It is another free to play shooter much loved for its strategic aspect and for an art direction that has been able to create a virtual world that mixes elements of fantasy with science fiction.

In Paladins the Magistrates faction clashes with the Paladins faction in a total of four main game modes, each with its own rules. Furthermore, each player chooses a class in such a way as to improve the overall performance of his team and lead them to success.

Starting Paladins is very simple: connect to its Steam page and then click on the green Start game button .

Another best-loved free-to-play shooter of all time is Sony Online Entertainment’s PlanetSide 2 . This game stands out from the others I’ve mentioned so far because it features firefights between numerous players on a single map. To give you a clearer idea of ​​the scale of the gunfight in the game, I’m just telling you that PlanetSide 2 earned the Guinness World Record for the biggest ever shooter battle thanks to the total of 1158 players registered in a single battle.

This shooter brings back the importance of having great reflexes, moving fast and specializing in the use of weapons, as well as the ability to play as a team. Do not think, however, that it will be enough to deserve the highest ranks of the infantry to win battles on such a large scale, in fact you will also have to specialize in the use of vehicles by land and by air to be successful and win.

PlanetSide 2 is available for download at its Steam page . To start downloading it, just click on the Start Game button .

I couldn’t finish this chapter on the best free-to-play shooters without talking to you about Team Fortress 2 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive , both developed by Valve and constantly supported even after more than 15 years.

These are two shooters that have now become classic, to which the most modern free to play of the genre owe a lot. If Team Fortress 2 offers comic graphics and action in teams organized into classes, Counter Strike is a shooter with more realistic features, with numerous maps, weapons and an incredible number of mods to add to the game.

Are you curious to try these great classics? You can do this by pressing the Start Game button from the respective Steam pages:  this one here for Team Fortress 2 and this one here for Counter Strike: Global Offensive.


I start this chapter dedicated to  MMORPGs and role-playing games  with a champion of the genre, or Guild Wars 2 . I’m talking about an MMORPG (acronym that indicates multiplayer online role-playing games with a large number of players at the same time) developed by ArenaNet that became free to play in 2015 after selling the beauty of 5 million copies.

The free nature of this title makes it something unmissable if you are a lover of role-playing games, because not only was Guild Wars 2 at the forefront already in its debut, but it is still constantly updated and balanced in order to offer an experience. first-rate cooperative and competitive.

This title sports one of the best artistic directions that the gaming world has ever produced and features that make it unique in the genre. For example, the plot develops in response to the player’s progress and movement, allowing you to follow the story with the same intensity and immersion typical of an offline single-player adventure. Another revolutionary feature is the non-existence of traditional quests (missions), in fact the system is dynamic and the mission engagement does not involve going to a character to activate them, on the contrary they start “naturally” by progressing in the game, exploring the map and meeting characters.

Playing Guild Wars 2 today you will be able to enjoy endless hours of entertainment, a dynamic combat system and character creation with the combination of five different races and eight professions (specializing in certain skills).

In a nutshell, if you love RPGs and want an unmissable free to play, Guild Wars 2 is the first choice I strongly suggest you do! You can try this title by downloading it from this page , by clicking on the red Download the Installer button after choosing the version to download with a click from the drop-down menu .

Another title that enters the list of the best free to play MMORPGs is Star Wars: The Old Republic , developed by Bioware with the aim of giving fans of this transcendental film saga a game that transpires passion and attention to detail.

The events in Star Wars: The Old Republic take place shortly after the events in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, 3500 years before the events narrated by the films. As a player you have to choose whether to join the Republicca faction or the Empire faction, developing a tendency towards the light or the dark side over the course of the game. In fact, while belonging to the Republicca, you will be able to develop skills of the dark side.

Great emphasis is placed on the exploration and interaction between the characters, in fact there is a system of open dialogues where it is possible to choose between different possible answers. Each choice will have clear repercussions during the development of events.

If you want to embark on this incredible online adventure in the Star Wars universe, all you have to do is connect to this page and click on the central button in yellow that says Download Now . Alternatively, you can get the game from Origin by clicking the Buy Now button and then clicking the Play Now button . Then all you have to do is register and confirm by clicking on the Play Now button .

Staying on the subject of science fiction and interstellar travel, I think it is impossible not to name EVE Online : one of the most beautiful and most played MMORPGs ever. This game has seen peaks of over 60,000 players connected simultaneously in its persistent virtual universe. Numbers perfectly in line with the vastness of the game, which has 7800 explorable star systems.

