
Is your Xbox One headset not working / buggy? The solution has been found!

Many Xbox One players have issues with their devices. The microphone used on its controller sometimes fails. This happens when the Headset is used to communicate with your friends. The headset microphone does not record your voice – you can hear what your friends are saying, but they cannot hear you. Don’t worry, we’ve put together a few tips to fix this error.

Perform basic checks on your controller and headset

  • Check if the headset is properly connected to the controller and the controller to the console.
  • Make sure the headset is not disconnected. Check the mute button on the headset commander and the X-box One audio settings. Sometimes you need to adjust the sound settings in order to increase the microphone volume (makes the voice clearer and louder).
  • Examine the devices, cables carefully, see if there is something wrong on the outside. Also, test another headset console to find out where the problem is.

Check your Xbox profile settings

The microphone on the X-box is disabled because the profile settings restrict voice communication. Check your profile settings, see if the microphone is controlled on your account.

  •  Press the Xbox button .
  •  Choose Settings> All Settings.
  • Choose Account> Online Privacy & Safety.
  • Show details and customize.
  • Select “ Chat ” with voice text and then who you want to talk to.

Restart your Xbox One console completely

The not working problem comes from the console. This failure is resolved by a hard reboot of the device.

  • Press the Xbox button on the front.
  • Unplug the power cord, then leave it on for 10 seconds.
  • Connect the cable, then press the power button.
  • Test Headset.

Repair or replacement

If you find problems with the hardware and the above methods did not help, then it is recommended to restore the replacement devices.

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