PS4 error CE-32928-4

In this article, we will talk about the  CE-32928-4 bug, which is in some way similar to the  CE-32920-6 bug, which we wrote about earlier. Error CE-32928-4 is interpreted differently everywhere, but in general, the essence is the same – download cancellation, since there were previous attempts to download content, but an error occurred. In other words, an error is caused by an error. Something like this! To  solve the CE-32928-4 error,  follow the instructions below:

Step 1:  Go to  [Notifications]  ( [the Notifications] ) and select  [Download] ( [Downloads] ), to verify the contents of the list. Delete all content and re-download the content from the library.

Step 2:  If the content fails to re-download, back up the data to a USB drive or PS4 online storage, then boot the PS4 system in Safe Mode and select  [Rebuild Database]. When the database recovery is complete, return all data and re-download the content from the library.

Step 3:  If  error CE-32928-4 persists  again, try initializing your PS4 system:

[Settings]  >  [Initialize]  >  [Initialize PS4]

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