How to zoom in on objects in The Sims

You’ve just started playing one of the chapters of The Sims , Will Wright’s popular simulation video game series distributed by Electronic Arts, and you’re decorating your home. However, you have noticed that that object you care about so much does not fit inside the house and you would like to enlarge it. You then tried to understand how to do this through a Google search and ended up on this tutorial of mine. That’s how it went, wasn’t it? Then don’t worry: if you want, I can help you reach your goal.

In today’s tutorial, in fact, I will explain in detail how to enlarge objects on The Sims . Obviously, I’m going to examine the most popular chapters of the series, namely The Sims 4 and The Sims 2. In this way, you will be able to do this on all the titles at your disposal. Clearly the procedure changes depending on the title involved, but I can assure you that in any case. it’s all very simple.

Courage: what are you still doing there, motionless in front of the PC screen? take five minutes of free time, read the quick instructions below and put them into practice. I assure you, you’ll be able to resize all your items in The Sims in no time! Having said that, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and, above all, have fun!


  • How to zoom in and out on The Sims 4
  • How to zoom in on objects in The Sims 2

How to zoom in and out on The Sims 4

Are you using The Sims 4 , the most recent version of the famous EA title, and would like to know how to make objects smaller in the latter? Don’t worry, whether you’re playing on a PC or a console, getting it right is a breeze.

The first thing you need to do, if you want to find out how to make objects larger in The Sims , is to know the way to activate Build Mode.

Then press on the hammer and wrench icon at the top right (or press, for example, the F2 key on a PC) and you will see the Build mode boxes appear on the screen .

At this point, select the object you want to enlarge by pressing on it, and use the appropriate keys to enlarge or reduce it. For example, on a computer you just need to press the left Shift + ^ keys to increase the size of an object or you can use the Left Shift (shift) +? , to decrease the selected element in size.

On consoles, usually, just press the two triggers at the same time (eg L2 and R2 on PlayStation 4) and use the arrow keys, Down and Up , to manage the size of the object.

I remind you, however, that The Sims 4 is a continuously updated title and therefore the key combinations may vary. In any case, once you start Build mode , you shouldn’t have any particular problems zooming in and out of objects by following these guidelines.

How to zoom in on objects in The Sims 2

The Sims 2 , historical but still beloved version of The Sims, unfortunately does not provide a default option to zoom in or out on the objects in its world. However, there is a method found by the community to achieve this: manually modify 3D models or use models created by other users.

My advice is therefore to leave it alone and use only the objects present in the game, since you may go to have to get your hands on the game files to scale the elements.

And if you really care about this possibility and want to proceed anyway, I can recommend some resources and give you various indications that could be useful to achieve your goal.

First of all, be aware that modders usually use the SimPE program to extract 3D models from .package files and to create them and the Blender software to scale the files.

Once you have obtained the programs in question, what you have to do is to obtain an object, open the .package file with SimPE , select the Geometric Data Container item from the list on the left and click on Plugin View  at the bottom.

At this point, press the Export button and save the file wherever you want. After that, import the resulting file into Blender and scale it. To do this, click on the Scale icon on the left, select the object to scale and increase its size.

Once this is done, you will need to export the file, open it again with SimPE and save the new .package package  .

As you can see, this is a particularly complicated procedure. In addition, the various 3D models can often have display problems and therefore you should also learn how to manage their parts.

In short, a particularly expert user is needed to obtain appreciable results. If you really want to insert modified objects into The Sims 2, my advice is to get them already made by other users.

To do this, connected to the TheSimsResource website , select one of the many models available and press the Download button .

A file will be downloaded, usually in .package format , ready to use. At this point, you need to insert the latter in the Downloads folder (to be created in the Documents> EA Games> The Sims 2 path , on PC, or , on Mac).~ / library / Containers / com.aspyr.sims2.appstore / Data / Library / Application Support / Aspyr / The Sims 2 / SavedSims /

Now you just have to start The Sims 2 , check the box Activate the custom material and press the OK item . Then, click on the chair icon at the bottom left and you will find the object in the category to which it belongs.

Perfect: now, through this procedure, you can insert in the game as many modified objects as you want, including scaled ones.

I have performed this procedure for indicative purposes only, but, as mentioned above, I understand that it might not make much sense to edit / download 3D models only to zoom in and out of objects, unless you are an expert on The Sims.

However, the information I have provided may help you get started with modding The Sims 2 and give you a brief overview of how the items in the game were created. Useful, don’t you think?


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