
How to unlock LeBron James Space Jam 2 on Fortnite

LeBron James certainly needs no introduction, not even for those who do not follow basketball much: he is referring to the one who is considered one of the best basketball players of all time. Between NBA titles and MVP awards, James certainly represents a global icon.

The winning mentality has taken him to the top in the world of basketball, but the basketball player is also exploring other important worlds, such as cinema and video games. Speaking of the latter, I guess you already know everything as you are reading this guide on how to unlock LeBron James (Space Jam 2) on Fortnite.

Well yes, the well-known basketball player has landed within the title of Epic Games and I, in this tutorial, I am going to provide you with all the necessary information regarding the arrival of the skin of the athlete in question on Fortnite, so that you can play him in your Battle Royale games. Having said that, below you can find the quick directions that will lead you directly to your goal: for me there is nothing left to do, but wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to unlock LeBron James Space Jam 2 on Fortnite
    • How to unlock LeBron James on Fortnite
    • How to unlock LeBron James (Tune Squad) in Fortnite
  • How to use the LeBron James skin on Fortnite

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to unlock LeBron James (Space Jam 2) on Fortnite, I think it may interest you to know more about the general situation.

Well, the arrival of LeBron James “echoes” in some ways the previous introduction of Neymar Jr in the game. Put simply, following the arrival of a football star, Fortnite has been enriched with the skin of one of the leading figures in the world of basketball.

In any case, LeBron’s “costume” arrived in the context of Season 7 of Chapter 2 of the Epic Games title, which is the same as Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty and Loki. In short, following two fictional characters, this time the focus is on a champion in flesh and blood. Among other things, I remember that the aforementioned Neymar Jr arrived during Season 6 of Chapter 2, so the developers seem to have “taken a liking”.

For the rest, the arrival of the LeBron James skin on Fortnite is also interesting for another reason. In fact, in the meantime, the basketball player is dealing with another important “virtual world” in this phase of his career: that of cinema. In particular, LeBron is at the center of the film Space Jam 2 (also known as “Space Jam: New Legends” or “Space Jam: A New Legacy”), due out in 2021.

This is the sequel to the iconic 1996 Space Jam, which has become a cult for fans. In fact, the use of a mixed technique, which combines real actors with animation characters, has given life to a very interesting result. Between NBA stars and Looney Tunes, Joe Pytka’s Michael Jordan film has remained in the hearts of many.

In 2021, therefore, it was LeBron James’ turn to “collect the legacy”. The collaboration between Fortnite and the well-known basketball player comes in this context and in fact there are various LeBron skins that can be obtained within the title of Epic Games, including the “costume” linked to the Tune Squad of Space Jam 2.

Put simply, LeBron James’ landing on Fortnite is well contextualized: the basketball player is dealing with fictional characters in Malcolm D. Lee’s 2021 film, so it’s not so strange to see him in a title from the ” cartoon graphics ”like that of Epic Games.

In any case, before starting with the indications to obtain all the skins of the case, I remind you that this type of initiative, linked to “costumes” of well-known characters, is destined to last for a limited time, as there the “exclusivity” factor.

In this context, therefore, the developers could remove the possibility of getting LeBron James on Fortnite at any moment. Just to give you an indicative date, the end of Season 7 of Chapter 2 is set for September 12, 2021, but in this case the “deadline” could come even earlier.

In short, make sure you follow this tutorial in the correct time frame, which is the one in which the initiative linked to LeBron James is active.

How to unlock LeBron James Space Jam 2 on Fortnite

After showing you the general situation, I would say that it is time to take action, explaining how to actually get LeBron James within Fortnite. Below you can find information on the various skins available related to the basketball player.

How to unlock LeBron James on Fortnite

The main skin of LeBron James is particularly “elegant” and customizable: I’ll explain immediately how to get it.

To get the “costume” you need to go to the Fortnite Store. So just go to this section, starting from the main screen of the Battle Royale mode of the game, scroll through the available options and select the box dedicated to LeBron James.

The skin “alone” (in reality the decorative back of the King’s Back and the tasks that will allow you to customize the “gold”, as Epic Games calls it are also included ) costs 2,000 V-Buck: it is therefore necessary to have a certain “Loot” as regards the internal currency of the game. I remind you that V-Bucks can be obtained both as a free Battle Pass reward (via the star system) and through micro-transactions.

