
What does the stylized cross on the trunk lid of a car mean?

Decoding tradition, the stylized cross trunk lid and its intriguing meaning

Have you ever seen the stylized cross on the trunk lid of a car and wondered about its significance? In this article you are going to discover the richest student’s symbolism behind this automotive design element. It ranges from its cultural roots to modern interpretations. There are diverse meanings that are associated with stylized cross. Go through this article to discover the stories behind specific features and understand its role in the fascinating world of automotive design.

Have you ever wondered what a stylized cross on the trunk of a car means, sometimes enclosed in a circle? Explaining.

Who marks his car with such a badge – sectarians or freemasons?

So what is this mysterious symbol? They say that this is a sign of some mysterious order, a closed club of interests, or, in general, a secret religion. And it is glued to the trunk lid so that the members of this organization for some reason recognize each other in the stream. However, if we turn to historical facts, then for the first time such a cross is found in the 5th century in Georgia – on the facade of the Bolnisi Sioni church.

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This symbol was called the Bolnisi cross and for many centuries it has been found in the decoration of the temples of Georgia. So the most obvious answer is that if a driver has placed such a cross on his car, then most likely it simply means that he is a believer from Georgia, remembers and honors his traditions. Perhaps in this way he wants to attract the attention of his compatriots.

It is clearly not worth avoiding such a car on the road or building conspiracy theories – the driver has nothing to do with mysterious sects and other dangerous organizations. The Bolnisi cross does not bear any malicious intent either. Some even claim that a car with such a badge was consecrated in a Georgian church.


What are the logos on cars called?

A hood ornament also called car mascot or motor mascot is a specially made model that symbolises a company like a badge. It is located on the front centre portion of the hood.

What is the car with the gold cross?

Chevrolet cross is silver and gold and it has been with the company for decades. This car is a stylized Swiss cross that is associated with speaking of the company’s name.

What does the Maybach logo mean?

Maybach, a part of Mercedes Benz uses a logo which is trickiest to understand. This logo is a double M stands for Maybach Motorenbau which is the car’s original manufacturer.

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