
PS4 error CE-40852-9

It happens that unforeseen failures occur on PlayStation 4 servers, which are urgently addressed. But what if the error CE-40852-9, which means that an error has occurred on the server, does not work and is repeated over and over again. Below we will explain how to solve the error CE-40852-9. Follow the instructions carefully.

Step 1:  If error CE-40852-9 persists, then we recommend that you follow this for further communication with PlayStation 4 customer support.

Step 2:  Try to search for a  solution to the error CE-40852-9  among the articles on our website. To do this, use the site search (upper right corner). We also recommend visiting the PlayStation 4 technical support forum for this.

As you can see,  it is not possible to solve error CE-40852-9 on your own due to the fact that the problem is on the side of the PlayStation server and the user cannot influence it in any way.

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