
Programs to convert PDF to Excel

For business needs you need to convert a PDF file into Excel format in order to use the data contained within it. If this is indeed the case, know that this is a very common need; very often it also happened to me that I had to extrapolate some data organized in a table contained in a file which, however, was shared with me in the most classic PDF format. How to solve this difficult problem related to technology and daily computer use? I will explain it to you in this tutorial of mine, but know that it is much simpler than expected.

To convert a PDF file to Excel it is in fact possible to install software on PC and Mac capable of carrying out this conversion. Unfortunately, however, you must know that since this is a very widespread need at a business level, the software in question (and which I will tell you about in this guide of mine), are not completely free. Or rather, they can be used for free, but only in a limited way, thanks to the presence of a trial version.

Fortunately, however, there is an alternative and also completely free solution that will allow you to convert a PDF file to Excel, whenever you need it. In fact, I am referring to the use of online tools that, without spending a cent and in an extremely rapid way, will allow you to carry out the purpose you have set for yourself. After these premises, are you eager to find out more? Okay, so let’s start going into more detail about this tutorial of mine. I wish you a good reading and a good job.

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC

One of the most popular PDF conversion programs is Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, available for a fee for Windows and macOS computers. However, it is possible to download the 7-day trial version of this program, so that you can evaluate its main features.

This program is known for its formidable PDF document management capabilities. In fact, it is possible to create PDFs starting from one of the many formats for compatible documents, modify them in every aspect and also provide for their conversion into other formats. I really want to talk about this last feature that will allow you to convert a PDF file into Excel format, through simple steps.

First of all, go to the official website of the Adobe manufacturer, via this link . Then click on the Go button , which will allow you to enter the download section of the trial version. On the next screen, you will need to enter your Adobe ID credentials . If you don’t have an Adobe account, click Create an Adobe ID . Once logged in, you will be redirected to a new page, through which the automatic download of the file acrobatproDC_XXX.exe (Windows) or acrobatproDC_XXX.dmg (macOS) will start. Once you have downloaded the execution file, click on it to proceed with the installation.

At the end of the installation, you will notice that a new icon has appeared on your desktop (Windows) or in your Launchpad (macOS). Then launch Adobe Acrobat Pro DC via the Launch Acrobat button in the installer window or via its icon. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC will ask you to log in with your Adobe ID , then click the Login Now button and enter your credentials. A screen will then appear with the count of the remaining trial days; then press Start trial version to start using the program.

From the top menu bar, click File> Open and select the PDF file you want to open (alternatively double-click the PDF file to open it directly with Adobe Acrobat Pro DC). The content of your PDF will be visible on the main program screen.

To proceed with the conversion, proceed as follows: click on File , located in the horizontal bar at the top left, select the item Export to> Spreadsheet . Now choose which format to use: Microsoft Excel Workbook will convert the file to XLSX format or XML Spreadsheet 2003 to convert it to an XML file . Whatever your choice, you can then open the file via Microsoft Excel or other similar programs (LibreOffice, OpenOffice, etc.).

Able2Extract Professional

Another equally effective solution, compared to the previous one I mentioned to you, is Able2Extract Professional. It is also a paid software, but available for free in a trial version lasting 7 days, which allows the conversion of only 3 pages. You can download it from its official website for both Windows, macOS or Linux.

To use the conversion functionality of Able2Extract Professional, download the installation file from the link I provided, choosing the version of the operating system you prefer, by clicking on one of the green buttons Windows Download , macOS Download or Linux Download.

Once the program is installed on the operating system you are using, open Able2Extract Professional via its icon. At startup, a screen will appear with the remaining days count: then click on Continue trial to start using it. Now click on the button with the folder symbol at the top left to open the file browser and select your PDF.

In the central screen of the program you will see the content of your PDF, through which you will have to select the elements you want to be exported in Excel format. You can decide whether to select them one by one, select them all using the All button at the top or select text areas using the Area button at the top .

Once this has been done, you will now simply have to press one of the conversion buttons at the top; in your specific case, click on the Excel button and then on Convert . Choose where to save your new file and then click Complete Conversion . Able2Extract Professional will automatically save your PDF in XLSX format to be opened with Microsoft Office or other similar programs.

If you encounter an error when exporting to Excel, it’s probably because Able2Extract Professional doesn’t detect Microsoft Excel installed on your computer. If you have for example OpenOffice or LibreOffice, you can decide to convert the file to ODT. To change the export format click on View in the top bar and then on Conversion Options . Select the Excel / CSV tab and check the OpenOffice Calc box next to the Excel Format item .

PDF to Excel by Flyingbee

If the applications I have proposed above are not economically within your reach, I recommend that you download the PDF to Excel by Flyingbee app for your macOS. This application is paid, but there is also a free version that contains advertising and allows the conversion up to a maximum of 2 pages at a time. You can proceed to download the free version through the Mac App Store . Are you interested in this application and can’t wait to download it? Continue reading this guide, I will explain how to use it.

First, you will need to install the app via the link I gave you. Once installed and started, a welcome screen will appear that will advise you to upgrade to the paid version; then close the window by clicking on the Continue button .

PDF to Excel consists of three sections: the one on the left allows you to see the files you have selected for conversion, the one on the right is the conversion settings screen, the one at the bottom is made up of utility buttons for adding and start exporting the files in Excel format.

Then add your PDF file by clicking on the Add Files button below. As you can see it has been inserted in the left section, of which you can see a preview from the Preview box on the right. Now select the final export format, to be chosen between Microsoft Excel (XLSX) or Comma-Separated Values ​​(CSV) , via the drop-down menu. Select if you want to export all pages ( All Pages ) or some specific ones (I remind you that the trial version allows the extraction of only 2 pages) and the destination folder using the Browse button .

Now everything is ready to convert your PDF to Excel format. The last thing you have to do is then press the green Convert button .

Programs to convert PDF to Excel online

Are you looking for a free tool to convert your PDFs to Excel format and which may not require any installation on your computer? I can then help you. There are so many tools available that allow you to do this without having to pay a license. What you will have to do is open with your browser one of the many links to the services that I will propose below:

  • I Love PDF- is one of the most popular online tools for converting PDF files. It supports uploading PDF files from both your computer, Dropbox or Google Drive. Click the Select PDF file button to select your PDF file for upload. Once uploaded, click on the Convert to Excel button at the bottom and finally on Download Excel .
  • Online 2 PDF- unlike the previous one, it supports the multiple selection of multiple PDF files, to make a maximum conversion of several files at a time. To convert, click Select files . Select the conversion mode and format and finally decide whether or not to activate the character recognition ( OCR ) mode. Then click the red Convert button to start the conversion and automatic download of your new file.
  • PDF to Excel Online- if you want an equally good online PDF to Excel conversion tool, then I recommend this online service developed by Nitro. Simply click the Select a File button to browse your computer folders and select your PDF file. Enter the email address where you want your copy to be sent in Excel format and finally click the Convert Now button . An email will arrive on your e-mail address, in which you will have to click on the orange Download the document button to download the file in Excel format of your project.


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