By playing EVE Online, in addition to the online mass multiplayer RPG experience, you have access to a space simulator where you can take part in space battles, start intergalactic trading activities, produce, collect resources or become a space pirate. And I remind you that all this happens in a free to play video game!

You can realize for yourself the immensity of this game simply by connecting to its  official website and clicking on the blue button Download EVE Online For Windows (or MAC client , if you use a Mac). From the same page you can see the minimum and recommended system requirements. Don’t forget that, if you have Steam, there is a game page where you can immediately start the download of your inter-space journey by clicking on the green Start Game button .

The long list of the best free-to-play RPGs continues with another title with millions of players under its belt: Path of Exile .

This action RPG developed by Grinding Gear Games brings back the proven and perfected gameplay formula of the Diablo series, with top-down view, customizable protagonists in appearance and abilities (six classes to choose from) and large, full explorable areas of secrets and missions. These areas, however, are not always the same but are generated by an algorithm in such a way as to allow a different replayability from time to time.

Entering the dark-fantasy world of Path of Exile is very easy by connecting to its Steam page . From here, click on the green Start game button to start the download. Finally, I remind you that, if you like this free to play experience, there are also expansions of Path of Exile.

The world of free to play never ceases to amaze and in fact one of the most recent and successful role-playing games recalls the action and mechanics of Capcom’s famous Monster Hunter but reworks them by orienting them more towards cooperative multiplayer mode.

I refer to Dauntless , a free to play where you play as a Slayer (a sort of warrior-hunter), whose war preparation is oriented towards hunting and killing the terrible Behemoths. From the victory over these large monsters the Slayer can obtain materials, resources and rarities to strengthen his battle equipment, thus allowing him to face increasingly stronger Behemoths.

If Dauntless’s gameplay key and its high level of challenge (online cooperation is a necessity rather than a feature) intrigues you, you just have to try the game. To do this, you can either proceed by connecting directly from the Epic Games Store and clicking on the yellow Get button .

Cards (trading card game)

In this chapter I will focus on free to play dedicated to virtual card games , one of the most played and appreciated genres by PC users.

The Hearthstone title by Blizzard Entertainment, a giant of the genre, enters by importance and number of players in this list , given the enormous success it has enjoyed and continues to collect thanks to the expansions and constant balancing of the difficulty.

In Hearthstone, you start with a 30-card deck, playing a player with unique power. Abilities are performed through mana crystals and also consist of attacks through summoning creatures. The goal is therefore to take away all the opponent’s life points and win gold for the purchase of new cards (or other prizes).

Hearthstone is now appreciated for the attention to detail, all aimed at remembering the beauty of paper card games (excuse the pun), but also for the artistic direction borrowed directly from the World of Warcraft universe.

If you want to join the 100 million Hearthstone players too, all you have to do is connect to the official page and go down until you can click the purple button with the white word Play Hearthstone for free .

Second card title in the list of the best free to play is another great classic of card games, namely  Magic: The Gathering Arena . This digital version of one of the longest-running and funniest card games is developed by Wizards of the Coast with the aim of virtually re-proposing the same rules as the great classic Magic. In short, winning teams do not change, but virtualize.

By playing Magic: The Gathering Arena, you’ll have a deck of cards that includes mana-producing land cards (useful for spells) and magic cards (which use mana). Each card has a differently colored mana that can be used to summon creatures, offensive and defensive spells, or other effects. The goal to be achieved is the zeroing of the opponent’s vital points.

As in physical play, you can build your own decks in order to maximize your chances of winning. It is therefore very important to win or buy new cards with real money to compose other decks that are rarer and more powerful than the starting one.

Magic: The Gathering Arena is one of the most played card games ever, so much so that it has become a full-fledged eSport. To enter the game for free, just go to the official page and click the big blue button that says Play for free .

I conclude this list of the best free to play card games with a name that I’m sure you too will consider to have become an essential classic of the genre: I’m talking about Pokémon TCG Online , the official virtual card game of this beloved series produced by Nintendo and developed by Dire Wolf Digital.

This title proposes all the mechanics of the Pokémon trading card game, but in a digital version, completing the playful offer with the inclusion of different modes. For example, the Trainer Challenge mode gives the opportunity to play solo against CPU-controlled opponents, while the Versus Mode is the mode dedicated to player versus player battles, finally there is the Tournament mode for challenges between eight players with elimination after three. rounds played. Winning grants access to new upgrade packs for your decks.

How do you say? Are you looking forward to entering the virtual world of the Pokémon card game? Excellent idea because it is very simple to do it, in fact you just have to connect to this page and click on the orange button with a white arrow pointing down to download the installation file.


