
What Makes A Wedding Special?

Growing up, one of my favorite memories is of hearing my mom cook. The click-clacking of the wooden spoon against the steel pan was a clear sign that my tastebuds were about to be satisfied.

She always said this one phrase that I never quite understood at that time.

‘A good recipe needs a bunch of good ingredients just like a successful marriage needs a bunch of adjustments.’

Fast forward to today, and I think I finally understand her wise words.

A marriage is a beautiful union between two souls. Two complete strangers come across each other and fall in love. Isn’t that crazy?

Well, something as monumental as that deserves to be celebrated. This is pretty much why we have weddings. To highlight the day two lives become one!

Weddings and Pictures

I don’t know about you, but I’m a big fan of photographs. What a truly incredible invention! A photo can literally freeze time and emotions.

Like I mentioned before, weddings are extremely special events and it is only right to record such a magical event.

I know what you’re thinking, you can take pictures on your phone. Do that, surely make all the boomerangs you want and pose for numerous selfies but if you ask me, hiring a photographer is essential.

The Important People The Day Of The Wedding

If you’ve been to a wedding you know there are 3 people that are extremely popular.

  1. The bride
  2. The groom
  3. The photographer

The bride and groom make up the couple of the hour so it’s kind of important for them to be popular. Now the photographer, that’s a completely different story.

The wedding photographer is no less than a celebrity on the day of the wedding. It’s a photographer’s job to capture the memories being made and to make them available for generations to see.

Wedding Photographer

Photography is an art form and not everyone can do justice to it. It’s much more than just clicking a button on the camera. You need to know about angles, photographic terms like exposure, contrast, shadows, and much more!

Besides being talented there are some other qualities that you should look for in a photographer, which include, and so mentioned below are some qualities that make a wedding photographer stand out.

  • Skillful – Your wedding is nothing short of a fairytale and you don’t want it falling into the hands of some incompetent photographer now do you? Do your research. There are a bunch of twin city wedding photographers, I’m sure you’ll find your pick!
  • Patience – Patience truly is an attribute that many may not possess. If your photographer can’t wait to get the perfect shot then he/she is just going to want to rush along each and every photo. You can’t capture emotions in a hurry, my friends!
  • Communication Skills – “I want a wide-angle picture.” The photographer takes a close-up shot. If your photographer can’t understand what it is you want in your pictures then what is the difference between having a photographer or asking a kid to take your pictures?
  • Hardworking – Your photographer should be one of the first people to reach the location. He/she should be punctual and should be ready to take on the event.
  • Kindness – It really doesn’t cost anything to be kind and if anyone lacks kindness, are they even being a decent human being?

Weddings can bring out a volcano of emotions. A dad has to say goodbye to his daughter, a mother to her best friend. The air at a wedding is just full of love with a touch of sorrow. A skilled photographer is someone that can capture all this just at the click of a button!

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