
PS4 Error NP-37668-0

If you are “lucky” to be the owner of error NP-37668-0, then most likely your Internet connection is poor. The meaning of error NP-37668-0 is as follows – due to an unstable Internet connection or low data transfer rate, it was not possible to connect to the Share Play session.

To play comfortably with your friends, you need to have a high-speed Internet connection. In theory, the recommended network connection speed should exceed 2 Mb / s, but the best option is considered to be over 5 Mb / s. Find out the speed of your Internet, from your provider and, if necessary, order a change of tariff plan in advance.

To avoid getting error NP-37668-0 in the future, you need to increase your connection speed. To do this, follow all the recommendations below:

    • For the PS4 game console, a wired LAN connection to the network is ideal.
    • If you are a supporter of Wi-Fi connection, then try to place the router as close to the console as possible. We advise you to remove devices that interfere with the signal quality from the router and console.
  • It is also useful to disconnect all devices using the same connection, thereby improving the signal quality.
  • Internet connection can be checked by selecting [Settings] in the menu item and going to  [Network], click on  [Check Internet connection]. This will check the availability of the Internet and find out the approximate download and upload speed.

That’s probably all we wanted to tell you about the solution to error NP-37668-0.

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