
Instagram Live Rooms: what they are and how they work

Instagram is your favorite social network but, despite you make daily use of it, you are aware of the fact that you cannot keep up with the frequent introduction of improvements, as well as new features. In this regard, after hearing about the possibility of making live streaming with other people, you would like to know more about the subject, so that you can take advantage of this function.

No problem! If that’s the case and you can’t wait to deepen the topic, know that you are in the right place: in the next chapters, I will tell you in detail about the Instagram Live Rooms intended for group lives, explaining in depth what they are. and how they work. In addition, I will explain, step by step, how to create these virtual rooms, so that you can take advantage of the live streams shared with other users.

If this is the kind of information you wanted to know, I invite you to make yourself comfortable and just take a few minutes of free time to read and put into practice the information I am about to give you. You will see that, by doing so, you will get all the information you need to be able to use Instagram Live Rooms without problems. Enjoy your reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to do live shared on Instagram
  • How to manage live broadcasts on Instagram

Preliminary information

Before you talk to you about how to use the Live Rooms of Instagram, I wish to provide some preliminary information on what they are and how they work.

The Live Rooms are simply an additional tool to achieve direct on Instagram by creating virtual rooms. Following the introduction of this feature (also called Rooms ), it is possible to invite a maximum of three users to their lives on Instagram (choosing them from those who are in the list of their followers), in order to start live streaming in collaboration with other people.

Live broadcasts are a tool that can only be used through the Instagram app for Android (also available on alternative stores ) and iOS . At the moment, in fact, it is not possible to broadcast a live streaming on Instagram from a computer, neither by connecting to its official website nor using its official application for Windows 10. However, acting as a PC, it is possible to see the live streams made by users.

How to do live shared on Instagram

Having made the necessary premises above, let’s see together how to do live shared via the Instagram app for Android and iOS.

First, then, launch the app in question and log into your account if necessary. Then, on the main screen, swipe to the left, in order to open the screen dedicated to the Instagram camera.

Once this is done, click on the Live item located at the bottom, in order to use the integrated tool dedicated to creating a live stream. At this point, press the menu icon located in the left corner of the screen, type the title of the live broadcast you want to make and press the Add title button to add it.

When you are ready to start the live, press the round button located in the center and wait for the connection to be verified, so that the live streaming starts. At this point, if you want to invite other people and therefore want to take advantage of the function dedicated to the creation of Rooms, press the button with the camera symbol. Then, in the menu that is shown to you, type the names of the people to invite, to search your followers for the people to invite.

After placing the check mark on the names of the people to invite (maximum 3), press the Invite button to send them an invitation to participate in your live stream.

If the users in question accept, they will be added to your live stream: consequently, the screen will be divided into several parts, to make room for all participants. Furthermore, all the followers of those who broadcast the live stream will be informed of the event and will be able to follow it.

How to manage live broadcasts on Instagram

Once the live streaming has started, you can take advantage of the tools made available by Instagram for interacting with users: through the text field add a comment, for example, you can reply in writing to users who are following the live stream, while pressing the question mark icon you can see the questions asked by your viewers.

Using the arrows icon, on the other hand, you can switch at any time from the front to the rear camera, while pressing the smiley icon you can add filters and effects to the Instagram camera. Finally, by pressing on the media gallery icon, you can share an image present in your device’s Gallery with your viewers.

If, on the other hand, you want to share the live stream with other users, you can send it in the private chat by pressing on the airplane icon, in order to select the names of the users to whom you want to share it privately.

At any time, to stop the live broadcast, first on the X icon located in the upper right corner. Then, in the menu that is shown to you, click on the Stop now button, to end the live stream. Once this is done, choose whether to publish the video on Instagram ( Share on IGTV ), whether to save the video in the memory of your device ( Download the video ) or whether to delete it ( Delete the video ). Easy, right?


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