The 60 most common keyboard shortcuts for Outlook
Keyboard shortcuts for Outlook; It is known that in Microsoft Office Outlook there are hundreds of keyboard shortcuts for all kinds of functions, below I will share with you just a few of the most commonly used.
- Navigation
- Create item or file
- Contacts
- Tasks
- Search
- Format text
- All item functions
Go to mail CTRL + 1
Go to calendar CTRL + 2
Go to Contacts CTRL + 3
Go to Tasks CTRL + 4
Go to Notes CTRL + 5
Go to the list of folders in the navigation pane CTRL + 6
Go to the next message (with an open message) CTRL + PERIOD
Go to previous message (with message) CTRL + COMMA
Move to another folder CTRL + Y
Create item or file
Create Appointment CTRL + SHIFT + A
Create contact CTRL + SHIFT + C
Create mailing list CTRL + SHIFT + L
Create a folder CTRL + SHIFT + E
Create journal entry CTRL + SHIFT + J
Create meeting request CTRL + SHIFT + Q
Create message CTRL + SHIFT + M
Create note CTRL + SHIFT + N
Create task CTRL + SHIFT + K
Find contact or other object F3
Select all contacts CTRL + A
Show or hide the to-do list ALT + F2
Accept task request ALT + C
Dismiss the task request ALT + D
Find message or other object CTRL + E
Use advanced search CTRL + SHIFT + F
Format text
Show Font Dialog Box CTRL + SHIFT + P
Toggle case (with highlighted text) SHIFT + F3
Make Letters Bold CTRL + B
Add markers CTRL + SHIFT + L
Make Letters Italic CTRL + I
Underline CTRL + U
Increase font size CTRL +]
Decrease font size CTRL + [
Cut CTRL + X
Copy CTRL + C
Paste CTRL + V
Insert Hyperlink CTRL + K
All item functions
Save CTRL + S
Save and close ALT + S
Save as F12
Undo CTRL + Z
Delete item CTRL + D
Print CTRL + P
Check Spelling F7
Forward CTRL + F
Align text to the left CTRL + L
Centered text CTRL + E
Align text to the right CTRL + R
Go to inbox CTRL + SHIFT + I
Switch to outgoing CTRL + SHIFT + O
Send ALT + S
Reply to message CTRL + R
Reply all to message CTRL + SHIFT + R
Forward message CTRL + F
Mark message as junk CTRL + ALT + J
Check for new messages F9
Open the address book CTRL + SHIFT + B
Add quick flag to unopened INSERT message
Mark as unread CTRL + U