Best FIFA module

If you are reading this article, surely you already know FIFA , the most famous football simulation video game ever. You’ve been playing it for a long time, but you think it’s time to raise the bar and improve your skills. In fact, every day, millions of gamers compete online, continuously improving their performance and making the victory against them more and more difficult.

If this is really the case, then know that you are in the right place. In fact, today I’m going to show you which are the best modules for FIFA . If you have come this far it is precisely because until today you have underestimated the importance of the modules on this game. I will try to be as concise as possible and in the end I will also give you some more “tips” on the aspects to be modified to make your gaming experience even more exciting.

At the end of the reading you will have a complete idea of ​​which module to use and how to exploit it to its full potential, and you will truly be the master of your team. What do you say? Are you ready to find out which ones are best for you? In my opinion, yes. So I just have to wish you a good reading and a good time!


  • Preliminary information
  • Best FIFA Ultimate Team Module
    • Best offensive module
    • Best balanced form
    • Best defensive module
  • Best FIFA Career Module
  • Best FIFA Serie A Module
  • How to change modules in FIFA
  • How to change tactics in FIFA

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the best modules for FIFA , you have to take into account some important features and why it is very useful to know and know how to manage both modules and custom tactics .

The module you choose to deploy plays a very important role when playing FIFA , it imposes the position of your players on the pitch and consequently your way of playing; so choosing a module that suits you is the right thing you can do.

There are many modules that can be used in FIFA, but every year the best solutions remain roughly the same. From your way of playing you can guess what suits you best, in fact it is up to you to decide whether to rely on offensive modules, balanced modules or defensive modules.

As I think you already know, in recent years, FIFA has become the leading sports video game for eSports . In fact, hundreds of official events are held every year, sponsored by the largest companies in the world. The real football teams are fighting to win the best talents, often very young boys, who sign millionaire contracts with sports clubs.

Having said that, now you can really understand that for some it is not just a game to spend a few hours of time with, but a real job, which requires continuous improvement of their skills.

Surely, among the aspects that these pro players try and improve every day are the customized modules and tactics. The importance of the latter, as mentioned, is fundamental, and it is therefore necessary that you too become more familiar with them. Let’s see immediately how.

Best FIFA Ultimate Team Module

FIFA Ultimate Team mode (commonly called FUT , implemented by EA Sports from FIFA 09, is the most played mode of the famous football simulation. The goal is to build the team of your dreams step-by-step. You can buy players from the market through the credits , which are earned by playing games and through prizes, which you can get every week by playing certain modes. Below I show you the best modules for FUT that I have divided by category, to choose according to your style of play.

Best offensive module

The offensive modules are used by those who are more able to attack. The characteristics of these modules is that the midfield actively participates in the offensive phase but at the same time, it does not always manage to defend the opponent’s counterattacks. The offensive module most used and which I also recommend is the 4-4-2 .

This module has a fairly offensive set-up, in fact the midfielders give a lot of support to the outside players and the forwards. To make the most of it, you have to turn the ball a lot with the midfielders and the winger, until a passage is opened for a pass to the attackers. There are two forwards, so you will have to make a lot of exchanges between them and, when possible, with through ball passes to send them in front of the goalkeeper.

My advice is to buy two different tips, one a little more technical and agile, for example Rashford or Neymar , and the other that must know how to finish face to face with the goalkeeper, for example Cristiano Ronaldo or Lewandowski. . For more tips, you can check out my guide on the best FIFA strikers .

To defend, on the other hand, you have to block the passages to the attackers with the midfielders. If you suffer too many dangerous actions, you can try another variant, namely the 4-4-2 (2) , so as to have the midfielders more likely to defend. This way you will have more control in defense but you will lose some chances in attack.

Best balanced form

The balanced modules are among the least used as they do not enhance either the offensive or the defensive phase, in fact they are used by those who prefer a game based on ball possession.

The most used balanced form is the 4-1-2-1-2 (2) or more commonly called “Rombo”. The latter comes with a midfielder in front of the defense line, two central midfielders and a playmaker behind the two strikers.

Those who use it must be aware that it is very vulnerable on the flanks, because the structure of it is based on central streets, but at the same time in the construction phase it is one of the best modules, because it allows to have many free players available for take possession and send teammates in front of the goalkeeper.