In any case, to provide you with useful information about prices, generally the packages that users consider to buy these skins are those of 2,800 V-Buck and 1,000 V-Buck. The first usually costs € 19.99, while the second is sold for € 7.99. If, on the other hand, you want to go further, 5,000 V-Bucks generally cost € 31.99, while 13,500 V-Bucks cost € 79.99. In short, now you have an idea about how much you should spend to get the LeBron James skin via micro-transactions.

For the rest, you will surely have noticed that the King James Equipment bundle is also present in the Shop. The latter includes the Il Leone pickaxe, the Wingspan hang glider, The Silencer emote and some assignments and is offered at 1,800 V-Buck.

Although for some it may be, at least at first glance, a “not very useful” content, in reality this last bundle allows you to obtain a further degree of customization as regards the skin of LeBron James on Fortnite.

In fact, it is possible to change the appearance of the costumedecorative backpickaxe and hang glider using a special cursor relative to the golden variants. Put simply, for example, it is possible to switch from a black wingspan hang glider to more “golden” wings (after completing the tasks I mentioned above). By the way, you need to know that skin-tied sunglasses are optional.

In short, Epic Games has decided to provide a certain degree of customization with regard to the “costume” of LeBron James on Fortnite. So you might be interested in getting a little bit of everything related to the NBA star within the game.

Speaking of the aforementioned micro-transactions, in case you intend to go through the latter to obtain the aesthetic elements mentioned above, I remind you that the payment system changes depending on the platform from which you usually play Fortnite. In any case, once you’ve set up a valid payment method, it’s nothing complicated.

In this regard, it may interest you to consult my tutorials on how to pay on PlayStation Store and on how to get V-Buck on Fortnite. In fact, the latter contain information that could help you complete the transaction quickly.

How to unlock LeBron James (Tune Squad) in Fortnite

How do you say? Have you heard that a skin dedicated to LeBron James related to Space Jam 2 has also arrived on Fortnite? They didn’t lie to you: I’ll explain immediately what you can do from this point of view!

In this context, you should know that the LeBron Tune Squad costume can also be obtained from the Fortnite Store. The latter is clearly linked to the 2021 film and certainly also has a certain “nostalgia factor” for lovers of the iconic first Space Jam of 1996.

In fact, although the design is different, the word Tune Squad was also present in the historic tank of the NBA legend Michael Jordan, worn in the historic film with Bugs Bunny. In short, although several years have now passed, the Tune Squad is back with a new protagonist.

In any case, this skin can be purchased in the Shop for 1,500 V-Bucks, in the same way as the “base” costume. By obtaining the costume, you will also have a decorative back called the Supreme Backpack. For the rest, by selecting the skin box and pressing the PREVIEW STYLES button, you will surely have noticed that there is also a variant called Tuesday taco, which includes a special pair of Nike LeBron 19. In short, this “package” may also interest you.

Put simply, several aesthetic elements related to the well-known basketball player have arrived on Fortnite. For this reason, you may want to go for the King James bundle, which includes all the costumes and decorative backs, as well as the loading screen Nobility in the field in addition. In this case, the cost is 2,500 V-Buck. However, the prices in V-Buck may change, as Epic Games is used to making changes in this regard. For this reason, for example, the King James Bundle could cost up to 3,500 V-Buck, while the King James Equipment bundle could go as high as 2,600 V-Buck.

How to use the LeBron James skin on Fortnite

If you have obtained the LeBron James skin in Fornite but you are not sure how to use it in the game, this chapter is for you.

You must know that, to use the costume of the well-known basketball player in a classic Battle Royale match (or in other modes), you just need to reach the main screen of the game, move to the CABINET tab, select the skin icon (i.e. the first one at the top left), choose LeBron James and press the SAVE AND EXIT button. This way, you will be able to play the basketball player in Fortnite.

As regards, however, the choice between the various skins, I remind you that you can press the CHANGE STYLE button to explore the various solutions available (among these menus you will also find any indications on activities to be carried out to unlock additional aesthetic elements). Perfect, now you know a little everything there is to know about the possibility of obtaining the costume of the well-known basketball player within the title of Epic Games.

Wishing you have fun again, I would also advise you to consult the page of my site dedicated to Fortnite. In fact, in the latter there are many other tutorials related to this video game, which may come in handy.


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