
Mobile Network not available – what does it mean and what to do?

Why does the phone say that the mobile network not available? What to do in such a situation and how to restore normal communication?

If the message “mobile network not available” suddenly appears on your smartphone, you will not be able to make a call. The reasons for the loss of communication may be different, and the culprit of the problem may be both the cellular operator and the owner of the phone himself. To find out why the phone is having communication problems and cannot find a mobile network, you need to check several factors.

Causes of Mobile Network not Available

SIM card problem

Problems with mobile network discovery can happen if the user’s SIM card:

  • Inserted incorrectly.
  • Damaged or dirty.
  • contacted with water.
  • Needs to be replaced due to too long use.
  • Located in a damaged SIM card slot.

Checking the status of the SIM card is simple – just insert it into any other device and check if the network has appeared. If it appears, then the problem is not with the SIM, but with something else.

Negative balance

A simple reason that can be easily forgotten. Sudden debiting of the balance of the phone can cause the loss of the mobile network. To exclude this factor from the list of possible ones, it is necessary to check the balance and, if necessary, replenish it.

Problem on the operator’s side

Temporary operator disruptions or increased network load may result in loss of signal. There are two ways to check whether the mobile operator is to blame for the fact that the mobile network not available:

  1. Call the operator from another SIM card or another device.
  2. Find out from other subscribers who use the services of the same mobile operator if they are experiencing problems with the network.

If the operator does not report a malfunction, the cause should be looked for further.

No coverage

In some places, the mobile network not available due to the fact that this area is not included in the coverage area. For example, in forests, mountains, or other areas remote from base stations, there may be a lack of communication. In addition, the mobile network may not be available in basements and basements, in elevators , in parking lots, or in certain densely populated areas with high-rise buildings.

Phone damage

The phone may display a message that Mobile network not available due to mechanical damage. If the phone has been dropped or wet, it may not recognize the SIM card. Only specialists can fix such problems, since for this you will need to disassemble the smartphone and check the operation of its individual parts.

Software failure in the mobile device

If the phone software has not been updated or has not been updated successfully, the result may be a lack of mobile coverage. The mobile device must be updated from an official source or reflashed at a service center. In addition, it is recommended to check your smartphone for viruses and other suspicious programs using an antivirus.

How to fix if mobile network not available? General Tips

If the reason that mobile network not available, general advice can help. You can fix communication problems in the following ways:

  1. Restart smartphone. The mobile network may not be available after a software update if it does not complete with a reboot.
  2. Turn Airplane Mode on and off. You can also manually turn off all wireless connections on your phone.
  3. Remove “automatic network search” in the settings of the active SIM card. You need to select the item “4G / 3G / 2G (auto)” or “3G / 2G (auto)”.
  4. Manually select your mobile operator from the list in the settings of the active SIM card.


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