The 4-1-2-1-2 (2) is used by those who do not exploit the outsiders. In the defensive phase the flanks are uncovered so it is recommended to have very fast midfielders with a lot of stamina. Stamina is the value that determines the stamina of the players in the 90 minutes, so choose carefully the type of players to use, the most recommended are Pogba , Bruno Fernandes and Renato Sanches . If you need more advice on the best midfielders in FIFA , check out the guide I have dedicated to the topic.

Best defensive module

The defensive modules lead the defense to squash in their own area and are used by those who do not know how to defend very well and want more players in the defensive phase. The most used defensive module (and that I recommend) is the 4-2-3-1 .

This is one of the strongest and most used modules on FIFA, it is very defensive and is used by many gamers, because it makes the team compact and leaves no free space for the opponents. To use this module, I recommend that you purchase an attacking midfielder with many weak foot stars and skill moves.

The weak foot stars , ranging from 1 to 5, indicate how strong the player is with the weak foot. The more stars he has, the more unpredictable the player is, as he is able to throw and pass the ball with both feet.

The star skill , which always are 1 to 5, indicating which can perform skill moves that player. So you understand that they are very important, players I recommend for this role are De Bruyne , Ben Yedder and Joao Felix .

Clearly, then, in the defensive modules it is very important to have good defenders. If you need advice on this, you can check out my guide on the best defenders in FIFA .

Best FIFA Career Module

You don’t love to play online and, therefore, would you like to know which are the best modules for the FIFA career ? The ones you just read!

That’s right: I don’t want to waste your time. The most used modules in FIFA career mode do not differ from those used in Ultimate Team . Therefore, I invite you to read the paragraphs written above .

Best FIFA Serie A Module

If you have wondered why some of the opponents you meet online have a team made up of players of the same league or nationality, the reason for this choice stems from a very important value for FIFA Ultimate Team , that is the understanding of the team and the individual players. . The chemistry of the team is the sum of the agreement of each individual player.

In order for a player to have an understanding, he needs to have another player with a characteristic in common, for example the league in which they play or their nationality. The higher the chemistry value the better that player will perform.

In FIFA Ultimate Team you can play even with little understanding but it is not recommended so when creating your team, pay attention to this value and always try to have it at the maximum. As you can see when you build the team graphically, lines of agreement are created between the players. The lines of understanding between two or more players can be of three types.

  • Red:when there is no common feature between them;
  • Yellow:when they are of the same nationality or of the same league;
  • Green:when they are from the same team or when they have both nationality and league in common.

If you are looking for the best Serie A formation in FIFA , here is the best 11 based on their current rating (which could undergo profound changes over time, in this regard I recommend that you keep an eye on the statistics in the game ).

Handanovic; Cuadrado, Koulibaly, Chiellini, Alex Sandro; Milinkovic Savic, Arthur; Dybala, Gomez, Mertens; Cristiano Ronaldo. The form is a 4-2-3-1 .

How to change modules in FIFA

If during a game you are in trouble and cannot unlock it, a very useful solution could be to change modules during the game in progress.

If, for example, you are losing and there are only a few minutes before the final whistle, changing the form will make your team more offensive ; Full-backs and midfielders will advance to help in the opposing area and increase your chances of scoring and getting the score back on your side.

On the contrary, if you are winning with a single goal difference and you absolutely do not want to lose the game, by changing the form with a more defensive one than the starting one, you will lower the line of your players towards your goal, in order to defend it with how many as many men as possible.

Obviously, the changes to the modules during the game have drawbacks which must be taken into account. By using a more offensive form, for example, you will leave your area more open, so you will be more vulnerable and, with a counterattack, the opposing team could give you the final KO.

If, on the other hand, you decide instead to change the form to save the result, it will be more difficult for you to score a few more goals; so if you want my advice, never do it too soon. If you really need to, try to do it in the final minutes and continue playing your game trying to score the goal that gives you confidence and allows you to secure the victory.

There are two ways to switch modules in FIFA while the game is in progress. The first is the simplest but not always effective: to use it, pause the game, press X (on PlayStation) or A (on Xbox) on your formation on the left of the screen and then press the R1 key (up PlayStation) or RB (on Xbox) to choose the new module.

As I told you a little while ago, the first method is not recommended, because when you are playing online on Ultimate Team you only have 30 seconds to make substitutions or module changes and, often, these are not enough.

