
How to recover Clash of Clans accounts

Due to a problem with your smartphone or tablet, you had to reset or even replace it. Although you were able to restore most of the data, by reinstalling Clash of Clans you realized that you had to start all over again. Don’t worry, as your progress has most likely not been lost.

In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you how to recover Clash of Clans accounts , in order to restore all your progress and return to play from where you left off. I will show you the preliminary steps to make sure you can save your data online and, therefore, the procedure to recover the account on the new or reset device, via Google Play Android Games, iOS Game Center or SuperCell ID.

I bet you can’t wait to start reading the tips I wrote for you, right? What are you waiting for then? Let’s start immediately: sit comfortably and pay close attention to the procedures that I will show you in the next chapters. I just have to wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • Preliminary operations
  • Recover Clash of Clans account on Android
    • Download Clash of Clans
    • Log in to Google Play Games
    • Log in with SuperCell ID
  • Recover Clash of Clans accounts on iOS
    • Download Clash of Clans
    • Log in to Game Center
    • Log in with SuperCell ID
  • In case of problems

Preliminary operations

To be sure you can restore Clash of Clans data , in case you need to reinstall the app, it is important to create an account, so as to save all online progress.

To do this, on the main Clash of Clans screen , tap on the icon with a gear , located in the upper left corner, and press the Disconnected button , near the SuperCell ID wording . In the screen that you see, click on Register now , enter your email address and then enter the six-digit code you received via email. By doing so, you will have created the SuperCell ID which is  useful for restoring game progress.

In case, however, you can also create an account through the Google Play Games service on Android or Game Center on iOS. On Android smartphones and tablets , start Clash of Clans and tap on a gear icon at the top left. In the box that is shown to you, tap Disconnected , near the wording Access to Google Play , and select the Google account through which you want to associate the Clash of Clans data recovery. Once this is done, click on Allow and that’s it!

On iPhone and iPad , however, data saving occurs only if you have created a Game Center account , in the iOS Settings app: start the latter and select the Game Center item . Then check if the lever next to the Game Center item is set to ON and if there is a profile in the Game Center Profile section . If not, you will be presented with an account creation screen, which you can log into with the same Apple ID configured on the device or another Apple account.

Recover Clash of Clans account on Android

If you have a smartphone or tablet Android , you can recover your account using the Clash of Clans service Google Play Games or using the  SuperCell ID , based on the previously configured. In the next few lines, I will explain how to restore it without losing your progress on Clash of Clans.

Download Clash of Clans

If you have had to reset your Android device or replace it, the first thing to do is reinstall the Clash of Clans app . To do this, open the Play Store and type, in the search bar at the top, the terms ” clash of clans “. Among the results that are shown to you, tap on the one corresponding to the search, then click on the Install button and, finally, on Open . As an alternative to the procedure indicated above, you can simply tap on  this link from your smartphone or tablet, so as to directly open the Clash of Clans page on the Play Store.

If you have any problems downloading Clash of Clans , you can get the APK from APKMirror , via this link . Scroll the page that is shown to you, until you reach the All versions section . At this point, select the latest version available and then choose the one compatible with your Android device, among those in the Download section . Then press the Download APK button to download the file.

The APK file can be run on Android only and only if you have enabled the installation from unknown sources, ie from sources from the official store. From the Android 8.0 version and later , to perform this operation, access the settings, by tapping on the icon with a gear , located on the home screen. Then tap on the items Security and privacy > More > Install unknown apps . Select the app with which you will open the APK file (the browser or a file manager) and move the lever from OFF to ON , near the wording Allow app installation .

On previous versions of Android, however, access the device settings and select the Security item . Then press on the latter and then move the lever next to the wording Unknown sources from OFF to ON , then press OK to confirm.

Once this is done, all that remains is to open the previously downloaded APK file and press the Next , Install and Finish buttons . It was simple, wasn’t it?

Log in to Google Play Games

To restore your Clash of Clans account , you can use the Google Play Games service , if previously configured in the game. If, before resetting the Android device or uninstalling the app, you have configured the association of the game with Google Play Games, just log in with the same Google account.

If the Google account on the smartphone or tablet is the same as the one used to save the data, simply start Clash of Clans and press on the icon with a gear , which you find in the upper left corner, on the main game screen. In the box that is shown to you, tap on the Disconnected button , next to the entry Access to Google Play , and select the Google account on which you had stored your progress.