Now let’s talk about MOBA . If you do not know, this acronym refers to a specific subcategory of strategists, an acronym that stands for ” Multiplayer Online Battle Arena” , ie a game where two teams face off on a map with the aim of destroying the base of the opponents. In this battle the player plays a single character, so it is essential to specialize in the use of your fighter.

Speaking of the MOBA genre, it is impossible for me not to start by recommending the latest evolution of one of its founders, namely Dota 2 . This title developed by Valve represents the archetype of the genre, so it takes all its characteristics with refined game mechanics.

The success of Dota 2 soon led it to establish itself as one of the most played free to play and one of the most practiced esports ever. Despite this, do not think that Dota 2 is an easy title to master, in fact it is highly competitive and although the gameplay is based on simple mechanics, it has a strategic depth of single and team play envied by many other titles.

If the steep learning curve doesn’t scare you and you like challenges, you can start playing Dota 2 right away by connecting to the dedicated Steam page and clicking on the Start Game button .

The next MOBA I’m telling you about is League of Legends , also known by the abbreviation LoL, a title created by Riot Games inspired by the first Dota. LoL was so successful that in 2012 it won the record for the most played video game for PC in the US and Europe, but this is not the only success achieved by this MOBA because it still has eight million players.

League of Legends is one of the most played competitive free to play games, where the goal is to impersonate a “summoner” who takes control of a fighter with unique skills aimed at overpowering the opposing team. In a very similar way to the first Dota, the objective is to destroy the opposing base called Nexus by actively collaborating in the team’s strategy.

Join the countless LoL battles by logging on to this page and entering your email address before clicking the Get Started button . On the screen, after you enter your date of birth and click Next , proceed by entering your Username , Password and ticking the terms of use . You will then be able to click on Next and start downloading the game.

I continue the list of the best free to play MOBAs with the crossover title created by Blizzard Entertainment, Heroes of the Storm . Crossover is a term that indicates the presence of characters belonging to different video games of the developer, such as Diablo, StarCraft and Overwatch.

In terms of gameplay, Heroes of the Storm features 5v5 online battles where you have to play as a hero and team up to win victory. Who win? Well, the winning team is the one that destroys the enemy’s ” Core “. Adding spice to the already frenetic action typical of MOBAs is the need to take down defensive structures along the path that leads to the opponent’s Core and the possibility for players to take advantage of the assistance of bosses and other mercenaries scattered around the map.

Heroes of the Storm can be downloaded at this link by simply clicking the orange Play Free button .

I conclude the list of the best free to play MOBAs with Smite , a title developed by Hi-Rez Studios where you can take on the role of a god, a goddess or other mythological figures in order to fight alongside your teammates engaged in battle with the opponent.

During the battles you will also have to defeat enemies guided by the PC, without forgetting the main objective of destroying the Phoenix of the opponents and their Titan, the fearsome enemy giant. Smite also provides the ability to create defensive turrets that help increase the defense capacity against enemy players and those driven by the CPU.

Smite can be downloaded for free at the dedicated page , immediately after entering your email address and accepting the terms of the service , by ticking the appropriate box. Then start the download, with a click on the Play Now button , and continue with the installation of the title.

Racing and sports

The free to play formula has conquered even the genre of racing games and sports games with absolutely outstanding titles, first of all the famous and very popular TrackMania Nations Forever developed by Nadeo for PC.

The characteristic of this racing game is the reckless conformation of the tracks, full of unlikely structures such as loops, reckless jumps, holes and spectacular settings.

There are numerous modes available in TrackMania Nations Forever, including the creation one where you can create your own tracks. Another mode is Hot Seat, where multiple players compete to establish the best lap time.
To date, TrackMania Nations Forever is the most played racing game on PC, one of the few that can also boast one of the most creative communities, author of many fun tracks and made available to all players. You can join the world of TrackMania Nations Forever by going to the dedicated page on Steam and clicking on the Start game button .

If you prefer racing games with cars more similar to real ones (unlike the ones in TrackMania), then I highly recommend you try Asphalt 9 Legends . This fast-paced racing game developed by Gameloft is now a classic of the genre in free to play formula.

However, I must specify immediately that it is necessary to use Windows 10 to download Asphalt 9 Legends. In fact, only with this operating system you will be able to race aboard the prestigious Ferraris, Porsches and Lamborghinis included in the game for free. If you are planning to install Windows 10, I recommend that you follow my guide on how to download it .

If you have a device with Windows 10 you can proceed to download the game by clicking the Get button at the page dedicated to the game on the Microsoft Store .