To overcome this problem, a few years ago, FIFA has introduced a new option that allows you to make module changes during the game without pausing the game. For this, then I recommend that you use the second method.

The second method is to set up a game plan before the game. To do this, when you are on your lineup, press the L2 (on PlayStation) or LT (on Xbox) button and go to Custom Tactics , press L2 / LT again and choose a Game Plan . you can create and customize up to four game plans ( Ultra Defensive , Defensive , Offensive and Ultra Offensive ).

From there you can edit your form, the position of your players, tactics and individual player instructions. With the game in progress, simply press the right or left directional arrows on the pad and select the game plan you have preset.

How to change tactics in FIFA

Sometimes it is not enough to change the form to change the tide of the game. In fact, this must also be accompanied by the modification of tactics . To do this, FIFA offers some styles of defense and attack. You have to go to your starting lineup, press the L2 / LT button and go to Custom Tactics . The values ​​you can change are as follows.

Defense> Defense style

  • Balanced: Itis a balanced style, where your players press in the midfield and defend in a neutral way. It is the most adopted style of defense, as it does not tire your team and does not make them crush on defense.
  • Constant Pressing:This style is the greatest expression of pressing, if I can give you one advice, it is to not use it throughout the game, because your players will often find themselves out of position and will tire much sooner.
  • Pressing once the ball is lost:unlike the other types of pressing, this occurs when you lose the ball. In fact, your players, in the first 7 seconds since you lose possession, will try to recover it as soon as possible.
  • Pressing on the first control:this type of pressing only intervenes on the opponent’s first stop, or on a loose ball. I recommend you try it, as it allows your players to systematically shut down their opponents, forcing them to make mistakes!
  • Fall back:with this style, the team will not try to catch the ball in midfield but will give more possession to the opponents. The offensive players will therefore not be able to restart in the best way once they have regained the ball. You can use this style when you are ahead and want to keep the result.

In addition to the choice of style, FIFA offers two very important values ​​to decide at will:
I’m talking about the values ​​of breadth and depth .

The width value defines the position in which the team will be positioned on the field. If you increase this value, your defense will widen towards the flanks, instead with a low amplitude value you will have more exposed flanks. The best solution, in my opinion, is therefore to use an average amplitude between the values ​​(cleats) 4 and 6 .

The depth value , on the other hand, defines the height of the defensive line. A shallow depth will cause your team to suffer a lot of possession and allow space for long range shots. A deep depth, on the other hand, will be a risky choice, as you will be able to suffer through passes that will bring the opposing forwards alone in front of your goalkeeper.

Again, my advice is to choose an average value or to choose a deep depth only in extreme cases, for example in the last minutes, to try to take home the victory.

Attack> Attack Style

  • Balanced:This style is used to give balance to the whole team. The players will support the offensive maneuver, the attackers will insert at the right time without forcing it.
  • Quick Maneuver:This tactic makes you advance faster, but you have to accept the risk of having a dangerous restart from the opponent.
  • Ball possession:Players will be more likely to spin the ball rather than get in. This tactic improves your dribble but you will struggle to create dangerous situations.
  • Long ball:Attackers will take advantage of long balls and insert themselves between the lines. This tactic is useful for those who use fast players, able to outrun the opposing defenders.

As in the case of the defense style, even in attack the game allows you to change some very important values, which will change the behavior of your players on the pitch. Find them below.

  • Amplitude:by choosing low values, the team will be prepared for a game on central streets, instead a high value will lead the outsiders to widen on the flanks and therefore to take advantage of the crosses and the agility of the wings.
  • Players in Area:this value defines the number of players to have inside the area in case of a cross. Be careful to increase this value too much, because in case of loss of possession you will find yourself with few players to defend.
  • Corners:This function allows you to choose the number of players to bring into the box during a corner kick. Again, don’t choose too high a value, as you could suffer fatal counter-attacks and not have enough players to stop the opponent’s action.
  • Free Kicks :In the case of free kicks, you can choose the number of players to have inside the area. If you are good at shooting from a distance, then this option is not relevant, but if you usually throw the ball in the middle, the more players you will have in the area and, obviously, the greater the chance that the ball will reach your teammate.

I hope these tips can be useful to you. In case you need more information, I would also recommend my more generic tutorial on how to improve on FIFA : there too you will find many tips that could be useful in your challenges both locally and online.


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