At this point, press the Allow button  and then the  Upload button , in the warning that is shown to you. By doing so, all your progress will be restored.

Is the Google account on the device not the same as the one that was used on Clash of Clans? No fear. What you need to do is add another Google account on the Android device, so as to be automatically configured on Google Play Games and then use it on Clash of Clans to recover your data.

To do this, go to the Android settings and tap on Users and accounts > Add account > Google . In the screen that is shown to you, log in to the Google account with the Gmail address and the password associated with it. Now, perform the same procedure that I indicated in the previous lines to connect Clash of Clans to Google Play Games.

Log in with SuperCell ID

If, on the other hand, you have synchronized your progress via the SuperCell ID , the operation to be carried out is much simpler and more immediate. What you need to do is make sure you remember the email address you used to create the SuperCell ID. If so, search your email messages for the one from SuperCell, so you can be sure the email address is the right one.

Once this is done, start the game and tap on the icon with a gear , which you find in the upper left corner. At this point, press the Disconnected button  next to the SuperCell ID wording . In screen pane, then press the button Login , enter the ‘ e-mail address of SuperCell ID and enter the six-digit code that was sent to you on e-mail. By doing so, you will be logged in with the SuperCell ID and you will be shown a message to reset all your progress.

Recover Clash of Clans accounts on iOS

If you play Clash of Clans on iPhone or iPad , you can reset your game progress via the iOS Game Center or SuperCell ID . In the next chapters I will explain how to do this in a few minutes.

Download Clash of Clans

The first thing to do to restore the Clash of Clans account is to install its app from the iOS App Store . To perform this operation, launches the Apple store on the device, via its icon with an A stylized .

At this point, press the Search icon , located in the bottom bar, and type the terms ” clash of clans “. From the search results, select the one corresponding to the terms you typed and press the button with a speech bubble . Then unlock the download and installation via Face ID, Touch ID or the password associated with iCloud.

Alternatively, you can tap on this link , to directly reach the Clash of Clans page on the App Store , via the Safari browser on your iPhone or iPad.

Log in to Game Center

When you start Clash of Clans on iOS and a Game Center account has been set up and activated , which I told you about in this chapter , the progress is saved automatically. The moment you reset your Apple device or reinstall the app, the Game Center login is done automatically and a message to reset your data will be shown to you within the game.

It may happen that, despite having logged into the Game Center on Clash of Clans, no progress is restored. In this case, the problem probably lies in the fact that the Game Center account used is not the same as the one used during the first association with the Clash of Clans app .

To solve this problem, if you remember the previous Apple ID, start the iOS Settings app and select the Game Center item . At this point, tap on the word Use a different Apple ID for Game Center , which you find at the bottom, and press the button You are not “account name @ “ . At this point, log into your new Apple account and that’s it! Re-opening Clash of Clans will log you into the correct Apple ID, restoring your game progress.

Log in with SuperCell ID

In case you have saved Clash of Clans progress through the SuperCell ID , the procedure to follow is the same as the one I explained to you in this chapter .

First, start Clash of Clans and tap on the icon with a gear , located in the upper left corner. Once this is done, press the Disconnected button , which you find near the SuperCell ID wording and, in the screen you see, press the Login button . Now, type in the ‘ e-mail address of SuperCell ID and enter the six-digit code received on email. You will then be shown a message to upload your village associated with the SuperCell ID, which you have just logged in to.

In case of problems

If you have any problems recovering the account associated with Clash of Clans, you have several alternatives that you can decide to follow.

If you have used Google Play Games on Android or Game Center on iOS and you don’t remember the password to access their respective accounts, you can try to reset it. In this case, you can go to the Google or Apple login page and perform the password reset procedure. Alternatively, you can read my guide on  how to recover Google account or the one on  how to recover Apple ID password .

If, despite the procedures described in this guide, you still encounter problems in restoring your game progress, you can contact technical support directly in the game, as described in the official FAQ .

To do this, tap on the icon with a gear , which you find in the main screen of Clash of Clans , at the top left. In the box that you see, tap on the Help and assistance button and press the cartoon icon (on Android) or the wording Contact us (on iOS), so as to get in touch via chat with technical support.

If your progress can be restored, you will be prompted for your full username and clan name of the lost village or player tag ; in addition, you will have to indicate the XP level and the exact level of the lost village hall, in addition to the dynamics that led you to find yourself in this situation of not being able to recover the data.


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