Tell me, are you wondering if the world of free to play has something to offer for football lovers but do you think this is not possible? But what if I told you that you can play Pro Evolution Soccer completely for free? You got it right, with eFootball PES 2020 LITE you can play matches in exhibition, training and PES League mode in free to play formula.

Just think that the myClub online mode is even available in eFootball PES 2020 LITE! If, on the other hand, online gaming is not your forte, then you can easily play local multiplayer games. Clearly there is less content than the full version of PES 2020, but basically it remains the best free to play sports experience available!

To proceed with the download of eFootball PES 2020 LITE simply go to the Steam page of eFootball PES 2020 and click on the green Install game button next to the word Play eFootball PES 2020 LITE .

Beat ’em up

Want a free to play fighting game ? Maybe something that comes close to the “ brawler ” style of play , brought to success by the Nintendo Super Smash Bros. masterpiece? Well then again I have the answer for you!

The free-to-play fighting game I’m referring to is Brawlhalla  by Blue Mammoth Games, one of the most played titles ever on Steam. The goal of this fighting game is to exhaust the opponent as much as possible by inflicting damage to the point of being able to knock him out of the arena.

Clearly, Brawlhalla offers different modes, also based on the number of fighters present at the same time on the screen. For example, you can have one-on-one but also 4 vs. 4, in Free-For-All mode. Each character has unique abilities and everyone can take advantage of the weapons and items that are randomly catapulted into the arena.

To join the fight in Brawlhalla, by the way crossplay (that is, you can clash from PC even with console players), just go to the Steam page and click on the Start game button .

I include in this fighting game list the return of a beloved classic from the arcade era, precisely dating back to 1994 when the first Killer Instinct was released . This chapter quickly became popular and gave reason to exist as a sequel and a Nintendo 64 chapter.

Don’t worry though, the free to play version I am talking about in this article is the one released in 2013 on Xbox One and successfully brought to PC by Microsoft. You read that right, you can play a great classic of the fighting game genre on PC and totally free!

If you didn’t know it yet, Killer Instinct is characterized by being a frenetic fighting game strongly based on the timing of attack and counterattack. The game offers great satisfaction from the moment you manage to master the combos, cross and chain them, but also when you are able to interrupt those of the opponent.

The free to play version of this title includes the story mode and all the features of the paid version. The limitation compared to the full version is the absence of all alternative costumes and the ability to choose only one character per week. In practice, the selectable character changes with a weekly rotation. Not necessarily a bad thing if you want to get to know the game and specialize in more characters.

To get Killer Instinct free to play you need to have Windows 10, connect to the relevant  page of the Microsoft Store and click the blue Get button .


I open this chapter dedicated to strategists by  immediately naming the immense StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty , a game by Blizzard Entertainment that immediately became one of the best free to play PCs ever. If you are a fan of the genre you will already know that the name of StarCraft has defined the laws of success since the first chapter.

However, its developer has decided to outdo himself, proposing the last chapter of his strategic excellence with the free to play formula. By playing Wings of Liberty you will be able to enjoy its storyline in single player mode and its curated multiplayer mode.

If you like the genre, don’t wait any longer and download StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty from the official website . To proceed, just click the yellow Play Free button and start downloading the installation file.

If StarCraft science fiction is not your favorite genre, remaining in the free-to-play strategy theme but moving on to medieval times, there are two titles that I can recommend: Crusader Kings II and Stronghold Kingdoms .

The first is developed by Paradox Development Studio with the idea of ​​presenting itself to the player as a “dynasty simulator”. This means that as a player you will have to decide the fate of a dynasty through political choices (and not only) that can lead to its prosperity or its collapse.

For example, you can wage wars, unite two kingdoms by arranging marriages, order the assassination of other rulers, all with the presence in the game of historical real-life figures such as Charlemagne, Genghis Khan and Saladin. All the medieval epicness of Crusader Kings II is free when downloaded from Steam , simply by clicking on the green Start Game button .

Speaking instead of Stronghold Kingdoms by FireFly Studios, it must be said immediately that even in this case it is a high-sounding name in the field of strategic. The Kingodms chapter is a multiplayer strategy game in a persistent online world, where what you create takes shape in a huge map where all other players can build too.

The whole game revolves around building a castle and constantly searching for material to enlarge, strengthen and enhance it.

To earn the role of ruler too and aspire to the design of your virtual kingdom by triggering wars, building villages and conducting wise alliances and dangerous political games, just connect to his page on Steam and then start the download with a click on the Start game button. . Again, I just have to wish you good planning and above all, have fun!


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