“A Way Out”: How to set up one copy for two people?
As it turned out, the popular computer game “A Way Out” is subject to regional restrictions. Because of them, using one copy for two people, according to the intention of the developers and publishers, will not work. During the installation process, the game is automatically registered in this country, and when you want to transfer it to another person (for example, your friend), he will not be able to launch it. The error “Offer banned for your country” is displayed. However, in practice, it turned out that it is not difficult to get around this limitation, and below we will talk about this simple method.
Copy for 2 people – Easy bypass of regional restrictions:
- Log into your account on the official Electronic Arts website (ea.com);
- Change the country in your profile to any available one from the list that opens;
- Restart Origin and go to the page in the store, you must select the “Version for a friend” option;
- Did you fail to download on the first try? Absolutely no big deal, try again until the download is successful.
You just need to remember the following: a friend must first reset the invitation for you (go into the game, create a lobby and invite you). Accept the invitation and go to the store. Do not pay any attention to the pop-up window with an offer to purchase the game, just move on! The “Offer banned for your country” error won’t bother you anymore!