
How to make a swimming pool in Minecraft

You just started playing Minecraft, Mojang’s popular sandbox title, and finally, your home is taking shape. To make your friends notice you a little, you have therefore decided to build a swimming pool outside the house, in order to make it more pleasing to the eye and make it look “luxurious”. You have tried to search online for information on how to make such a construction, but you have not found specific details and in the end you have come here, on this tutorial of mine. That’s how it went, wasn’t it? So don’t worry: I assure you that you have come to the right place!

In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you in detail how to make a swimming pool in Minecraft: I will start from the necessary materials so that you can make this construction even in Survival mode, and I will go as far as “setting up” an automatic swimming pool. In this way, at the end of the tutorial, you will be able to show your friends a truly unique element of your home and, you can be sure, you will make a beautiful impression … on the other hand, a self-respecting villa cannot be complete without a pool!

Courage: what are you waiting for, motionless in front of the screen? Take five minutes of free time, read and put into practice the quick instructions that you can find below. The result is guaranteed! At this point, there is nothing left for me to do but wish you a good read and a big good luck for everything!


  • How to find the materials needed for the pool
  • How to build a pool in Minecraft
  • How to build an automatic pool in Minecraft

How to find the materials needed for the pool

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to make a swimming pool in Minecraft, I think it may interest you to know more about where to find the necessary materials within the Mojang title world.

Well, the materials you’ll need to build the pool are: polished andesite blocksfir platesred bannersfences firfences dark oakslabs of quartzpolished quartz blockspolished red sandstone slabssteps of polished andesiteladders and buckets of water.

If you like, however, you make an automatic pool, you need to add the following materials: Redstone dustRedstone repeatersObserver blockspistons sticky and a lever.

At first glance, these materials may seem difficult to find, but in reality, I can assure you that it is not that impossible to obtain them, even in the game’s Survival mode. On the other hand, in Minecraft, everything is possible with a little effort. In particular, I guarantee that these materials are available by playing for a few hours. In any case, if you really don’t want to use this amount of time, you can always play in Creative mode, where you already have all the materials available.

If you want to proceed in Survival mode, know that most of the materials needed to build the pool are obtained simply by playing Minecraft. Probably the most difficult elements to find in Mojang’s title are Redstone dust, which is obtained by extracting it from raw Redstone or by collecting it inside the trunks scattered around the game world, and the polished red sandstone slabs that, instead, are obtained combining 3 blocks of polished red sandstone.

My advice is to turn to a convenient external tool to understand how to obtain certain materials: I am referring to MineSearch.

To use MineSearch, just connect to its home page, write the name of the element you need in the search bar (top right) and select the most relevant result.

The combination of objects you will need to use to obtain the item you are looking for will appear on the screen. I can assure you that, using this tool, you will have no problem finding all the materials you need to build your pool (or your automatic pool).

How to build a pool in Minecraft

Once you have collected the necessary materials, I would say that you are ready to proceed with building your pool.

The first thing you need to do is find a space that has many free land blocks. My advice is to try and explore the world a bit: Minecraft is chock full of meadows just waiting to be “modified”.

Once you’ve found the right ground, dig a hole 10 blocks long and 15 blocks wide.

Then create a thick “frame” 2 blocks of smooth andesite.

Now, place 2 blocks of smoothed andesite on the right and 2 blocks on the left at the base of the pool.

Then deepen the pool by digging up to 3 blocks.

Then cover the floor and the side “walls” with blocks of polished quartz.

At this point, place 3 blocks of polished quartz at the base of the pool, in order to create a sort of “step”.

It’s time to add a deck chair. Choose the location you want, to the left of the pool, and dig 2 blocks at the outermost point of the pool and one block at the inner point.

After that, place a spruce slab in the first block outside the pool and place a red banner on it .

Next, cover the holes created with spruce slabs and repeat this procedure to create, for example, another deckchair.

If you want to make an umbrella, just place a spruce fence and combine it with a dark oak fence.

Then place a mix of quartz slabs and polished red sandstone slabs at the top of the umbrella, creating the type of umbrella you prefer.

At this point, go to the other side of the pool, place some smooth andesite steps and place some ladders on it.

To create a diving board, go to the top of the pool and use 4 spruce slabs.

Now, if you just need a normal pool, you just have to fill the pool completely using a bucket of water.

I remind you that you have to cover each side with water to be able to enjoy your pool in Minecraft!

How to build an automatic pool in Minecraft

How do you say? Would you like to transform the pool you just built into an automatic pool? No problem, I’ll tell you how to do it right away. If you have not yet followed the instructions in the chapter on how to build a pool in Minecraft, I recommend starting from there.

After that, you have to go inside the pool, without water, and make it 5 blocks deep.

At this point, go to the base of the pool (where there is the “step” created earlier) and place a line of Redstone dust.

Next, fill all remaining blocks with Redstone repeaters.

Then place Observer blocks on top of each Redstone repeater.

Next, place a sticky plunger on top of each Observer block.

Then place blocks of polished quartz on top of the various sticky pistons.

Now, go back to where you placed the Redstone, manually create some steps that will let you out and also get the Redstone dust outside, placing it on the steps.

Remember, afterward, to cover all the empty blocks with blocks of polished andesite and quartz.

Once this is done, go to the block where the Redstone dust comes in and place a lever. Perfect, now you just have to have fun with your automatic pool. Just press the lever to make the water disappear and make quartz blocks appear.

Mission accomplished! You have successfully created your auto pool in Minecraft!

In conclusion, since you are probably building your house in Minecraft, I would like to recommend you some tutorials that you might find useful.

First, if you don’t really like the construction described in this tutorial, you can find another example in my guide on how to make an automatic pool in Minecraft. For the rest, I invite you to take a look at my tutorials on how to make a kitchen in Minecraft, how to furnish a house in Minecraft, how to make a statue in Minecraft and how to take a shower in Minecraft.


Source: aranzulla by

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