How to become a YouTube streamer?
Everyone knows Youtube, the first streaming video hosting website . Youtube combines social sharing features and is one of the most visited websites in the world. Streamers have also made their entrance, little recognized years ago, they are increasingly consulted today, especially video game steamers. Today’s article revolves around streamers. How to become a streamer? What are the requirements to become one? Or how to become a recognized streamer on youtube . So many questions that we will try to answer in all simplicity.
How to become a youtube streamer?
The trend is on streaming video games . If you want to make it your career, you’ve come to the right place. First of all what you need to know is that a streamer is above all a gamer or in other words a fan of video games. To be able to become one, you must:
- A good connection;
- The Open Broadcaster Software Obs software, free and free software;
- A fairly powerful laptop, otherwise it may be slow, a laptop under Windows 10 is ideal;
- Determine your desires, stream by passion or make it your job and why not both.
In the world of gaming, the raw material is to transmit live parts of video games that are played in front of viewers through media such as or We analyze two types of streamer, that is to say the confirmed streamer and worshipers of video games and the showmans in other words the live animators. To become a professional streamer, you need a great deal of skill in order to attract fans but still have artistic and technical notions.
For an excellent streamer wishing to last, an investment in equipment which can still be expensive is important. A rigorous organization but also an entertaining personality, here are the key words of a success in streaming.
How to play PlayStation 4 to your pc?
To allow remote playback, you will obviously need a PlayStation 4 but above all a very good internet connection. In addition, a very slow computer is to be banned! You must have at least a speed of 12 mbps. For remote reading works with a wifi connection, using an ethernet cable or ethernet card will undoubtedly bring a better experience. As mentioned above, a very slow pc risks ruining everything, it is important to have a well-defined pc, a good gaming pc must have the following properties:
- Windows 8.1 or 10, 32-bit or 64-bit;
- Intel Core i5-560M clocked at 2.4GHz or higher;
- 40MB of storage and 2GB of RAM;
- And a USB port.
The DualShok 4 controller, to be able to play directly on pc, you have to go through the Windows 10 settings . Remote Play should be enabled by default on your PS4, if not, go to Remote Play Connection Settings and enable Remote Play. For editing your videos on a gaming laptop, the iMac is undoubtedly one of the best, if not the best!
Stream with obs and youtube
To be able to stream on You tube , the best known and above all free software is without any surprise OBS. Open Broadcaster Software is streamer software, designed for video game players who stream their performance, the software helps in recording videos.
Stream on youtube
For a good streaming on You tube, you just need to: Prepare your installation; enable streaming and advertise it live on youtube; install a live streaming encoder; enable monetization options.
Stream on twitch
To stream on twitch you simply need to create an Xsplit account via your twitch profile. The twitch is a very powerful streaming service , the site is particularly specialized in the broadcasting of live video games.
If you want to make streaming your job, there are training courses that exist. Even though most streamers are self-taught. A streamer’s salary varies depending on the platform they are streaming on, for example on twitch the streamer can earn 50 percent or more and depending on the contract with twitch.
Whatever the platform, to succeed you need a fan-base and for that, distinguish yourself!