
Server errors in Call of Duty WW2 – server issues

If there are server errors in the “Call of Duty WW2” (server issues), a message about the problem with its code – “error code” appears on the screen. Most often these are 103295, 103294, 4128, etc. In the overwhelming majority of cases, all these problems arise due to problems with the Internet connection or with the game server. Such errors are typical for different gaming platforms, and they usually occur when trying to connect to play in multiplayer.
Be sure to check the status of the Activision server before proceeding to fix them. This can be done in two ways:

  • Go to developer’s official website

    … The status for all gaming platforms is indicated there – Windows, PlayStation, Xbox.

  • Or check Twitter Tech Support Activision

    … In it, developers post messages about problems.

Description and solution of the most common errors in “Call of Duty WW2” – server issues

  1. Error code 103295 . Activision described this as a connection error. Check the server status, most likely the reason is that it is undergoing technical work.
  2. Error code 103294 . Most likely, the reason is similar to the previous point. However, some gamers have found that updating the game to the latest version again helps sometimes.
  3. Error code 4128 . Some users of the official support forum suggest hard rebooting your console or computer (shutting down, unplugging, waiting and then restarting a few minutes after restarting).

In addition, for all of the above problems, Activision also recommends several standard solutions:

  • restarting the router;
  • switching the connection from wireless to wired;
  • checking the baud rate;
  • checking NAT.

We hope that the information provided in this note will help you to quickly eliminate the difficulties that have arisen!

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